How to level the nail plate with a base. The best tools, instructions

Technique for leveling nails with a base

  • We choose only a thick product. The thicker it is, the better it will lie and level our nail plate;
  • To apply the base, scoop the product with a brush and place it on the plate closer to the cuticle, distribute it carefully;
  • We begin the movement from the very growth of the nail, without touching the cuticle;
  • After this, use the corner of the brush to carefully straighten the shape along the nail plate;
  • Finish with thorough drying;
  • The highlight of the aligned nail should be perfectly smooth and not refract in the light.

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Layers of the natural nail plate

You need to understand which nails can be done with any type of manicure, which of them will take a little longer to work on, and with some you can’t do anything at all. It depends on the condition of the natural nails.

Dorsal - a layer that affects the adhesion between the polymer artificial material and the nail plate. Everything works out due to its presence.

If you degrease poorly, then poorly raise the scales of the dorsal layer, leaving shiny smooth areas, then most likely there will be no adhesion in places. The dorsal layer guarantees good adhesion of the material to the nail plate.

The presence of material detachments may be due to the following reasons:

  • Improper preparation - poorly sanded surface with shiny areas;
  • The nail plate can be very mobile, and the material chosen is too hard, so there is no shock-absorbing membrane between the nail and the hard material.

Intermediate or soft keratin . Nails with such a top layer will already have poor adhesion; nail strengthening is a must. If you have such nails in front of you, then do the following:

  • Shorten the length;
  • We use a primer;
  • Strengthen your nails by straightening them.

Ventral . For marigolds with a ventral top layer, any type of manicure is in principle contraindicated. There is no coupling, it cannot be covered, a recovery period is required.

Learn more about the structure of nails, which affects their growth and healthy appearance.

Technique for straightening nails with biogel:

  • We take a round lamp, only from it can there be a perfect highlight on the nails;
  • Biogel is produced by many manufacturers; we choose the one who produces biogel for normal and problem nails that are thin, brittle and flaking;
  • We select a soft brush with a rounded end, individually sized for nails;
  • Apply a thin layer of basic bio gel to buffed and degreased nails, under the cuticle and file the end, dry for 30 seconds in an LED lamp and 2 minutes in a regular lamp;
  • Apply a second leveling layer to the dried primer layer, then it is distributed evenly and smoothly;
  • Place it in the middle of the nail, move it towards the cuticle and without pressure, under natural tension, stretch it along the plate;
  • We turn the nail down so that the biogel is smoothly distributed over the surface of the nail and does not flow down to the sides, seal the end of the nail, and dry it with the nail down, at least half the time, the rest of the time as usual.

Application of colored biogel

  • If you want to apply a colored one over a transparent biogel, then so be it;
  • We remove the sticky layer, apply colored biogel, calmly go under the cuticle, it’s not difficult, because the biogel doesn’t flow;
  • Dry and cover with bio gel top coat, and then, if necessary, for shine with gel polish top coat in a middle layer;
  • Flip the sushi down one finger at a time for even distribution.

You can even out your nails with extension gel, but it does not dissolve and can only be filed off!

If we talk about the reasons for the appearance of waves and tubercles, then there can be three obvious ones:

  1. Unbalanced diet, in this case it’s not difficult to fix everything and help yourself with vitamins for nail growth;
  2. mechanical damage, vitamins for rapid growth will also come in handy here;
  3. Skin diseases, in such cases it is better to consult a doctor.

Interesting: Nail extension with tips at home

Of course, you will be interested to know how to restore your nails after extensions.

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Rules for perfect coverage

There are several main factors on which the final result depends - a high-quality and beautiful coating.

  • High quality manicure . No matter how hard you try, no matter how many layers of material you put on your nails, until a clean manicure is done, there can be no talk of any beautiful coating. If the manicure is poorly done and there is pterygium or smooth, untreated areas left on the nail plates, then the material may flow along the surface. This means that there will be streaks, an uneven paint line, material will be poured into possible cuts, the color will be in a rut, and you will have to file the nails when removing them;
  • Materials with suitable consistency . All the materials you work with should be familiar to you: their consistency, fluidity. Select the materials with which you are comfortable painting, drawing, modeling, etc.;
  • Convenient coating tools . Again, you should be comfortable and comfortable working. Select brushes of the required length, the correct shape of the nail file and the rest of the tools;
  • Knowledge of the architecture and capabilities of certain materials . It is important to understand how the material behaves on nails and what thickness of coating it can provide. And if during the manicure process you need to do leveling, then several layers in a decorative manicure, then you just need to know and regulate the placement of the material on the nail plate;
  • Refined movement technique and coverage algorithm . Of course, everything needs to be done quickly so that the material does not flow down or accumulate on one side. It is also necessary to observe a strict sequence of layers. You understand, if you apply a top coat instead of a base coat or vice versa, then it is unlikely that such a manicure will have the correct architecture, be beautiful and last a long time.

The best budget varnishes for strengthening nails

Belweder varnish 3 in 1

Rating: 4.6

First place is given to a multifunctional product that eliminates several problems at the same time. It protects against external influences, including mechanical ones, and prevents delamination and fragility. The varnish eliminates the yellowish uneven color of the plate, evens it out and strengthens it. Special components will prevent the spread of fungal infection. The composition spreads well and dries quickly. It lasts a long time even with intense contact with water.

The formula is enriched with several active ingredients to quickly restore nails. Green tea leaf extract contains more than 300 beneficial substances. These are iron, proteins, vitamins, calcium, zinc. The antioxidant property of tea is invaluable, which stops biological aging and prevents the harmful effects of natural factors.

Buyers highlight the convenient brush, elastic, moderately thick consistency. When applied in one layer, a transparent coating is formed, in two - a soft pink natural shade. The smell is not intense and does not cause irritation.


  • comprehensive nail care;
  • prevention of fungal diseases;
  • without harmful chemicals;
  • high whitening effect.


  • not identified.

General recommendations for use

When using varnishes in therapeutic therapy, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules. It is best to treat the nail plates on the hands and feet with laundry soap, as it has excellent degreasing properties. To clean nails, soak a cotton pad in an alcohol preparation, then wipe the areas affected by the fungus. You can also treat the plate with iodine or a weak blue solution.

After finishing the treatment, dry the nails. File or polish nails affected by a fungal infection with a special nail file to remove the affected layer. It is included in the nail treatment kit. Don’t forget to cut your nails short before cutting to make it as easy as possible for the medicinal varnish to penetrate the keratin layer and epidermis.

Dispose of used cotton pads to prevent re-infection or infection of loved ones.

Once the preparatory procedures have been completed, you can begin applying the medicinal varnish. The plate is coated once with a thin layer, the procedure is repeated if necessary. Medical professionals do not recommend using multiple drugs that have antifungal effects at the same time. In this case, varnishes can reduce the mutual therapeutic effect.

After completing the procedure, you need to treat the spatula and bottle with alcohol.

A timely identified fungus is more easily amenable to treatment, as a result of which it will be difficult for it to carry out its normal life activities and reproduce. When treating severe cases of nail fungus, complex therapy should be prescribed, since local remedies will not be enough.

Tips for implementation

The shape is selected and created before processing the nail, so as not to spoil the varnish coating or create excess dust from filing. The file should be chosen with medium hardness (abrasiveness). Afterwards the edge should be treated with a polishing file.

After applying the base, you can check how even the coating is by examining the nail from different angles. A regular table lamp will also help with this. You just need to turn your hand and hold it at different angles to make sure that the varnish coating is evenly applied.

After leveling the nail plate with the base is completed, if desired, you can apply a colored coating on top or create a design with rhinestones and stickers. To apply the base and main color, use a wide flat brush; for subtle patterns, you should choose thinner, more elegant brushes.

The base is needed to form a flat surface; this material is not very resistant to mechanical stress. Therefore, upon completion, cover your nails with top coat and dry it.


When purchasing a medicinal varnish that is aimed at eliminating fungal infections, you need to pay attention to the composition and carefully study it. According to doctors, the most harmless cosmetic product is a water-based varnish coating.

Special varnish coatings should be used as a base before the manicure process, or as an independent product. Therapeutic varnish usually contains:

  • oils with a healing effect - tea tree, jojoba, olive, citrus, argan;
  • mineral complexes - calcium, silicon, sodium, potassium fillers, iodine;
  • fruit acids;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • concentrated plant extracts;
  • proteins.

They effectively treat fungal diseases and restore beauty and healthy appearance to the nail plates and hands. A good quality product cannot contain formaldehyde, toluene, or nitrocellulose. Although some manufacturers claim that they are sometimes necessary to restore nail immunity.

Operating principle

It is not always possible to detect the problem in a timely manner, since a fungal infection may not manifest itself immediately. Harmful microorganisms can live in the human body for a long period, but then become more active at some point. For a certain time, the immune system is able to suppress their vital functions, but at the slightest failure, the fungal infection begins to actively multiply and cause a lot of trouble.

For early detection and elimination of fungus, you can use nail polishes that have a unique formula, as a result of which the drug penetrates deeply into the keratin layer and epidermis, destroying parasitic spores along the way.

Antifungal varnish is a medicinal liquid containing various active ingredients. Each manufacturer usually uses its own proprietary formula.

Their main task is to destroy fungal infections. Typically they can negatively impact 500 species. Additional components help remove residual waste products of bacterial microorganisms from the body.

As soon as the medicinal composition reaches the surface of the nail plate, an invisible protective film is formed on the area treated with the product, which does not allow oxygen to penetrate.

This is an important point. Without access to oxygen, fungal infections cannot carry out their life activities and multiply normally, and due to the harmful effects they die. This procedure allows you to recover from the fungus in a fairly short time.

There are oil-based varnishes that have a healing effect. They are no worse than water products. Oil does not allow moisture or oxygen to penetrate inside.

Medicinal oil varnishes often contain an essential component - tea tree. Thanks to its beneficial properties, it has a detrimental effect on bacteria, and also helps relieve a number of symptoms.

A feeling of relief occurs after the first manicure procedure. After applying the varnish, the itching disappears and the redness that was around the nail plate disappears. All symptoms indicate that the drug does its job perfectly - it relieves the inflammatory process.

After daily treatment of nails, medicinal components accumulate, as a result of which their effective effect increases. To completely overcome a fungal nail infection sometimes requires patience. Treatment may take 4-12 months, but the results are worth it.

What is it for

The nail plate of different people has its own characteristics - some are lucky to have naturally smooth and strong nails, while others know first-hand what tubercles, peeling and other problems are. In addition, even on healthy and smooth nails, unevenness may appear over time, since frequent treatment with aggressive agents, physical impact and drying in a device negatively affect its condition.

Nails without waves and dents

Leveling your nails with gel polish allows you to remove waves, bumps and dents, which otherwise would become more noticeable after applying a colored coating. But this is not the only advantage of the procedure.

Alignment has a number of advantages:

  • The nail plate becomes stronger;
  • The quality of the manicure improves - it will delight its owner not for several days, but for more than two weeks;
  • The procedure is quick and takes about 10 minutes;
  • Protection of the nail from mechanical influences;
  • Aesthetic beauty – gel polish applies to smooth nails without streaking, forming an ideal surface.

Aesthetic beauty of nails

In other words, leveling is a procedure that will help create a beautiful manicure for a long time and strengthen the nail plate, making it less sensitive to various external influences.

The creation of nail architecture is carried out using specialized means. On the shelves of cosmetic stores you can find three types of suitable products:

  • Biogel;
  • Base for gel polish;
  • Gel for extensions.

The use of each substance has its own characteristics, but they are all united by one important rule: the product must be thick, otherwise it will not fill the recesses on the nails and it will be impossible to construct the desired shape.

Applying the base

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