How to grow nails quickly: 12 ways at home

Photo: Long nails are the dream of many women, but not everyone manages to acquire them. Especially without constant strengthening with gel or acrylic powder, which also cannot be abused. We are sharing 12 simple ways to quickly grow your nails at home and without harm!

Olive oil

Prepare a bath of warm olive oil, 5 drops of glycerin and 3 drops of iodine. It is best to do it at night before going to bed once a week, combining it with a massage.


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Play of color - perfection of form

The method with visual illusions has long been no secret for women. An incredibly simple and modern means for visually lengthening the shape of a nail is the use of a special color scheme and texture of the material, namely a single-color varnish and a matte glossy shade. A convenient, budget-friendly and simple solution for any occasion, be it everyday or festive manicure, from minimalist style to strict and elegant classics. The visual effect of this option lengthens any shape of the nail plate, as it hides the natural lunula and other possible imperfections of the nails from prying eyes.

Another simple and affordable method for the visible effect of enlarging the nail bed is a French manicure. This option is suitable for both supporters of artificial innovations and lovers of a natural approach. The French nail design does not go out of fashion trends and firmly occupies its leading position, both in the classic version and in other modified versions (colored French, millennium French, twist French). The purpose of this design is one - to give any nail shape a refined, traced lunula standard, thereby improving the length of the nail plate.

An important advantage is the fact that it will not be difficult to cope with such a manicure either at home or with the help of a salon specialist. To begin with, an opaque matte base is applied to cover the entire nail plate. On top of the first layer of varnish, the shape of the lunula that best suits you is clearly drawn. We complete the French look by applying a transparent coating along the entire nail. Manicure is ready!

Coconut oil

This invaluable ingredient in cosmetology will also help in growing nails. Make warm baths from it or rub it into the nail plate with massage movements. It is best to take the oil in a small container, carry it with you and repeat the mask several times a day.


Nail growth in a week, is this possible?!

Ask, well, how to grow them, you know very well that the possible weekly maximum of how much nails grow per week is 1 - 1.5 mm. But this is catastrophically not enough! But there's no need to panic. Believe me, your nails are capable of producing greater results; it’s enough to know a few tricks that will help wake up your nails from their “hibernation.”

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On average, fingernails grow 0.2 mm per day. On the legs - 0.15 mm. But in the autumn-winter period this process stops, and intensifies in summer and spring. Also, the rate of renewal of the nail plate depends on the age of the person. It is noted that after 30 years, nail growth stops. It has also been observed that women's nails grow faster than men's.

Nail growth, in addition to genetics, age, gender and seasonal characteristics, also depends on factors such as:

  • Water. You yourself have probably noticed such a feature that the more often you come into contact with water - washing your hands, swimming in the pool and (Oh my God!) Laundry and washing dishes without gloves - your nails grow faster. It's very simple - water enhances the growth of nail plates, but, unfortunately, it also weakens them at the same time. The solution is simple - short-term but regular water procedures, naturally, without any chemicals (do household chores only in seals! And this is a dogma!) And more water inside your beloved. If the body does not receive additional water, nails grow more slowly.

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On a note

A quarter of human nails are made up of water. Lack of water in the body immediately affects the condition of the nails. They become brittle and fragile. If you want your nails to be healthy and grow quickly, watch your drinking regime; 2 liters of clean water per day is a mandatory norm. And to set the desired water metabolism, make it a rule to drink a glass of clean water in the morning on an empty stomach.

  • The second factor logically follows from the first factor – proper and nutritious nutrition. Fill your diet with proteins, and vitamins A, E and group B. Why them? It’s just that vitamin A strengthens the plates, E is responsible for their youth, and young nails grow faster, and B vitamins are the very stimulants that enhance the growth and volume of keratin. It doesn’t matter how you get vitamins from food or from a mineral-vitamin complex, it is important that they come in sufficient quantities.

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  • Another point that affects nail growth is regular care. Make it a rule to use at least regular hand cream and don’t forget to pamper your nail plates and cuticles. The nutrients from the cream will have a stimulating effect on the process of nail growth. And if you use a special cuticle oil, you yourself will notice how your nails will grow by a noticeable amount in a week.

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  • Hand massage also affects nail growth. And both cuticles and fingertips. So don't be lazy and get a light massage regularly. And for rapid nail growth, this massage should be performed twice a day. This will take very little time - 2 minutes will be enough.

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On a note

And one more little secret - print more. Yes, light tapping on the computer keys and the resulting vibration in the fingertips stimulate nail growth. But it is important to print with pads, take care of your nails, the plates may suffer even more from impacts.

As you can see, nothing is impossible, and the usual rules of the regime and the correct approach to the health of your body will allow you to slightly increase nail growth.


Add 2 tbsp to 500 ml of water. kitchen salt and 10 drops of regular pharmaceutical iodine. Keep your hands in the bath for 10 minutes, then dry well and rub with massage movements with oil.


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Masks and baths

General nail care rules are, of course, important. Ideally, they should be turned into a healthy habit. But when time is limited and you need to grow your nails in a week, you need to supplement them with home cosmetic procedures. Baths and masks activate the growth of nail plates.

Daily baths

They aim to stimulate keratin synthesis. Water, as already mentioned, is critical for the nail plates, but its exposure should not be too long so that they do not become thin.

With sea salt

It must be real and without dyes, flavors, or other chemicals. The solution is made very strong - 120-150 g of salt per 500 ml of hot water.

When the salt has dissolved and the water has cooled to warm, immerse your hands in it for 20 minutes. After the “session,” they are wiped dry with a towel and a nourishing cream is applied.

With gelatin

Gelatin is essentially pure collagen. It not only activates the growth of nail plates, but also provides them with nutrition, restores strength and elasticity.

Baths with gelatin are a very effective remedy that can help grow even nails that have been nibbled at the root within a week. The liquid is prepared by pouring a teaspoon of gelatin granules into 100 ml of cold water. After about half an hour they will swell, after which another 400 ml of hot water is added to the container and stirred vigorously until the lumps are completely dissolved.

The correct consistency of the solution is viscous, but not gelatinous. Keep your hands in a bath of gelatin for 20-30 minutes, and gently rub the remaining mixture into the nail plates.

With lemon

This citrus not only significantly strengthens the nail plates and stimulates their growth, but also whitens them, helping to get rid of the unaesthetic yellowish tint. The juice of half a lemon should be squeezed into a container with 500 ml of warm water.

Keep your hands in this bath for no more than 15 minutes - the acid is not very beneficial for the skin. During the process, it is useful to rub your nails with the pulp, peel, and zest remaining after squeezing the juice.

After the procedure, thoroughly rinse off the remaining liquid from the brushes with cool running water, then apply the cream.

With oils and iodine

You need to mix a tablespoon of sunflower, olive and corn oil, add a teaspoon of castor and almond oil, heat in a microwave or in a water bath to body temperature and add 2-3 drops of liquid glycerin and iodine.

Keep your hands in the oil bath for only 5-7 minutes, then wipe off the remaining composition with a dry cloth.

By the way, those who want to grow their nails to an acceptable length in a week can also use iodine in its pure form, applying it to the plates themselves and the cuticle as a varnish. If you do this in the evening, by the morning there will be no trace left of the unaesthetic yellowness.

With healing herbs

First, prepare an infusion by pouring 500 ml of boiling water over dry herbs - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, plantain, burdock and infusing them for about two hours in a container under a tightly closed lid. Then filter the liquid and add 10 ml of dry white wine.

Hands are kept in the bath for up to 40-45 minutes.

Baths can be made from almost anything

Daily masks

Hand masks do not have as pronounced an effect as baths, but they significantly reduce the risk of breaking nails that are growing at an accelerated pace, strengthening the plates along the entire length. They cannot be called an “express remedy” for nail growth; rather, they are a “long-term investment.” The 2-3 mm increase in length per week that masks provide will definitely not be superfluous.

From beeswax

Only a natural product gives the desired result. It can be used either in its pure form or in combination with other substances that are beneficial for the skin of hands and nails - base oils used in cosmetology, honey, cream, pharmaceutical oil solutions of vitamins A and E.

The wax is melted, mixed with other ingredients if desired (also preheated), allowed to cool slightly and rubbed into the nails little by little, especially carefully “working” their base and cuticle area. After 2-3 minutes of this massage, thermal or regular latex gloves are put on your hands. This will enhance the effect.

In the second case, it is recommended to “insulate” them additionally, for example, by wearing winter mittens over them. Keep the mask on your hands for at least half an hour; if possible, it is better to increase the time to 2-3 hours. Residues are wiped off with a dry paper or cloth napkin.

From toothpaste

The paste (namely a paste, not a gel) should be white, without crystals and other granules, which are useful for cleansing tooth enamel, but scratch and injure the nail plates. It’s good if it contains calcium, which helps strengthen nails.

Make a mask at night, rubbing toothpaste a little into each nail and letting it dry. In the morning, simply wash your hands with soap and then apply cream.

With oil and vitamins

For this mask, oil that can be found in any housewife’s kitchen (sunflower, olive, corn) is quite suitable. You can also use those that are used in cosmetology as base ones (avocado, almond, peach pits, jojoba, shea butter, and so on).

Solid oil is pre-melted, liquid oil is heated to body temperature and the contents of 2-3 Aevita capsules are diluted in a teaspoon.

The finished composition is applied to the nails and cuticles, left for at least half an hour, periodically lightly rubbing in with massage movements. Residues are wiped off with a dry cloth.

From fish oil

The “product” is specific, but its effectiveness if you need to grow your nails in a week is undeniable. Fish oil is consumed economically; one capsule is enough for the procedure.

Because of the sharp, even pungent smell, masks are best done in the evenings, when you no longer plan to leave the house.

Keep fish oil on the nails for 30-40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water, wipe your hands dry and apply a nourishing cream.

When making masks and nail baths, we must not forget about the cuticle. If you use a special oil every day, it looks much more aesthetically pleasing and better protects the base of the nail from damage.

Cuticle oil most often contains vitamins necessary to accelerate nail growth.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is very fatty and very rich in micronutrients. It makes a great mask for gloves! To do this, apply it to your hands, rub into the nail plates and put on gloves for an hour, periodically stretching your fingers to stimulate blood supply.


How to grow nails in a week at home

In addition to the general rules of care, there are also special methods of influence that further enhance nail growth. Conventionally, they can be divided into baths and nail masks.

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Let's look at each group separately, their recipes and detailed procedures. But let’s say right away that these are not miracle remedies, since you won’t be able to grow long nails in a week (only extensions can do it here), but they can significantly increase the growth of the nail plate up to the coveted 3 mm. per week - this is possible. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and remember to carry out procedures regularly. In addition, this very regularity will not take so much of your energy, because it only takes a week to see results.

Baths to enhance nail growth

First, let's reveal the main secret - all baths, no matter what result they are aimed at, have a stimulating effect on the growth of keratin. The thing is that they are usually water-based - a key component for nails. In other words, no matter what nail bath you choose, it will definitely help you grow your nails. We will look at the most effective ones.

Bath with sea salt. For such a bath you will need warm water (0.5 liters) and real sea salt (5 tablespoons). The salt concentrate must be very high! It is this consistency that will have a powerful growth-stimulating effect.

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The procedure should take about 20 minutes. You can, of course, do more, but there is a risk of weakening the plate. It will, of course, grow stronger, but there is a risk of further delamination. After completing the procedure, nails should be dried with a towel and nourished with any cream or nail oil.

The frequency of the procedure, of course, is daily throughout the week.

Gelatin bath. A miracle cure. The collagen contained in gelatin will not only stimulate the growth of plates, but will also nourish the nails and make them more elastic. This bath will help even in the most advanced situations and is perhaps the only solution to how to grow back even bitten nails in a week. For the bath you will need 0.5 liters. water and 1 tsp. gelatin. The solution should be quite viscous, but do not overdo it; the gelatinous consistency will be useless due to the fact that the circulation of water between the solution and the keratin will be weakened. The bath should be warm.

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The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes. You can do more; the water in this solution does not have such an aggressive effect on the nails as in the previous version. After completing the procedure, it is advisable not to wash the solution off the nails for some time. Or you can simply rub it into your nails, so it will protect the plates from the aggressive influence of the environment.

Frequency: daily, throughout the week.

Lemon bath. The acid contained in lemon is a real growth catalyst. For enhanced nail growth, you will need half a lemon and the same half liter of warm water. Squeeze the lemon and mix its juice with water. The remaining lemon pulp and zest should not be thrown away. Place them also in the bath and during the procedure, knead your nails with them, wipe them with the zest. The essential oils contained in lemon peel will help whiten the nail plates and strengthen them.

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The duration of the procedure is maximum 15 minutes. Despite all the beneficial properties of lemon, its acid is quite aggressive on nails and can lead to their fragility. After finishing the session, nails should be thoroughly rinsed with running water and lubricated with nourishing cream or oil.

Frequency – naturally, daily throughout the week.

We talked only about the strongest components that have a powerful effect on the process of nail growth. These are water, citric acid, sea salt and gelatin. If you wish, you can dilute the rather meager assortment of these baths with other substances that will soften, strengthen or heal your nails, but in any case, the four above-mentioned components are fundamental in accelerating nail growth.


Apply crushed lemon pulp or a cotton swab soaked in juice to your nails for 2 minutes. Not only the quality, but also the color of the plates will gradually improve. But first, make sure on one finger that you do not have allergies or irritation. The procedure is not suitable if the skin is injured.


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Beautiful manicure in a month

If you neglect care, then normally the stratum corneum grows by 3-4 mm in four weeks. Slow growth may be due to disorders in the body, in which case it is necessary to take care of general health. When trying to grow your nails, you should be prepared for major life changes. You will have to reconsider your diet, take vitamins and pay attention to your hands every day.

Firstly, junk food is excluded from the menu. Preference is given to products rich in vitamins and minerals. Alcohol and smoking negatively affect your appearance, so you should forget about it at least for a while. If it is impossible to get the required amount of vitamins from your diet, then it is better to buy the complex at the pharmacy.

Care remains the same: baths, massage with rubbing in oil or cream. An important point is to avoid colored varnishes, since their constant exposure worsens the condition of the plates. You can resort to a gel manicure, but in this case, maintenance will be impossible. This will not help you grow your nails in 5 minutes, but over time they will become stronger and more beautiful.

For most people, the plates on their hands grow very slowly, so you won’t be able to grow your nails overnight. It is possible to improve the condition of your manicure using folk or professional remedies. As a rule, it takes 1 to 3 months to achieve an average length, depending on the body and care.

What to do to make your nails grow faster?

To prevent your nails from breaking and growing quickly, try:

  • Adhere to the principles of healthy eating. This will have a positive effect on the condition of the whole body and affect the health of the nails.
  • Observe hygiene rules. Remove the cuticle in a timely manner, file your nails only when they are dry so that they do not peel, and carefully shape the plate into the desired shape.
  • Make baths, masks, use oils and creams.
  • Give the nail plate a rest between extension procedures.
  • Use high-quality varnishes that do not contain formaldehyde, toluene and other harmful substances that can damage the structure of the nail plate.
  • Do massage. If your job involves typing on a keyboard or playing musical instruments, massage your fingers at the base of the nail every evening. The massage can be supplemented with vegetable oil or essential or nourishing cream.
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