Nail bed lengthening: how to lengthen the nail plate?

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are the key to confidence and attractiveness for every girl. An elongated nail bed looks aristocratic and attractive. You can get it either at home yourself or by resorting to procedures in the salon. The nail bed is the area from the base of the nail to the edge that does not touch the finger, up to the so-called “smile line.” Hand care will not give effect in 3-4 treatments, so to lengthen the shape of your nails, you need to be patient.

The structure of nails and their growth

Nails are keratinized plates, the function of which is to protect the delicate tissue underneath from mechanical, chemical, thermal and other influences.

The structure diagram is shown in the figure, where:

  • A – nail plate.
  • B – nail hole.
  • C is the root.
  • D – sinus (sinus) of the nail.
  • E – matrix.
  • F – nail bed.
  • G – hyponychium.
  • H – free edge.

The lateral edges of the nail are surrounded by ridges of skin, and the root part is covered by a posterior ridge of skin that passes into the cuticle.

Nail growth occurs due to the formation of keratin, which, as it grows and is pushed out, becomes denser, becomes smooth and flat. This process is influenced by nutrition, body condition and even the time of year. On average, growth occurs by 0.6-1.6 mm per week.

Ingrown nail

Incorrect trimming during manicure can lead to the appearance of such a disease on the fingernails. The sharp edge of the nail plate pierces the skin of the finger, in which inflammatory processes are already occurring. The disease is characterized by tissue redness, swelling, severe pain, and suppuration. The cause of ingrowth can be:

  • fungal infection;
  • injuries received.

To cope with the disease, you will need:

  • carefully remove the ingrown piece of the plate;
  • take warm baths using antiseptic drugs;
  • wash your hands regularly with soap;
  • exclude injuries;
  • perform manicure correctly;
  • cure fungal disease;
  • in advanced forms of the disease, surgically remove part of the plate.

Reasons for reducing the nail bed

Over time, the nail grows to the skin underneath it. However, bad habits or other factors can interfere with this fusion and contribute to a decrease in the distance of the nail bed. These include the following bad habits:

  1. Gnawing, biting and biting nails with teeth.
  2. Tearing off, breaking off, twisting nails with your hands or on other objects.
  3. Scratch, rub, scratch with your nails.
  4. Clean dirt under the nails with the wedge-shaped edge of a nail file, a pusher or any other tool. Any sharp objects “tear” the skin from the nail, reducing the bed.

You should clean your nails with a small brush, gently moving underneath them.

Manicure for nail growth

Small nails of a non-classical shape (square, rectangular) are unlikely to add femininity to your hands. But they can be made more attractive. To do this, you can try to lengthen the nail plate. Simple procedures will make her more attractive.

So, let's start with a manicure. First of all, you need to have good tools, cuticle liquid with fruit acids, a cream that prevents skin growth, special nail oil, essential oils for nail baths.

First, apply gel or liquid with fruit acids to the cuticle. After a minute or two, remove the skin. It is better to do this using orange wood sticks.

Then pour warm water into the container, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil or orange. Keep your fingers in this bath for 3-4 minutes. Then push back the cuticle and cut off the excess skin with tweezers. Rub cream into the skin to slow down cuticle growth. Give your nails the desired shape using nail scissors and a nail file. Cover the nail plates with a strengthening base in two layers. It is desirable that such a base contains calcium and vitamins. This care will promote nail growth. Just don’t think that you can solve the problem of lengthening your nail plate in a week.

How to lengthen your nail bed at home. How to lengthen your nail bed?

Lengthening the nail bed is the dream of almost every woman.
Nowadays, in the fashion world, narrow and long nails are considered ideal. Unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex can boast of this. But there is no need to despair. There are several tips for lengthening your nail bed. If you are patient and do everything correctly, after a while you can achieve good results.

How is lengthening done?

Many women don't know how to lengthen their nail beds. A long and narrow nail bed looks beautiful even with a short manicure. To achieve a noticeable result, you need a reserve of time, because narrow and long nails can only be enjoyed in a few months. A prerequisite is the regularity and thoroughness of the following procedures:

  • increased rubbing of the nail;
  • massage;
  • neat manicure.

It is necessary to make it a rule that after each hand washing you need to dry your hands forcefully, and the movements should be directed from the wrist to the fingertips. It is better to dry with a hard cotton towel. After water procedures, moisturizing cream is applied to hands and nails. When applying cream to the nail, the movements should be stretching, with pressure. It is better if the cream contains vitamins A and E. This cream prevents delamination, nourishes and protects the hands from external influences.

In order to lengthen the nail plate, it is necessary to massage the hands daily. You can combine this procedure with watching your favorite TV series. Massage can be performed with nourishing oils. Almond and grape seed oils are good for moisturizing the skin and nourishing the nails. Each finger is massaged separately. Using circular rubbing, it is necessary to massage the finger from the tip to the wrist, paying special attention to the nail plate. It must be rubbed with pressure until it turns slightly red. Lightly tapping the fingertips of the other hand placed on the table is also useful. Massage is performed daily before bed. After the massage, you can take a contrast shower. This will improve blood circulation in the palms.

In order to soften the nail plate, you can make a hand bath with sea salt. After this, do a manicure and carefully remove the cuticle. It must first be moistened with nail cream. After a manicure, the nail will already seem long, but you shouldn’t rush.

At home, a simple scheme works for lengthening: intensive rubbing of the nail, massage and a neat manicure will help lengthen the bed by a couple of millimeters in a few months.

These changes will significantly improve the overall appearance of your hands.

Surgical method

Nail grafting is often used to treat ingrown toenails. Some private clinics perform this procedure for cosmetic purposes to give the fingers the desired shape. Before this procedure, capillaroscopy of the nail bed is performed to diagnose the condition of the blood vessels. This procedure involves observing the vessels of the nail bed under a microscope. Capillaries can tell about the patient’s diseases. An experienced doctor will not only observe the vessels of the bed, but will also be able to make a diagnosis (if any).

Blood tests are required before surgery. A voluntary agreement for the operation is signed. Plastic surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The sutures heal quite quickly, the patient is not hospitalized. After this procedure, the nails acquire the long-awaited graceful shape.

Options for lengthening the nail bed

You can give it a beautiful shape using home care and cosmetic procedures, special manicures, and surgical methods. Doctors are consulted in case of ingrown nails or finger injuries, since it is not possible to lengthen the nail bed on your own. If there are no such problems, then you can achieve a good result on your own.

Beauty salons also offer spa treatments to reshape and strengthen nails.

A special type of manicure that allows you to create the effect of a long bed is performed by applying an opaque varnish of a color close to natural. After this, a new “smile line” is drawn above the existing one with a different contrasting color at the top of the edge, thereby visually lengthening the nail. The advantage of this manicure is naturalness and neatness.

Another way to lengthen your nail bed? A good option would be to use a bright varnish through which the outlines do not show through.

Cardinal methods

If none of the above helped or, on the contrary, aggravated the situation - the problem of an ingrown nail arose - it will not be possible to do without the help of a surgeon.

Private clinics use this technique to achieve a quick cosmetic effect. Before performing this operation, capillaroscopy is performed. It is necessary to check the condition of blood vessels. And this will provide information regarding the disease, if any.

Before the operation, general blood tests are taken. Any intervention in the integrity of the skin must be the voluntary desire of the patient, which is stated in the agreement for surgical actions.

Regardless of the reason, plastic surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The sutures heal quickly; hospitalization is not required. After such adjustments, the nails become elegant and neat. Of course, the operation will be more expensive than mechanical methods.

Conclusion/ Enlargement of the nail bed is more of a whim than a necessity. All manipulations, including at home, must be carried out carefully so as not to aggravate the situation. When visiting a salon, you should make sure that the manicure is done with previously disinfected tools, because otherwise there is a risk of not getting a neat nail bed, but health problems.

Deterioration in the appearance of nails

Sudden deterioration in the appearance of nails can manifest itself in different ways. More often their growth slows down. In addition, they become too brittle and brittle. The phenomenon of delamination and splitting of the plate is not uncommon. All this indicates problems in the body. If you take timely measures, you can restore the condition of the nail plates, returning them to a healthy appearance with an even, smooth structure, matte pink color, and pale pink lunula.

Why is this happening?

If the nail plates become brittle and brittle and grow slowly, then the main cause of this condition is a metabolic disorder. Such changes may result from:

  • lack of iron, vitamins B, A;
  • deterioration of the thyroid gland or kidneys;
  • poor blood supply.

When the nail peels or splits, the cause is energy depletion of the digestive system. This is also observed with poor blood circulation. Other causes of delamination:

  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • problems with the genitals;
  • regular application of varnish, removal of the coating with a liquid containing acetone;
  • dry air, gap between the temperature of the street and the house;
  • circumcision with pliers or scissors;
  • using household cleaning products without gloves.

What to pay attention to

The first thing that fingernail diagnostics advises you to pay attention to is your diet. If you are deficient in vitamins, you should include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your menu. When cleaning the house or washing dishes, be sure to wear gloves, and after contact with aggressive agents, wipe your nails with apple cider vinegar. Hands should be given a break from polish at least once every 2 weeks. For filing, it is better not to use a metal plate, because it severely damages the nail plate.

Nail extensions

Extending artificial tips will help you hide the imperfections of your natural nail plate, hiding it under a layer of modeling material. In this case, the shape of the nail and the outline of its free edge may look different. It cannot be said that by extending artificial tips, you can count on lengthening a short nail plate. Rather, under a layer of modeling gel or acrylic, the imperfections of the nail bed will simply be invisible. Correctly modeled extended nails will transform the hands of their owner, and regular implementation of this procedure affects the natural nail over time, correcting some of its shortcomings. However, do not forget that under an artificial gel or acrylic coating, the tips become weak and fragile, so the nails need periodic restoration after extensions.

In the fight for beauty, all means are good. By combining cuticle and nail care with smart visual techniques and tricks, you can increase your nail bed by several millimeters. Just don’t count on a very quick result: the change in the natural structure of the nail plate will only be noticeable after a few months . In the final video, the wonderful master expert Natalya Golokh will share useful tips on how to correctly and painlessly push back the cuticle so as not to injure the nail. Improve your skills, and the little secrets of nail art will help you create the perfect manicure!

Dramatic change: nail extensions

In the world of new cosmetic technologies, nail extensions are one of the most common services. Women are increasingly resorting to this procedure, wanting to get a beautiful nail shape instantly, without effort and regular nail care.

Of course, with the help of nail extensions, their visual shape changes, giving the owners of perfect hands the beauty and elegance of thin fingers, but at its core, this method also only hides the true shape of the nail and its lunula under a layer of artificial materials. This means it’s worth thinking about before succumbing to the influence of modern trends.

Any interference with the natural form of the body can result in harmful consequences for the health of the nails. And those who have decided to take this step should remember that, despite the beauty of the transformed nails, the modeling material (acrylic or gel) negatively affects the natural environment of the nail plate, making it fragile and weakened, which will further affect on slowing down the natural growth of the nail. Hence, the conclusion follows: natural and regular care is the most reliable way to preserve the beauty and health of your nails. After all, even the most advanced artificial method will not replace your love and attention to your body.

Cuticle treatment

This is the first place to start. Even this one operation will lead to the expansion of the nail bed. There are a large number of cosmetics to soften the cuticle: oils, creams, remover gels. You need to apply one of them to the cuticle, wait 1-2 minutes, then move it with an orange stick and remove unnecessary skin.

Orange sticks help avoid injury to the skin and nail plate.

It happens that at the initial stage the cuticle begins to grow and become shaggy. This is a transitional period that is worth enduring. Over time it will become thinner and softer.

Before lengthening your nails at home, you can take a warm bath with sea salt.


In order to get the nails of your dreams, you will have to systematically lengthen the bed with enviable regularity; 2-3 procedures will not give any effect. The actions described below must be carried out carefully and with extreme caution. If you damage the nail, the effect will be the opposite.

Home techniques

In most cases, all manipulations are carried out at home, daily. Some tricks:

  • Rubbing the nail in the direction from the wrist. So, after each hand washing, you need to dry your fingers with high intensity; for this it is better to use a hard towel. Moreover, the direction of movement is from the wrist to the fingertips.
  • Hand massage. This lengthy procedure should be combined with watching a movie, so the time will pass faster. You can massage your fingers using nourishing oils such as almond or grape seed. Massage each finger separately with pressure until slight redness appears. Tapping your fingers will be helpful. This procedure should be carried out regularly, preferably before bedtime.
  • Proper manicure.
  • Softening. After washing your hands, you need to apply a cream that contains vitamin A and E. The movements should be with pressure, as if stretching.
  • Baths - they will help soften the skin. In addition to warm water, you can add sea salt. Next, after steaming, you need to carefully remove the cuticle, which should be moistened with a nourishing cream.

Pushing back the cuticle

This method is also quite effective. At home it is done like this:

  1. Steam your hands in a bath with sea salt.
  2. Soak the cuticles with cream and carefully move them away, freeing the nail bed.
  3. Next, apply nourishing cream.

This procedure must be repeated daily to obtain results. Some rules:

  • You only need to push back the cuticle with special wooden sticks that have an antimicrobial effect.
  • The use of iron tools is unacceptable - this can lead to infection of the nail.
  • Before starting the procedure, you need to disinfect all the instruments used - this will prevent infection under the nail.

Although these manipulations cannot be called complex, they are still best carried out by a manicurist. You should expect results no earlier than in a couple of months; an increase in the stock during this period can be achieved by 1-2 mm, which will significantly improve the appearance of your hands.

Pushing back the cuticle

By constantly pushing back the cuticle with an orange stick or pusher, you will visually increase the length of the nail bed. To make this procedure painless and pleasant, prepare a warm salt bath for your hands by adding a few drops of aromatic oil to the water. Now, using gentle movements, push the softened cuticle away from the surface of the nail. Girls who prefer edged manicure. can easily cut skin using scissors or nippers. Now the regrown cuticle, which occupies part of the nail plate, has freed up space, making the bed more elongated. By conducting such sessions systematically, over time you will increase the area from the base to the smile line.

Why do this?

In most cases, this is a cosmetic defect that you can live with. There is no physiological need for this procedure, although aesthetically a longer nail bed looks more attractive.

The nail bed is the area from the base to the “smile line,” that is, to the beginning of the whitish process that is not attached to the finger. The length of the stock depends on genetics and is considered to be given at birth. But this is not entirely true, because as you grow older and other factors, the shape may change. To a lesser extent, this happens if there is a habit of biting nails. Oddly enough, this habit leads to a significant shortening of the bed.

In addition, injuries and the habit of removing dirt under the nails with metal objects, in particular a nail file, help reduce it. Difficulties faced by those with short nail beds:

  1. Difficulties with manicure, especially if you do a French one - it looks less impressive.
  2. Growing nails is difficult because they constantly break.


Trimming nails with scissors is highly undesirable. You should only use a nail file to give your nails an elongated shape. This is the correct method. There is an opinion that metal files are harmful, so it is recommended to use glass and ceramic ones.

The shape itself can be any, but for short nails at the initial stage, an oval shape is better - it is closer to natural and will promote greater fusion of the skin and nail, that is, the effect that needs to be achieved. Only dry nails should be filed. Therefore, do not start doing this immediately after water procedures.

Visual trick with French manicure

How to lengthen the nail bed by a few millimeters using a special coating? To do this, you need to do a classic French manicure using thick biogel or gel polish. First, apply a layer of opaque coating in a natural shade to the entire surface of the nail, which will hide the natural smile line. Then, stepping back a few millimeters from the border of the free edge of the nail plate, a clear white crescent is drawn. Such a spectacular and natural manicure is a classic technique of many masters who, using such a trick, lengthen the nails, giving them perfect features.

How to lengthen your nail bed. Nail bed lengthening: methods and tips

A short nail bed causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to its owner. You can get rid of many of the reasons characteristic of a short nail bed structure and find a way out of the situation by properly caring for your hands.

Nowadays, not every woman has the opportunity to carry out painstaking hand care at home. In this case, beauty salon specialists will help you tidy up your hands. The presence of modern equipment, all kinds of products in the form of ointments, gels, creams can restore the affected nail elements and make a woman’s hands soft and velvety.

An ideal line and a beautiful “smile” on the plate can be created by lengthening the bed. Cosmetologists will tell you which methods are most suitable for lengthening the nail bed, and how to lengthen the nail bed. Today, a girl can pamper her hands in the salon, strengthen her nails, adjust their shape and create a unique design in the following ways:

  • manicure;
  • building up;
  • SPA treatments.

A long nail bed can be visually enlarged by doing an appropriate manicure. The most popular means of extension is camouflage acrylic or gel. Thanks to this material, nails become strong, elastic and beautiful. Gel or acrylic extensions are carried out in order to level the nail to the desired level.

In addition, beauty salons provide nail art services and the application of colored biogel. Nail art is a great opportunity to change the nail in the direction of visually enlarging it. With this type of decorative manicure, you can apply a chic design on the nail in the form of vertical stripes or a snake, a twig, etc. Small nails cannot be decorated with horizontal designs. The painting is done by a specialist, and women's nails can be compared to a masterpiece thanks to the use of sparkles, rhinestones, and ready-made artistic elements.

French design, or French manicure, is also popular among girls, which can visually enlarge small nail plates. It is complemented by floral patterns, and if you repeat the “smile” line with miniature rhinestones, this will help make a beautiful accent. Small rhinestones directly on the drawing look very original - they are placed on glue for tips or on gel, dried in a UV lamp.

A perfectly executed manicure using special products that does not require updating can last a long time.

Caring for the nail plate when lengthening the bed

Since we are talking about how to lengthen the nail bed, an important point is to protect it from drying out. In addition, nails need to be saturated with vitamins and given strength. Firming oils and creams are suitable for this. A drop of the product is applied to the nails and rubbed into each nail with soft circular movements for 30-60 seconds. You can use both professional products and simple oils:

– apricot;

– olive;

– peach;

– rose hips;

– bergamot;

- cocoa.

Ampoules from the pharmacy with vitamin A and E and lemon juice are perfect for this. Constant use will lead to the creation of a dense structure of the nail plate, accelerated growth and a healthy appearance.

What to do to lengthen your nails and nail bed?

Many people want a long and not particularly wide nail bed. After all, when only a wide and short bed is available, you have to resort to many methods of nail extension. To experience the pleasure of wearing such flawless nails yourself, you need to spend 2-3 months and do not forget to do the following procedures:

  • Every day, set aside time to rub your nail 2-3 times. You need to start from the place where the nail plate grows, slowly reaching the end. Rub vigorously, without achieving a strong burning sensation on the plate,
  • Massage the nail plates and the skin around them,
  • Manicure should be neat,
  • After each hand washing, be sure to dry your hands only with strong movements. The procedure should be carried out with movements from the hands to the end of the nails. In this case, you only need to wipe the nail plates dry. The towel should only be cotton,
  • After each procedure of washing hands and nails, rub in a small amount of cream to help moisturize the skin of your hands and do not allow the skin around the nails to dry or peel.

Massage should be done daily, while you can take time to relax and watch your favorite show. You should definitely have nourishing oils with you that will help your nails always remain healthy and strong. Some of the suitable oils include grape seed oil, almond oil, and flaxseed oil. The massage procedure must be carried out on each finger separately, in a circular manner, starting from the end of the nail plate to the hand, paying special attention to the nails and cuticle. In this case, the nails are rubbed until the plate and skin around the nails become slightly red. After everything, you can take a contrast shower to increase blood circulation in your hands.

How to care for your nails at home

Proper care of the nail plate will allow the free edge to grow faster, sealing it and preventing splitting.

  1. Make it a habit to do your manicure correctly. First, steam the skin, push back and remove the cuticle. After this, file your nails with a glass (!) file. Next, the surface is dried, after which a single-color or multi-colored coating is applied.
  2. Constantly moisturize the skin around the nail. To do this, use a special product or one of the natural oils (olive, castor, sea buckthorn, vegetable, grape, almond, etc.). Do not allow the cuticle to crack, do not tear it off, carefully cut off the burrs.
  3. Perform wet cleaning only with rubber gloves. This applies to washing floors and dishes. Otherwise, household preparations will have a detrimental effect on the nails and skin of the hands in particular.
  4. An effective option for accelerating nail growth is paraffin therapy or the use of cosmetic wax. To carry out the procedure, melt the composition in a water bath, evenly cover your fingertips and wait until dry.
  5. Make hand baths at home. As a base, you can take a decoction of any medicinal plant(s). Geranium, birch bark and buds, sage, rosemary, linden and chamomile inflorescences are suitable. Add a few drops of essential oil.
  6. Those with very weak and thin nails need to use iodine. Soak a cotton swab in the preparation and cover the nail plate without touching the cuticle. Leave until completely absorbed and the characteristic shade disappears. It is better to carry out the procedure at night.
  7. If you cannot grow your nails, purchase a multivitamin complex at the pharmacy designed specifically for this purpose. In addition, enrich your daily diet with calcium (lean meat, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, beans).

It's easy to lengthen your nail plate if you use some tricks. Make a manicure with vertical application of multi-colored varnish or tint the surface with a dark shade. Massage your fingers regularly, use natural oils and baths. Lengthen the bed by pushing the cuticle towards the base of the finger.

how to care for cuticles at home

Homemade nail care and natural cuticle oils

By regularly caring for our hands at home, we actually noticeably increase the length of the nail bed. This is achieved through good moisturizing of the skin of the hands, procedures with baths, massage and pushing back the nail cuticle.

Our hands need skin hydration every day. This is important for stimulating cell regeneration, which means that the skin tissue becomes more elastic and delicate, which simplifies nail care procedures in the future. We moisturize the skin of our hands with the help of various creams, serums and other care items.

Nail baths should be done once or twice a week. In terms of their home variety, they surpass the capabilities of salon cosmetic procedures. From the simplest with a solution of sea salt and iodine to all kinds of natural nutritional mixtures: with the addition of olive or any other edible vegetable oil, lemon juice and other vitamin mixtures to warm water. Such procedures will help to steam the skin of your hands and especially the cuticle, soften it, and also replenish the water and vitamin balance of the skin, which will not only preserve the beauty of your nails, but also give health to your hands. In addition, this is a mandatory procedure before moving back the cuticle to prevent injury to the nail plate.

After the above procedure comes the stage of working with the nail cuticle. The softened skin in the nail area and cuticle can be easily cut with nail scissors or pushed to the base of the nails using an orange stick, scraper or pusher. This method of caring for the cuticle will visually prolong the appearance of the nail plate, freeing up the lunula space. After which the procedure is completed with nourishing natural oils and massage. Any aromatic cosmetic oil is applied to the nail plate area, which will not be difficult to find in any pharmacy or cosmetics store. Vegetable oils can not only nourish your skin with useful and necessary elements, but also slow down the growth of the cuticle, which is an advantage in this case.

The oil is rubbed with special massaging movements, both into the nail plate and around the circumference of the nail and its base. The cuticle becomes thinner and less noticeable, thereby lengthening the nail bed, while the overall health of the skin also improves due to good blood circulation after massage procedures.

Traumatic damage to the nail plate on the hands

Very often, problems with fingernails arise as a result of injury. In this case, pain, pulsation appears, chips of the nail plate, and blue discoloration are observed. In case of minor injuries, treat the injury site with antiseptic drugs - hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and apply ice to eliminate the hematoma. Serious injuries require a visit to the clinic. Traumatic problems cause:

  • mechanical impact on the plate;
  • chemical, thermal burns;
  • chronic injuries caused by professional activities.
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