Fight yellow nails! How can you quickly whiten them at home?

Yellow nails are an unpleasant cosmetic defect. Many people have encountered this problem at least once in their lives. If it appears unexpectedly, it always causes concern, because nails are used to judge not only neatness and the desire to look attractive, but also the state of health.

The first thing that comes to mind is to paint over the yellow surface. Do not hurry! First you need to rule out diseases. If the nails begin to turn yellow, this may indicate conditions that require the attention of a doctor.

The nail plates are ideally smooth, pink, with a pale lunula at the base. They are constantly renewed, growing by about 1 millimeter per week. Beautiful hands are not just about appearance. This is an indicator of health and well-being.

A doctor must find the reason why nails turn yellow. If no abnormalities are found in the functioning of the internal organs, then the deficiency can be easily corrected. To do this, you don’t even have to sign up for expensive procedures at the salon.

What causes nails to turn yellow?

If you didn't have a poor-quality red or orange varnish on your nails (after removal they can leave a yellow tint on your nails), then the reason lies in your body. The most common causes of yellowing:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Nail fungus.
  3. Impending old age.
  4. Avitaminosis.
  5. Diseases of the body:
  6. diabetes;
  7. jaundice;
  8. sinusitis;
  9. arthritis;
  10. tuberculosis;
  11. thyroid diseases.

The following is a video about the causes of yellowing nails:

Prevention of yellowness

  • In order to minimize the risk of developing such a nail defect, first of all, you should carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene.
    You can become infected with fungus in any public place, from an unqualified nail salon to a public toilet. Important! It is best to always have an antifungal cream with you.
  • Get your manicure done by a specialist and only with high-quality coating. Be sure to use a base protectant under the varnish. For a while, it is better to rest your nails and leave them in their natural state, performing only therapeutic procedures.
  • If you smoke, it is recommended to do nail whitening procedures more often than non-smokers. This will prevent the process of yellowing from starting and preserve their healthy appearance for as long as possible.
  • And the last thing is the mandatory treatment of chronic diseases that cause the yellow color of the nail plate, and the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes to maintain the health of the body and saturate it with all the necessary elements.

Determining the cause of yellow nails

  • carry out a visual inspection . Determine the intensity of the color and condition of the nails as a whole. As already mentioned, with yellowing, other symptoms often appear associated with changes in the structure of the nail plate;
  • analyze your actions over the past few days . Perhaps you just finished a course of antibiotics or were heavy on coffee;
  • if none of the causes of temporary yellowing occur in your case, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

After an external examination and history taking, the dermatologist:

  1. A scraping will be taken for microscopic examination to check for fungal infection. If onychomycosis is confirmed, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.
  2. Will write out a referral for fluorography to exclude tuberculosis;
  3. Conduct a general blood test for glucose, cholesterol, and syphilis;
  4. Prescribe lymphography - X-ray contrast study of the lymphatic system;
  5. Write out a referral to an oncologist for consultation;
  6. If the test results are negative, he will recommend donating blood to check vitamin levels.

Based on the results obtained, a diagnosis will be made and appropriate treatment will be prescribed. In the case of serious diseases, such as syphilis or tuberculosis, do not self-medicate and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions - doing it on your own can lead to worsening of the condition and complications.

How to quickly brighten your home?

When the cause of the yellow nail color has been established and appropriate treatment has been taken, you can begin to eliminate the external consequences on your hands. There are some special cosmetics for this, or you can use folk recipes.

Special means

They can be found in almost any specialized cosmetic store. These include whitening pencils and nail polishes.

Whitening pencil for ends

Using a pencil, you can lighten only the tip of an overgrown nail and only on the back side. This is a method of instant whitening, as it contains chalk or white clay. The effect is visible immediately after application, but it does not last long.

Attention! After the first hand wash, the pencil is washed off and reapplication is required. And, as you understand, the number of such repetitions per day can reach more than a dozen times.

To obtain a pronounced and lasting effect from use, it is necessary to carry out this procedure regularly and for at least two weeks.

Next, you can watch a video about what a whitening pencil looks like and how to use it:

Whitening varnish

Nail whitening varnish or gel is more effective than a pencil, since it is applied to the entire nail plate and is not washed off from the first touch with water. In addition to their whitening properties, almost all varnishes also have a healing and restorative effect : they strengthen the nail plate, smooth it and protect it from delamination.

Reference. It is recommended to apply this varnish to nails that have been previously cleaned of decorative coating and in several layers. A good result is achieved if you use the product for at least 10 days.

Folk recipes

With traditional methods of nail whitening, the situation is much simpler. All facilities are affordable and within walking distance. And they give results no worse than professional cosmetic preparations.


The simplest and most effective way to whiten nails. Due to the high content of vitamin C, lemon is endowed with excellent lightening properties.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and rub it into each nail using a cotton pad. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Citric acid

Citric acid is a great alternative to fresh lemon. It contains a high concentration of vitamin C, which not only brightens, but also destroys harmful bacteria and microorganisms. To prepare the bleach solution, you will need a glass of clean boiled water and 1 teaspoon of citric acid. Mix everything and immerse your nails in this solution for 10–15 minutes, then generously lubricate them with nourishing cream or oil.

Important! Be careful with scratches and cuts in the nail plate area. Whitening procedures using lemon or citric acid can cause pain.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a panacea for many cosmetic defects, including yellowness on the nails. And it costs mere pennies compared to professional products. The procedure consists of applying peroxide to the nails several times a day using a cotton pad.

If you want a stronger effect, you can prepare a mask based on peroxide and baking soda. To do this, you need to mix these two ingredients in a ratio of 1: 2, respectively. Apply the resulting paste to the nail plate and leave for 10 minutes.

Such procedures should be performed daily until you achieve the desired result.


Another way to lighten nails at home is using baths. And absolutely every housewife will have the ingredients for them.


For such a bath, it is best to use sea salt. It contains more useful microelements. But if you don’t have one, you can use a regular kitchen one.

Attention! Add 25 grams of salt to 1 glass of clean water and stir thoroughly until the salt crystals are completely dissolved.

If desired, you can add the juice of half a lemon. This will further enhance the brightening effect. Immerse your fingers in the bath for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse your hands with warm water and apply the cream.


To prepare a soap solution, you will need 1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of high-quality liquid soap and 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix everything and dip your fingers into the mixture for 15–20 minutes.

After using the bath, rinse your hands with clean water and, if necessary, apply moisturizer.

With soda

Soda baths are made on the same principle as salt baths. To do this, dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of distilled water. Dip your nails into the resulting mixture for 10 to 20 minutes. The best results are achieved with daily use.

With chamomile

Reference. Chamomile can not only clean and lighten the nail plate, but relieve inflammation and nourish it with vitamins.

Preparing a chamomile bath is a more labor-intensive process compared to previous options. To do this you will need chamomile flowers and boiled water.

1 tablespoon of dried flowers is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and infused for 40 minutes to 1 hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and used as a bath not only for nails, but also for the entire skin of the hands.

With potatoes

Potato starch is an excellent natural bleach and can be safely used in nail baths. You can buy ready-made dry starch in the store, or you can use raw potatoes. It will definitely be found in every kitchen.

To prepare, you will need to peel and grate fresh potatoes and add a glass of water. Let the gruel sit for up to 1 hour so that the potatoes begin to release starch. Then feel free to soak your nails in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

How to tidy up your hands after gardening?

Sometimes even gloves do not save your hands and nails from getting soil and dirt while working in your summer cottage.

Important! It is not always possible to wash dirt from under your nails with ordinary water and soap. For this, regular table vinegar comes to the rescue.

It is better to use apple cider vinegar for the procedure: it has a more pleasant aroma. Add 350 ml of hot boiled water to a teaspoon of vinegar. Dip your nails into the resulting mixture for 5 to 10 minutes. The result is clean and beautiful nails without any contamination. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.

How to restore after varnish?

If you are faced with yellowness on your nails after removing decorative varnish, oils will help you quickly get rid of such imperfections. They will cope perfectly with this problem, since their properties allow you to quickly and effectively remove any pigment, even well-ingrained ones.

Any of the following oils will be suitable for the procedure:

  • olive;
  • sandalwood;
  • essential oils of lemon or bergamot.

The principle of use is simple: rub the oil well into the nail plate with a cotton pad several times a day. This procedure does not require further rinsing, and the oil will additionally help moisturize and soften the cuticle.

Cosmetical tools

For those who do not want to prepare whitening products themselves, the cosmetics industry has invented special products with similar effects.
They can come in the form of a gel, oil or serum in a nail polish bottle. The action of such products is based on exfoliation of the top layer of the nail plate, so those with thin nails should use them with extreme caution. There are also special tablets containing citric acid, rosemary and chamomile extracts. They must be diluted in water. On store shelves you can also find whitening pencils, which are used to give the tip of the nail a white tint.

How to lighten from the inside?

If you need to whiten the inside of your nail, a regular lemon can also help.

Attention! You need to cut the lemon in half and immerse your nails in each half for 10 minutes. After the first use, you will see changes: your nails will become lighter and take on a healthier appearance due to their saturation with vitamins.

Which doctor should I contact and what tests may need to be taken?

To get rid of yellow nails, you need to pay attention to the condition of the tissues. If there is peeling and separation of the stratum corneum, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, since most likely the problem is associated with a fungal infection. If there are no other symptoms other than yellowness, or if signs uncharacteristic of the fungus appear, it is recommended to consult a physician. The doctor will examine the history and symptoms, assess the condition of the outer skin and refer you to a specialist, if necessary.

Most often, the patient is recommended to undergo examination:

  • an x-ray is taken;
  • take blood tests, which allows you to determine the level of bilirubin, glucose, cholesterol, hormones;
  • culture for onychomycosis.
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