Hand massage: types, technique, recommendations for the procedure

Hand massage can be either an independent procedure or a complementary procedure in combination with a manicure and nail polish. If you want a line of loyal customers, master different techniques for massaging your arms, hands, and nails. Relaxation, improved blood circulation, increased skin tone and accelerated nail growth are just a few of the advantages of a massage performed by a manicurist. Let's look at the technique step by step, and also give recommendations on the duration of the procedure, the number of repetitions of movements and the choice of cosmetics.

Types of hand massage that a nail technician should master

Massage is a mechanical and reflex effect on the skin of the arms, hands and wrists using rubbing, pressure, stroking and vibration. There is medical and cosmetic massage.

Medical massage is indicated as a restorative therapy after strokes, fractures, pinched nerve endings, and other muscle injuries. Can only be performed by specialists with medical education and is not recommended for nail service professionals.

There are other types of hand massage that are worth familiarizing yourself with:

  • self-massage - suitable for a salon technician at the end of the working day;
  • relaxing;
  • tonic;
  • acupressure su-jok is a medical procedure, performed only with the appropriate knowledge;
  • spa hand massage using stones - stone therapy.

To provide a professional hand massage service in combination with a manicure, a nail technician will only need to master cosmetic relaxing and toning options.

Often this procedure is also called hygienic or salon massage.

Basic Rules

The salon employs specially trained specialists who know exactly what your skin needs. However, you can massage at home using basic movements that will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin. Do you want to achieve the best effect when performing a hand massage during a manicure? Use the following tips and tricks:

  • instead of massage cream, you can use regular vegetable oil - this will ensure glide and gentle penetration of beneficial substances into the cells;
  • before the massage, you can steam your hands in a special bath (add a drop of essential oil);
  • massage can be performed both before and after the manicure - the main thing is to ensure that the newly created beauty is not disturbed;
  • each movement should be repeated several times;
  • make sure that the manicure procedure is carried out cleanly: all tools must be thoroughly washed;
  • take a break from everyday problems, do not burden your head with unnecessary thoughts - during the massage, turn on your favorite music, movie, or just sit in silence, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable;

  • for additional protection of the skin of your hands, use an antibacterial spray - this will protect you from infection due to small cracks and cuts;
  • you can choose several exercises and alternate them, using different combinations in different massage sessions;
  • It is recommended to do a light massage every day, devoting 5 minutes to it;
  • After the massage, do not do household chores, limit the load on your hands.

Interesting fact: not only age affects the appearance of your hands, but also excess weight. Due to excess weight problems, hands can lose their shape, former smoothness and elasticity.

Indications for cosmetic hand massage

The procedure is recommended only for healthy clients and is intended to solve exclusively cosmetic purposes related to skin care and relaxation of arm muscles.

Salon massage performs the following functions:

  • relaxation of hands;
  • normalization of skin tone;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin of the hands;
  • increased blood microcirculation;
  • improving the functioning of muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints.

Contraindications for hand massage

The procedure should be performed with caution or even abandoned completely if the client has clear signs or suspicions of the following pathological conditions or diseases:

  • cardiovascular diseases, including hypotension or hypertension;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, gout, polyarthritis;
  • eczema and other skin pathologies, one of the symptoms of which is rashes;
  • allergies to cold and other types of allergies;
  • presence of warts, papillomas;
  • fungal infections;
  • wounds and ulcers.

Cosmetics used in hand massage

Any product in the name of which you will find the prefix “massage” can be used to provide the procedure. But for sensitive skin prone to irritation, it is better to avoid oils that contain warming components. Cosmetics for hand treatment can be divided into several categories:

  • oils;
  • fatty creams;
  • lotions or tonics;
  • serums;
  • peelings and scrubs.

Thick oils and creams have a denser texture, ideal for the cold season, when the skin needs enhanced nutrition. Lotions and serums are light, quickly absorbed and recommended during the warm season for care and intense hydration. Peels and scrubs are part of the spa massage procedure, and after them an additional nourishing cream or moisturizing lotion is applied, depending on the season.

Review of foot peels for professional and home use

At some stage of work, you may need additional oil to improve gliding - add as much as necessary.

Lyudmila Sheveleva

Doctor, pharmacist

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Cosmetic oil can be replaced with any oil, for example, baby oil. For excessively dry hand skin, you can use a 1:1 mixture of oil and nourishing cream.

Oil can also be replaced with any fat-based nourishing cream. On average, one procedure takes 15-20 ml of product on both hands.

Based on this, you can calculate the cost of the service: divide the cost of cosmetics per client, adding the prices of a disposable spatula, napkin and time spent.


This procedure affects all muscles, joints, layers of skin, and blood vessels. Separately, I would like to draw attention to how massage affects the central nervous system, stabilizing its functionality. And undoubtedly, the sessions have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. As already mentioned, there are a large number of acupuncture points located on the palms. By stimulating these points, we influence certain organs, improving their functionality.

This procedure is recommended after heavy physical activity to restore muscle performance, relieve tension, and strengthen joints and blood vessels. Also, under the influence of massage, you can get rid of such consequences as swelling, bone fractures, and damage to soft tissues.

It is very good to use the procedure for cosmetic purposes. With its help, you can clean the top layer of skin from keratinized epidermis, dust particles, any external contaminants that clog pores. As a result of rubbing, the outflow of lymph is activated, which helps improve skin nutrition at the micro level. Ultimately, the skin becomes firm, elastic, velvety, acquiring a vibrant color.

With the help of various nourishing creams and gels, massage increases its effectiveness.

Classic relaxing hand massage with a tonic effect: step-by-step instructions

This is the main type of massage that a manicurist will need to master. It is offered as a separate procedure in spa salons, or as a complex procedure after a manicure in regular nail salons.

The duration of the relaxing massage is 5-15 minutes. If you want to include it as an obligatory component in your manicure complex, 5-7 minutes will be enough if there is a large flow of clients.

You can offer a full hand massage procedure lasting 5-15 minutes as a bonus to clients who have purchased several care services at the same time. This stimulates sales.

The purpose of a relaxing massage is to relax, improve blood microcirculation, increase elasticity and tone of the skin, lightly work out the joints, reduce muscle tension and swelling of the hands.

The procedure is performed with soft, smooth movements with gradual transitions from zone to zone. You can complement the procedure with lighted candles and quiet lounge music.

Stage 1: treating the hands of the master and client with an antiseptic

It is preferable to use an antiseptic in the form of a spray or gel. Hand disinfection is a mandatory step, since the procedure is carried out without gloves. The hand massage is performed up to the forearm, so you need to treat this entire area with an antiseptic.

To treat the client's hands, the master squeezes or sprays his hands, lightly distributes the liquid over them, and then applies it to the client's hands.

Stage 2: applying oil or cream with pre-heating in the palms

After the antiseptic solution has dried, the product is applied to the recess of the master’s palm and distributed over the hands to warm up. Your hands should also be warm before starting the procedure - warm them by rubbing your palms well.

Stage 3: warming up the client's skin from wrist to forearm

Distribute the oil from the wrist to the forearm with light stroking movements. In the upward direction the movement is stronger, and in the downward direction it weakens. There should be 10-15 movements up and down. We move on to more intense movements as the massage progresses. To do this, we cover the hand with the thumb and middle finger and seem to drive a wave across the skin from top to bottom and back.

Using your thumb, in a circular motion, knead the wrist area on the left and right sides, moving slightly upward. Turn your hand over and use your thumb in a circular motion to also knead the inside of your wrist.

Stage 4: brush development

Warm up the brush with stroking movements. We move on to more intense kneading using circular movements clockwise or counterclockwise. We follow the direction of the joint line from top to bottom, moving along the phalanges of the fingers to the tips. We work each finger this way.

In the inner part of the client's palm, we work with the knuckles of bent fingers, not the tips, since the inner part requires more intense pressure. We do not work on the interphalangeal joints - this can only be done by a professional massage therapist. Don't forget to massage the spaces between your fingers with your thumb and index finger in a circular motion. We avoid excessive pressure on thin skin, otherwise painful sensations may occur.

Stage 5: nail massage

Having completed the work on each finger, we go down to the nail plates. To improve nail growth and activate blood microcirculation in this area, you need to tightly squeeze the nail from top to bottom, and then from left to right. Each press lasts 3-4 seconds. After pressing, blood rushes into the area and a slight heating may be felt. At the final stage, ask the client to bend her fingers and “drum” along the edge of the table for several minutes to consolidate the achieved result.

Stage 6: working out the palm

The inner part of the palm contains a large number of biologically active points, pressing on which increases energy reserves in the body. We work on the client’s palm first with light circular kneading using the thumbs from the center to the periphery, and then we squeeze the remaining fingers and actively massage the inner part with our knuckles. After intensive kneading, we again switch to light stroking.

After each change of zone and type of impact, we make a movement with two palms, as if “removing” the negative energy from the client’s hand, and removing it back, behind us, above the table. Trigger point processing helps relieve negative emotions. In the process of kneading your hands, all negative energy is released into the surrounding space. It is important to “relieve” such tension and then remove it from the work area.

Stage 7: kneading the hand and fingers by rotating and shaking

After working on the palm, we move on to relaxing the hand in weight. To do this, we take the client’s hand in a lock, as in the photo. With the second hand we fix the wrist area. With light rotations, 5 in each direction, we stretch our wrists. The client's elbow should also rest on the table.

Let's move on to the fingers. We bend our index and middle fingers and grab the client’s finger into the resulting “forceps”, shaking it slightly and pinching it from the upper phalanx to the tip (5-7 times up and down).

Stage 8: final

We finish the procedure with stroking movements. At the final stage, we also “remove” the negative energy and, by shaking our hands, remove it from the table area.

After the massage, the client will feel a rush of blood, the condition of the skin will visually significantly improve, and the range of movements will increase due to the elimination of stagnation.

All of the above stages can be combined or only a hand massage can be performed if it is necessary to reduce the treatment time with a large flow of clients.

Features of treatment

Did you know that by devoting just a few minutes a day to a massage you can improve the health of your entire body? Thus, the thumb is responsible for the condition of the lungs and bronchi. Light rubbing and pinching of the thumb helps to quickly eliminate diseases of the respiratory system and allergic reactions. Massage of the index finger helps relieve disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, improves the psycho-emotional state, and relieves toothache.

Massaging your middle finger can improve blood circulation. And the ring finger is responsible for the human nervous system. Light stroking and rubbing will help quickly relieve stress and improve your mood.

By rubbing the little finger you can get rid of constipation and normalize the functioning of the small intestine.

Benefit or harm?

There are a large number of active points and zones on the human body (especially the hands and fingers). By stimulating them, you can influence internal organs, restore health and recover from many diseases.

Positive effects of massage:

  • relieves general fatigue and irritation;
  • helps eliminate muscle pain;
  • restores the elasticity of ligaments;
  • improves joint mobility;
  • relieves swelling and normalizes muscle tone;
  • improves the functioning of all internal organs and systems;
  • perfectly relaxes and removes from a state of prolonged stress;
  • improves the condition of the skin and nails;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • accelerates the process of restoration of the skin after mechanical damage;
  • reduces cellulite and fat deposits.

Indications for use

A high-quality hand massage can improve the condition of the skin, relax muscles and improve blood circulation. It is also able to activate the recovery process in the following conditions:

  • Crick;
  • paralysis;
  • chronic joint pain;
  • post-stroke condition;
  • post-traumatic syndrome;
  • sagging skin and salt deposits;
  • tension in the hands and fingers during prolonged monotonous work;
  • excessive stress on the hands.


Despite the numerous positive properties of massage, it is always worth remembering that there are a number of diseases for which any manipulation is prohibited.

Contraindications for arm and hand massage:

  • blood poisoning (sepsis);
  • high body temperature (fever);
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • fractures, joint dislocations and sprains;
  • infectious diseases;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the skin;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.
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