What are orange manicure sticks and how to use them

Today, among the numerous manicure accessories, there is a special tool - an orange stick, the uniqueness of which lies in its versatility. It can be used to perform various procedures. Orange sticks are used both by professional nail technicians in salons and by lovers of self-manicures done at home. Using the device does not require any special skills, but the result is well-groomed and beautiful nails.

What are orange sticks?

Orange nail sticks are thin wooden sticks that are used for manicures, pedicures and gel polish removal. They work with nail plates, cuticles and pterygium. The tool is equally suitable for home and professional use.

Why are orange sticks called that and what are they made of?

Everything is very simple! These miracle sticks are made from orange tree bark. Why did they choose this particular wood to create them? The thing is that the orange tree has a unique structure - soft and dense at the same time. That is why the sticks are durable, protected from delamination and cannot injure the nail plate. Citrus bark also has natural antiseptic properties, which makes it even more valuable.

What do orange sticks look like?

Orange sticks have an elongated cylindrical shape, they are thin, their length varies from 8 to 18 cm. One end of the stick is sharp, and the other is beveled flat.

How much do orange sticks cost?

This is a fairly budget product, its cost ranges from 20 to 400 rubles, depending on the length of the tool and the quantity in the package.

Features of selection and use

The orange cuticle stick has its own specific uses. First of all, this tool is individual; it is prohibited to transfer it to other people for reuse. After the procedure is completed, the device must be destroyed. This must be done because microbes quickly appear on the material from which it is made.

Experts advise purchasing a whole package at once to perform a high-quality manicure, because one stick is not enough for the procedure. You should always have an abrasive file on hand, which can be used to correct the shape of the stick if necessary. Choosing an orange stick of suitable length and thickness for yourself is not difficult. You need to purchase several pieces, and then, using each, try to perform a manicure. Choose a product that is perfect for your specific type of nails.

What are orange sticks for?

Orange sticks are an almost universal tool, truly necessary for everyone who does manicure: both masters and non-professionals. So, here are the main functions of orange sticks:

Cleaning your nails

The tool can easily remove dirt under the nails: just swipe with a thin pointed tip, which will collect all the dirt.

Pushing back the cuticle

We can say that pushing back the cuticle is one of the main tasks of the orange stick. This is done with a wide beveled end. The stick glides wonderfully over the nail plate and delicately pushes back the softened skin, so it is a must-have in the process of European unedged manicure. Thanks to its texture, it is absolutely safe for the cuticle and side ridges and cannot injure them.

Cleaning off the pterygium

Another important function of the wand is that it can not only push back the cuticle, but also clean off the pterygium with vigorous movements.

Cuticle removal

The sticks are easy to remove cuticles. Thoroughly soften the skin with a remover and then carefully separate the keratinized tissue from the main layer of the cuticle.

Removing gel polish

The sticks also help in the process of removing gel polish by soaking. After the old coating has softened, you can pry it with the beveled end and carefully remove it. In this case, the stick simply cannot scratch the nail plate, unlike metal tools.

During the process of nail extension

Firstly, you can remove softened acrylic with sticks, secondly, you can use them to lay out forms for acrylic modeling, and thirdly, when attaching tips and applying glue to them.

Instead of dots

Don't have a Dots handy? No problem! Orange sticks will come to the rescue - with the sharp end you can pick up the necessary material and work pointwise.

For painting nails

Also, the sharp tip can be used for the finest painting, for example, using the “wet” technique.

For attaching decor

You can use an orange stick to pick up glitter, pick up some small element (rhinestones, pearls) and transfer it to your nails.

Correction of applied gel polish

An orange stick is very convenient to remove the crusty coating from the skin before it polymerizes.

Performing a manicure

This tool is widely used for nail extension procedures. Orange manicure sticks remove acrylic after the nails have been treated with this cosmetic product, and also help to glue tips and lay out biogel forms.

With this device, nail decoration is done very efficiently and quite quickly. For gluing take small ones:

  • rhinestones;
  • beads;
  • applications;
  • pieces of foil.

Then the sharp edge of the orange stick must be moistened, so the material will stick to it better. Afterwards, any selected material must be laid out on the surface of the nails, which is pre-lubricated with a thin layer of glue. Using this device, it becomes possible to create a complex pattern with acrylic paints. There is no need to use a special brush.

What can replace orange sticks?

The answer to this question lies the meaning of using orange sticks: in order to replace this one universal tool, you will need many devices! So, the stick can be replaced:

  • pusher if you push back the cuticle;
  • nail scissors to remove cuticles if you are doing a trimmed manicure instead of an unedged one with a remover;
  • wax pencil during the decorating process;
  • the back of the spatula for cleaning the nail;
  • with a brush during painting;
  • dots for design creation.

Is it possible to replace orange sticks with silicone ones?

In addition to orange ones, there are also silicone sticks with a plastic tip. They are usually used by girls with overly sensitive skin. If you have normal skin, it is better to use classic orange sticks, because the plastic does not move well along the surface of the nail plate, as a result of which you can press harder on the tool or make sharper movements, which can ultimately lead to injury to the cuticle or nail.

Where to buy orange sticks?

We strictly recommend buying orange sticks only from trusted stores! Otherwise, there is a risk of buying expired goods in damaged packaging. And we remember about the absorbency of sticks - under inappropriate conditions they can become a source of pathogenic bacteria and infections.

How were orange sticks invented?

The history of orange sticks dates back to 1830, when King Louis Philippe developed a hangnail on his finger. The court doctor was ordered to remove the hangnail, and then the doctor developed a set for hand care. After that, manicure went to the masses, and ready-made manicure sets became very popular. Then they included powder, a suede nail file, a special hand cream and, of course, an orange stick, which is included in all standard sets to this day.

Selecting the required tool

To push back the cuticle, use different tools: a metal or rubber spatula, as well as an orange wooden stick. The latter is the most popular and basic tool of European manicure. A double-sided orange stick is a disposable item, averaging 9–18 cm in length, used for pushing away. Its structure is soft, dense, and has antiseptic properties. This is a thin stick with pointed and flat ends. Unlike others, this instrument is the most hygienic and less traumatic. Doesn't scratch the nail, doesn't tear the cuticle. You can change the shape of an orange stick using a coarse abrasive file. To move away, use the blunt tip of the stick, and the sharper tip is used to clean the dirt under the nails, remove acrylic or apply decor.

A reusable spatula made of medical steel with different edges is the most common tool in manicure. It is often called a pusher (scraper). It may well replace an orange stick, as it adequately performs the same functions. Does not require sharpening, but must be disinfected by boiling or treatment with aseptic means. When using a metal tool, the likelihood of nail damage increases significantly, so spatulas with rubber tips are often used.

New products designed for working with cuticles include a special pencil. Multifunctional tool. It is also used to move back the preungual skin fold. This is done using a capillary. At the same time, oil is applied to the skin roll that is moved away. After this, the shape of the nails is created using the pencil cap. The tool is quite safe and suitable for non-professional use.

Orange sticks: life hacks

Don't like the shape of the wand tip? Apply the desired effect using a coarse abrasive file!

Do you decorate your nails with an orange stick? Then apply a small amount of clear polish/gel polish or glue to the tip, this will make it easier to transfer decorative elements to the nail plate.

We carry out the procedure ourselves

The main function of the skin pre-nail fold is protective. But an unkempt, overgrown, overdried cuticle becomes a possible source of inflammation. Its dead particles stick to the nail plate, thereby slowing down the growth of the nail. This can also significantly damage the nail surface. It is quite obvious that the cuticle needs to be carefully and carefully looked after, that is, it must be removed in a timely manner.

Removing the skin roll is the most accessible method of care for everyone. It is safe and allows you to do all the manipulations yourself without negative consequences for your nails and skin. With European manicure, pushing back is carried out using emollients without steaming. If the cuticle is damaged or infected, use an antiseptic cream, ointment or antibiotic. On the choice of products, as well as their use, you need to consult a cosmetologist. The standard option for moving a skin ridge with an orange stick includes a few steps:

  1. Remove nail polish with an acetone-free product, then wash your hands with soap.
  2. Make a warm bath for your hands with the addition of chamomile, lemon juice or softening essential oils.
  3. Dry your hands with a towel.
  4. Apply emollient to cuticles with a brush.
  5. Gently push the cuticle back to the base of the nail with an orange stick.

When the skin roll is completely pushed back to the base, the root of the nail becomes visible. The parts that remain unmoved should be corrected. The pre-nail skin fold can be pulled back after a shower or bath while your hands are damp and warm. It is advisable to do this procedure once a week. Ideally, the skin roll should be constantly soft and moisturized. The final well-groomed result is a smooth nail plate with a well-processed cuticle.

Absolutely all women know that orange manicure sticks are a must-have tool in the list of necessary accessories. This is a multifunctional item that makes nail care more convenient and safe!

The thin orange stick was invented by the French. Now the whole world is successfully using this simple item! The length of the instrument varies from 9 to 18 centimeters. Thickness - from 3 to 5 mm. One end of the stick is pointed, the other is blunt and beveled.

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