How to dry gel polish at home without a lamp?

How to quickly dry regular nail polish at home.

  • Apply thin layers. The golden rule of any manicure is that the thinner the layer, the faster it dries. You don't need tons of polish on your nails, especially since there's no guarantee that thick layers will last longer. Quite the contrary. In this option, there is a very high risk that the thick layer will come off completely.
  • Dry after each layer. If you decide to apply several layers of varnish, then you should not do it without interruption. Let one coat dry for at least one minute. Ideally, of course, you need to give the varnish 2 minutes, but if you can’t help yourself, then one is enough.
  • Cold temperature. Cold temperatures will help dry nail polish quickly. In winter, you can open the window slightly and stand in the fresh air for a couple of minutes.
  • An effective way is to take a container of cold water and immerse your hands in it for a couple of minutes. Under no circumstances do this under running water, as this can damage the coating. How to correctly perform this procedure? Apply polish to your nails and let them dry for 2-3 minutes, then dip them in cold water. It wouldn't hurt to even add ice cubes. Keep in water for about 3 minutes. We take it out and enjoy an excellent manicure.
  • Choose light varnish colors. For some this will be a discovery, but light colors of varnish dry much faster. The thing is that dark colors contain a lot of pigment, so they take longer. What's the best option? Translucent, pearlescent and metallic shades dry much faster, saving you a lot of time.
  • Oil on nails. A simple life hack: apply a couple of drops of any oil to your nails. Even regular baby oil will work fine. Wait a couple of minutes and carefully remove it. This simple trick hardens your nail polish and allows your nails to dry quickly.
  • Use drops to dry the polish. Such products have an oily formula and help speed up the process, and do not change the color of the varnish.
  • Take a quick-drying varnish. Another way to avoid any pain is to use a quick-drying varnish. Just two strokes of the brush and you have a perfect manicure.
  • Varnish from the refrigerator. You will be surprised, but this method really works. All you need to do is place the polish in the refrigerator before applying. Cold varnish not only applies well, but also dries faster.

How to apply varnish to reduce drying time

The coating must be applied in the thinnest layers. Wait at least a minute between coats. A thick layer can accidentally flood the cuticle; there is a greater chance of ruining it with an accidental touch, and besides, such a layer takes longer to dry.

Advice! If the varnish has thickened, it is better to dilute it with a special product, then the layers will be thinner.

Do not neglect the base and finishing coating products. The base coat gives a good foundation, and the last coat gives the entire coloring shine and helps it last longer.

How long does it take for nail polish to dry?

It depends on many factors and primarily on what kind of varnish you use. But on average, you will need 1 hour to 2 hours for your manicure to dry completely. All this is assuming that you applied a base, two coats of varnish and a topcoat. That's why experts recommend getting a manicure done when you have a lot of free time.

Although many products allow you to dry your nails in 5-15 minutes.

There are also other factors that influence how quickly your nail polish dries.

  • Perfect manicure. Before applying the coating, the nail plate must be well polished, then the varnish will apply much better and dry faster. It is also important not to keep your hands in the water for too long so that the plate does not collect excess moisture. Then the varnish does not apply well and takes a long time to dry.
  • The temperature in the room should be average or even cool. Alas, the varnish does not like high temperatures and is very reluctant to dry in the hot season.
  • The coating must be of high quality, because drying time also depends on this.

How long does it take for 1 coat of nail polish to dry? This will take you at least 2 minutes! Ideally, about 5 minutes is enough. Provided that you have complied with all the above conditions. But to dry two layers, it will take about 10 minutes, and three layers about 30 minutes.

Photo: instagram/coralcatullo


  • How to paint your nails correctly so they dry faster
  • How to quickly dry your nails at home
  • Hair dryer or fan
  • Ice water or freezer
  • Olive and essential oils
  • Cooking spray
  • Sunflower oil
  • Special coatings
  • Professional devices
  • Manicure fan
  • Lamps for drying varnish
  • How to choose a lamp for drying nails
  • Preparatory stage
  • What not to do before a manicure and while drying nail polish
  • Recommendations
  • Which nail dryer to buy?


Why doesn't my nail polish dry?

There could be many factors why you are unable to dry your nail polish quickly. Let's look at the most basic ones.

  • Old, unusable product. You need to use only high-quality and proven varnishes with a good shelf life. An expired product not only does not apply well, but also does not dry at all, making you nervous.
  • incompatibility with the database. If you use a base and your nails do not dry well, then there may be incompatibility between the varnish and the base. Try changing the base.
  • The varnish is too thick. Such products do not adhere and dry well, and it is better to dilute them before use. There are special products for thinning varnish; you can also use clear varnish as a thinner.
  • layers too thick. Another reason is applying the varnish in a thick layer. We have already written above that it is better to apply thin layers, then you will save not only time, but also nerves.
  • acetone based varnish. Very often, unscrupulous manufacturers add acetone to the varnish composition. This product not only dries poorly, but also peels off in one or two days. In this case, change the varnish.

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Let's sum it up

It is possible to quickly dry gel polish without a lamp, but is it possible to obtain ideal quality? Hardly. A good gel polish or shellac, due to its chemical composition, requires exposure to a UV or LED lamp.

UV lamp for drying gel polish

Every lover of beautiful nail design will have to choose: buy expensive equipment and forget about the problem of applying gel polish for three whole weeks, or choose another option - buy light-insensitive gel polish and dry it using all available methods. The quality is not guaranteed; the duration of the nail coating is reduced to approximately 5 - 7 days.

How to dry primer on nails

If you prefer gel polish, you have often wondered how long it takes for nail primer to dry and how to dry it?

First of all, it depends on the primer itself. Take the time to read the instructions for it and find out everything exactly. The manufacturer will provide all the necessary information.

Remember that the primer dries in just one minute, so in most cases there is no point in using a lamp.

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Is it possible to dry regular nail polish in a lamp?

Does the lamp dry regular nail polish? Unfortunately no. No matter how much we would like this, and this would definitely simplify the entire drying process, it is useless to dry ordinary varnish in this way. Why? In order to answer this question, you need to study the composition of the varnish. You will definitely find a solvent in it. What role does he play? Due to the evaporation of the solvent, the varnish dries. The lamp cannot affect the evaporation processes in any way, and therefore the drying time will not change in any way. Therefore, it is better to be patient and time!

BeautyQuestion to an expert: Is gel polish harmful?

Text: Tanya Reshetnik

Despite the fact that gel coating appeared at the beginning of the 2000s, manicure with gel polish still raises many questions - not only among masters, but also among clients. Some people can’t refuse it and have forgotten what real nails look like under the coating, others notice a gradual thinning of the nail plate from constantly wearing the gel, others are afraid of LED lamps (for good reason, it’s worth noting) and are wary of unknown compositions.

Nevertheless, manicure with gel polish remains one of the most popular procedures in nail salons - it looks good, lasts a long time, allows you to grow in length and does not require correction. Is it really safe and is the beauty worth the sacrifice? Let’s find out with an expert.

Irina Katenina

Podiatric care specialist

First of all, it’s worth understanding how gel polish differs from regular polish. First of all, it is a denser, “tenacious” and non-flexible coating, which actually plays the role of a shell on the nail. Why does regular coating peel off? From daily stress on nails: tying shoelaces, cooking, working on a laptop. The flexibility of the nail does not match the flexibility of the coating, and therefore it chips when the tip of the nail is bent. And the gel polish in such cases continues to hold on - it is firmly attached to the nail. In addition to durability, this can result in a number of problems.

Initially, the CND company released a low-acid gel polish, which was called Shellac. The company recommended applying it in a thin layer and wearing it for no more than two weeks. He, however, did not hold out much longer. Today, newer generations of gel polishes have high acidity, which allows them to adhere (literally “grab”) to the nail more tightly and last longer. This puts a lot of stress on your nails - even during normal everyday activities. As a result, the nail plate can become damaged, to the point where the entire nail breaks out. I have been contacted several times with this problem. For example, one girl slipped, fell and slammed her finger into the ground. A sharp blow - the nail is instantly pulled out. This would not have happened with a regular coating - the nail underneath is flexible, most likely the tip would simply break. But we have a thick shell that does not allow the nail to bend, so it pulls out completely.

Another danger is the high probability of getting burned when drying gel polish in a lamp. Gel polish is a chemical substance that, when polymerized (hardened - editor's note), generates heat. And if a thin layer is applied, as the manufacturers initially recommended, then this heat will not affect the nail in any way. But the thicker the layer, the more heat will be released in the lamp. The flattening trend - in which a huge drop of the substance is applied to the nail - gives a strong one-time thermal shock.

And one more thing: previously there were UF lamps in salons, now there are LED lamps, their power is much higher. Yes, the varnish polymerizes (hardens) faster, but the heat release is also sharper. If the nail “sears” in the lamp, this is most likely a burn. The most unpleasant thing is that the burn under the layers of gel is not immediately visible - as a result, only a month later, when removed, the client discovers that half of the nail has peeled off. When using low-quality gel polishes and other products, you can also get a chemical burn.

Even more dangerous is wearing gel polish on your legs. It is worth understanding that the thickness of the nail is less than a millimeter. A gel polish coating, even the thinnest one, will be thicker than the nail itself. At the same time, the toenails must be flexible in order to respect the biomechanics of the step: at the moment of walking, our foot pushes off the ground each time with the tip (pad) of the big toe. And if there is no excessive length on the nail, we push off with the pad of the finger. If the nail is long and hard under the gel layer, then we will be pushed away by this shell, which can injure the nail.

My main recommendation here, even if you really want to wear gel polish, file or trim the length of your toenails every 10 days. Otherwise, every step is a load on the nail. As a result, the coating can pull the nail away from the nail bed. I’ve been in the profession for 21 years, and never before have I seen so many onycholysis—detachments of nails from the nail bed—as now, during the heyday of gel polishes and dense, “thick” coatings.

But the fact that gel coating can thin your nails is a myth. Incorrect wear and improper application and removal make the nail plate thinner and uneven. The plate can be thinned by an inexperienced hand when the craftsman cuts off the coating too aggressively and ineptly. At the same time, a specialist with good experience can remove the coating very carefully - I do not want to say that filing in general harms the nails. The problem is that the client cannot immediately distinguish a virtuoso master from a mediocre one.

Excessive wearing of gel polish can also damage the nail plate. For example, when long nails grow under the coating and are not filed in time, the center of gravity shifts and a very large load falls on the growth zone. Long, hard-coated, non-bending nails pull behind them the entire coating, which is firmly attached to the nail. So, by pressing hard or sharply on the tip of an overgrown nail, you can damage the plate at the base, where the cuticle is.

Of course, if you apply gel polish according to the manufacturer’s recommendations—cover it with a very thin layer without leveling, remove it after two weeks, dry it carefully, and only go to a virtuoso master—there won’t be much harm to your nails from such a coating. But, to be honest, I haven’t seen such people. Typically, gel polish is worn for a long time, the length is not removed, and the coating is very thick.

What is the best coating for nails? Here I am rather an adherent of everything natural. Of course, regular polish is less harmful to nails. It has virtually no effect on the nail plate, unless you wear it on your nails for years. The acetone contained in nail polish remover also affects the nail, although it is often written “nail polish remover without acetone.” But this is the same as writing “compote without water.”

But regular varnish also contains a solvent, which dries out the nail. Whatever the varnish is - 3, 7, 15-free - this component will still remain in it. The chemical formula of any varnish is a solvent, plasticizing substances and pigment; without them, there simply will be no varnish. In some places this substance is more aggressive, in other companies it is less so. But it's still worth keeping this in mind.

PHOTOS: evso -, zalesky -

Is it possible to dry nail polish with a hairdryer?

The good news is that a regular hair dryer can help dry your nail polish quickly! But for this it is important to choose the right temperature! Do not dry nail polish with hot air! For these purposes, only cold air can be used. Direct a cold stream of air onto your nails for 2-3 minutes. As an addition to this procedure, you can also immerse your nails in cold water.

We hope that our simple tips will definitely be useful to you! Be beautiful!

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What not to do during a manicure

The day before the procedure, it is better not to go to the pool, take a hot bath or wash dishes without gloves. It is also better to postpone applying cuticle cream and oils until later.

Do not wave your hands to speed up drying, this can ruin the uniformity of drying and change the integrity of the color film.

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