The gel polish lamp can be ultraviolet, light emitting diode (LED), hybrid and CCFL. Each type of equipment differs in power, type of luminous flux, and the presence of additional functions. The drying time of the coating depends on what exactly is chosen for the job, and it can range from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

The most popular lamps are considered to be hybrid ones, but they are expensive – some models will cost 20 thousand rubles. For home use, it is better to choose ultraviolet or LED devices - their cost is several times lower and does not exceed 5 thousand rubles. There are also very cheap options on sale - mini-lamps for individual use, their cost starts from 300 rubles.

Why do you need a lamp for gel polish?

A lamp for gel polish is needed so that the material used hardens and becomes a full-fledged, reliable coating. If acrylic and gel for nail extensions of the first generation are able to harden only under ultraviolet rays, then modern gel polishes are made with such a composition that polymerization proceeds well in LED lamps.

Depending on what type of equipment is chosen, you can clearly calculate the time required to fix/harden each layer of gel polish.

We recommend reading the article about the difference between gel polish and shellac. From it you will learn what is the difference between gel polish and shellac, what is better and what is more harmful, and also how to extend the wearing period. And here is more information about how to remove shellac at home.

LED lamp: features and brief description

A good LED lamp for gel polish is almost 80% of a perfect manicure. It largely determines how long the coating will stay on your nails. But let's talk about everything in order.

Modern LED lamps use LED bulbs. They allow you not to change them in the device for as long as possible, because the average burning life of such a lamp is designed for fifty thousand hours. Moreover, this figure does not even imply turning off the device. Nail technicians highly appreciate the capabilities of the LED lamp, because there is no need to change the LEDs in the device. Even if one or two diodes burn out, the lamp will work just as well as before.

How does a gel polish drying lamp work?

Inside each lamp for drying gel polish there are light bulbs that emit light waves of a certain length. Most often, the range of parameters ranges from 280-400 nm, and this allows the same type of equipment to be used for the polymerization of any material - gel polish, acrylic, shellac.

The lamps are turned on “manually” using a mechanical toggle switch/switch, but you can control the operating mode of the device in different ways:

  • using a timer - the master automatically sets the time for exposure to light on nails;
  • using a conventional switch - the specialist himself stops the light exposure;
  • combined - the lamp has both a timer and a manual switch.

How to glue decorative elements onto gel polish

Another simple way to make a manicure more impressive and interesting is to complement it with decorative elements such as rhinestones, sparkles, and stickers.

The sequence of performing a gel polish manicure using decor will be traditional. Decorations are attached to the nails after applying and drying the base color. If the rhinestones do not have an adhesive base, they are fixed in the desired position with tweezers and special glue. A top coat is applied and dried over the decorative elements.

How much does a gel polish lamp cost?

How much a gel polish lamp will cost depends on the quality level of the equipment, the name of the device manufacturer, and the type of lamp, but general price data is as follows:

  • Professional devices are the most expensive, and among them CCFL and LED lamps are particularly expensive - you will have to pay between 20-50 thousand rubles. This category of luxury goods includes hybrid lamps, the cost of which starts from 40 thousand rubles.

The cheapest, but no less effective, are devices that work with ultraviolet light - professional products will cost an average of 10 thousand rubles.

  • Equipment for drying gel polish made in China is in the average price range; their cost ranges from 3-5 thousand rubles per lamp with ultraviolet light, and more modern models (LED) can be purchased for 5-7 thousand rubles. Lamps from domestic manufacturers also fall into this category.

The cost of equipment is not an indicator of its quality, because often these lamps are distinguished by their long service life, efficiency, maintainability, and ease of use.

  • The cheapest lamps are from virtually unknown manufacturers; they can be purchased for 600 rubles, and the maximum cost of such products is only 2 thousand rubles. This equipment is distinguished by ease of use, limited capabilities, and short service life.

It is not correct to choose a lamp for drying gel polish based only on its cost; you need to take into account other criteria, the degree of importance of which is determined individually.

How long to dry the base?

The rules for drying the base depend on what kind of lamp is used. Therefore, different masters take different amounts of time to work.

How long to dry gel polish in an LED lamp

Drying time using an LED lamp depends on its power:

  • 6 watts – the base dries in half a minute, the main layer will have to spend twice as long;
  • 18– the base can be finished in 20 seconds, gel polish and top will dry 10 seconds longer;
  • 20–same time;
  • 48–5 seconds are spent on the base, 15 on the polish.

Such light bulbs are expensive, but they have a long service life.

How long to dry gel polish in a UV lamp

When using ultraviolet light source, the time will be as follows:

  • 9 watts – 2 minutes for base, 5 minutes for gel polish and top;
  • 18– 1 minute for base, 3 minutes for varnish;
  • 36 – 1 minute and 2 minutes respectively;
  • 48 – the same indicators.

Ultraviolet light bulbs are inexpensive, but they burn out frequently.

How long to dry the base in a 36 watt lamp

Not all masters know how long to keep their nails under a 36-watt lamp, since ice devices with such power are rarely used: 48-watt bulbs are more common on sale. If the master has a 36 W LED device, the time will be as follows: 10 seconds will be spent on the base, 15–20 seconds on the varnish.

How long to dry the gel in a 9 W lamp

Ice devices with 9 watts are the smallest in power. However, the drying speed of the coating will still be faster compared to a UV lamp of similar power. It will be: 30 seconds – base, 1 minute – main coating.

How to choose a lamp for drying gel polish, how much do they cost?

You can choose a lamp for drying gel polish and find out how much they cost, taking into account the types of such equipment.

Lamp type Brief description, price Photo
Ultraviolet They can be with touch and mechanical control, the power ranges from 9-54 kW, suitable for the polymerization of almost all materials. The price is within 3 thousand rubles.

LED lamps They are distinguished by a high drying speed of gel polish and a long service life without replacing light elements. The price ranges from 5-8 thousand rubles.

CCFL devices (cold cathode) They are distinguished by high power, have a timer and manual control of modes, and have a wide spectrum of radiation. The cost is around 7 thousand rubles on average.

Hybrid They combine cold cathodes and LED elements, dry any type of gel polish equally quickly and efficiently, and are distinguished by high power.

The price of equipment starts from 20 thousand rubles.

Ultraviolet (UV)

UV lamps are the simplest and cheapest option among equipment for drying gel polish. Initially they were of a simple design, but subsequent models were produced with fluorescent light bulbs. Main characteristics of ultraviolet lamps for gel polish:

  • power – ranges from 9-54 kW;
  • control method - touch or manual;
  • material drying time – 30 seconds – 1.5 minutes;
  • capacity is large, you can dry two hands at the same time;
  • what it is used for - for almost all types of gel polishes.

The pronounced advantages of ultraviolet lamps include relatively low cost, varied design of the device and a wide range of uses. But there is also a drawback to such equipment - the closer the day for mandatory lamp replacement is, the worse the drying of the coating goes; it can curl and bubble.

This is considered the most budget option, but a little outdated. Gel polish takes a long time to dry in such a device, has impressive dimensions and periodically requires replacement of light bulbs. The disadvantages also include the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation on the skin and nail plates - they dry out greatly. The problem is solved by using moisturizing cosmetics such as creams and cuticle oils.

LED lamps

These are LED devices that “entered” the accessory market relatively recently. They have the following quality characteristics:

  • the most popular LED lamp power is 6 W;
  • nail drying time – maximum 30 seconds;
  • may have built-in LED lamps on the top/bottom and on the sides;
  • equipped with an automatic shutdown timer;
  • Suitable for working with all types of gel polish.

Such lamps operate on LED elements, and this automatically reduces energy costs. Even if 1-2 light bulbs burn out in the device, the drying efficiency will not decrease.

The only drawback of LED lamps is their cost: it is several orders of magnitude higher than ultraviolet equipment, but relatively acceptable for purchasing a device even for home use.

Gas light with cold light

These lamps are equipped with cold cathodes and have a high price, but it is fully justified by their high quality characteristics:

  • extremely low power consumption;
  • rays of light do not have a negative effect on the eyes, skin or nail plates;
  • drying is carried out quickly, literally in a few seconds for each layer;
  • long service life of the equipment.

Gas-light lamps for drying gel polish with cold light have recently begun to be used by nail industry professionals, so you should not purchase them for home use. The price of lamps is too high, making it advisable to purchase cheaper options.


Hybrid lamps combine two sources of light waves - LED and CCFL, which makes them most effective specifically for drying gel polish. Their quality characteristics:

  • the average power of hybrid lamps is 48 watts, professional models reach 66 watts;
  • the device is equipped with a timer; you can set the lamps to automatically turn off after the time has elapsed for the next layer to dry;
  • the chamber is designed for drying one hand;
  • “works” equally effectively with any type of decorative coating;
  • long service life.

Since hybrid lamps can be used for drying any types of gel polish (including acrylic, bio), it is advisable to purchase them for those who “handle” many clients and have to work with different materials.

Mini lamp

The main difference between a mini-lamp and a regular device is its size, which is as compact as possible. They allow you to dry only a few fingers at a time; most often they are used to dry just 1 finger.

Such devices have:

  • open body design;
  • weak focusing of ultraviolet light on the nail plate;
  • negative effect on nails and the skin around them (very dry);
  • low power.

Mini lamps for drying gel polish can be of different types of radiation, but experts recommend choosing LED devices. Disadvantages of such compact equipment:

  • the polymerization time for all nails is long, because the procedure has to be done with each nail separately;
  • the design does not provide additional functions such as a fan or reflector;
  • low radiation power;
  • there is no tray.

But such equipment also has undeniable “advantages” - they are powered not only from the mains, but also from a laptop, and are portable (they can easily fit even in a handbag).

The cost of devices of this type is low and starts from 300 rubles. The lamp body is made of cheap plastic, so when purchasing you need to pay attention to the absence of chips and “sagging”.

Types of manicure lamps with shellac coating

There are many types of lamps. They differ in color, shape, power, design and general technical characteristics. But the main types can be divided into three categories:

  • Ultraviolet lamps;
  • LED bulbs;
  • Gas light lamps;
  • Combined type lamps.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice of lamp should be made taking into account all the wishes of the housewife.

Ultraviolet lamps

An ultraviolet-powered lamp became the founder of artificial manicure. Therefore, it can still be seen in most masters providing cosmetic services. Over time, many options for such lamps appeared in color, type of body, color and design. However, all these characteristics, in fact, are not very important; the power of the device is much more important, because the rate of shellac polymerization depends on it.

The lamps of the device are available with power from 9 to 54 W. One lamp is equal to 9 W and the number of lamps included in the device is the amount of power it produces. The optimal solution is considered to be a device with 4 light bulbs, whose total power is 36W. Drying under such a lamp takes 2 minutes.

Particularly useful in lamps of this type is the timer. Cheap models have a timer already set for 1 - 2 minutes, more expensive ones have a special button to turn on the time countdown or a second timer.

The size of the lamp is also important. In a salon setting, it is advisable to purchase a lamp for drying both hands at the same time, but for home use, a device for one hand is quite suitable. This will help save time, work space and energy.

A distinctive feature of a quick light bulb failure is their alternating switching on, blinking or complete absence of light on one of the lamps of the device. In this case, an increase in drying time may be observed due to loss of power. Or even rapid cracking of the nail surface or delamination. But this is a completely solvable problem; the lamps in such devices are easily replaceable and commercially available.

Such lamps have some disadvantages, including:

  1. Ultraviolet rays are harmful to the eyes;
  2. This radiation can dry out the skin;
  3. Light bulbs in the device may burn out and require replacement.

UV lamp test overview

LED bulbs

LED devices, or LED lamps as they are also called, appeared relatively recently. The advantage of such lamps is that under their influence shellac dries much faster. The 6 W lamp is designed for one drying session from 10 to 30 seconds. This version of the device is convenient for craftsmen who travel to the client’s address; it is light, miniature and easy to use. Another advantage of an LED device is that it continues to work even when one or two diodes burn out. Unfortunately, they cannot be replaced.

When choosing a device, it is better if the diodes are located over the entire surface of the device, and not just on top. This will give the advantage of drying the shellac completely and evenly on all sides, and not just on top. In LED models, the timer can be touch-controlled and turn on when the hand is in the lamp. The main models of LED lamps are designed to dry one hand according to the 4 +1 scheme. But in the line of various manufacturers you can find models for two hands, but they differ in size and cost.

Important! LED rays are not harmful to health, but may not cope with some gel polishes, so if you choose a lamp of this type, you should carefully read the instructions for the coating.

LED lamp review

Gas light lamps

Shellac drying lamps that are equipped with a cold cathode are called gas light lamps or CCFLs. To date, this type of device has not yet come into active use among craftsmen, due to its high cost. But those craftsmen who already work with such lamps claim the following advantages of the device:

  1. Possibility of drying any type of coating;
  2. Complete safety for skin and eyes;
  3. Great durability and low wear resistance;
  4. Low power consumption.

There is no clear option for drying time; it differs in different models, but an average period can be distinguished, which ranges from half a minute to two. Gas lighting equipment is still very expensive, so there is no point in purchasing such a device for individual use.

Hybrid lamps

The device combines gas light and LED lamp technologies. This combination allows you to work with various types of gels, while the coating is fixed in a short period of time, about 20 seconds.

The advantages of such devices are versatility, long service life, energy efficiency and fast polymerizing effect.

Video review of a hybrid lamp

Lamp for gel polish: which one is better according to reviews from experts, rating

The rating of the best lamps for gel polish was compiled based on reviews from masters, so even when choosing such equipment for home use, you should be guided by them.

Gel lamp drying lamp model a brief description of Photo
Solomeya Manufactured in Britain, on the market since 1999, equally suitable for professional and home use

Planet Nails From a German manufacturer, it is distinguished by high quality and affordable price, suitable for working with any type of varnish

ruNail Russian production, characterized by an optimal combination of quality and price.

Polymerization can be carried out on all fingers of one hand at once.

TNL Korean brand, on the market since 2008, the lamps can be used to dry 5 fingers at the same time.

SUN The lamp is from a Chinese manufacturer; the equipment entered the market only in 2016; it operates in different modes and has a touch sensor.

5th place – Solomeya lamps

Such equipment is designed for drying any gel polishes, if they have marks on the possibility of combining the material with ultraviolet rays and LEDs. The drying speed of one layer is 10 seconds, sometimes 15-20 seconds. They are multifunctional:

  • can be used for manicure and pedicure;
  • equipped with a removable magnetic bottom;
  • make it possible to polymerize 5 fingers of one hand at the same time;
  • operating life exceeds 50,000 hours.

Craftsmen note that the lamp dries gel polish efficiently, has an interesting design (can vary, there is a decent choice) and an average cost.

But the manufacturer Solomeya has some drawbacks - the range of cosmetic equipment does not include lamps for drying hybrid gel polish.

4th place – Planet Nails

Such lamps are suitable for working with any materials for decorative coating of nails - gel polishes, biogels, shellac, permanent varnishes. The service life of the device is up to 50 thousand hours, the case is equipped with a timer - it can be set for 30, 60 and 120 seconds of continuous light emission.

Experts note the following advantages of lamps from this manufacturer:

  • varied design;
  • The range includes all types of lamps, including hybrid ones;
  • polymerization of gel polish is carried out with the highest quality.

Watch the video about the DEVICE gel polymerization lamp from Planet Nails:

But there are also “disadvantages”: the cost of the product is above average, in most cases the declared operating life of the device does not correspond to reality.

3rd place – ruNail

A Russian-made lamp, which has a fairly low cost, but also high quality. Experts recommend paying attention to the following “advantages” of this model:

  • the range is quite large;
  • the working life of 50,000 hours fully corresponds to the declared one;
  • The device has a timer, display and removable bottom.

The design of the ruNail lamp allows you to immediately dry gel polish on 5 fingers of one hand, and there will be no harmful effects of light radiation. The manufacturer also has some drawbacks - for example, there are no hybrid lamps in the range, and complaints about insufficiently high-quality polymerization are occasionally received.

2nd place – TNL lamps

The products of the Korean manufacturer must undergo several stages of testing before going on sale, so the quality of polymerization is very high and all declared characteristics correspond to reality:

  • relatively low cost of equipment;
  • can be used for manicure and pedicure;
  • suitable for drying all types of gel polish;
  • allows you to dry 5 fingers on one hand at the same time.

The product range does not include hybrid type lamps, although they are considered the most popular and effective nail industry professionals.

1st place – SUN

The Chinese company has been on the market for cosmetics products for quite some time, but lamps for drying gel polish have recently gone on sale from the SUN brand. This is universal equipment that is optimally suited for the polymerization of gel polishes and hard materials. It is equipped with several light bulbs at once, the power is high, which allows you to dry 5 fingers of one hand at the same time. The lamps have the following characteristics:

  • suitable for manicure and pedicure;
  • work in several modes;
  • equipped with touch sensors;
  • have a removable bottom and a timer for automatic shutdown.

But even the lamp that took first place in the rating, the experts found shortcomings - the design of the device is monotonous, the company’s assortment does not include hybrid models.

Lamp for polymerization of gel polish: the best types for professionals and home craftsmen

For professionals and home craftsmen, it is better to buy the following types of lamps for polymerizing gel polish:

  • ultraviolet - the quality is good, but it is better to purchase those devices that are equipped with fluorescent lamps;
  • LED - practically safe for health, significantly reduces the hardening time of the coating material.

Ultraviolet lamps LED lamps
Beginners and those who use gel polishes for their own needs are recommended to buy mini lamps. Yes, they have low efficiency and take a long time to dry each layer of varnish, but they are easy to use and cheap.

Lamp power for drying gel polish

The optimal lamp power for drying gel polish is 36-48 W; with such light radiation, even the most pigmented varnishes dry in 60 seconds. In general, when choosing equipment based on power parameters, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • for varnishes that are applied in several layers, a power of 36-48 W will be sufficient, but for material in one dense layer such radiation is not enough - the drying time will increase to 2-3 minutes;
  • There are more powerful lamps on sale (up to 80-90 W), which make it possible to dry each layer of varnish within 10-20 seconds.

Experts recommend that home users opt for the 24-48 W setting, because this is quite enough for high-quality and quick drying of standard gel polish. If we are talking about professional application of gel polish, then the power of the equipment should be much higher - up to 90 W. Such devices must be used taking into account the following features:

  • if a woman’s nail plate is thin, then powerful lamps will burn strongly, and the client will experience severe discomfort;
  • it is possible to get a burn to the nail bed under the influence of very powerful ultraviolet rays;
  • the nail may fall away from the “flesh”, as a result of which a void is formed and fungal colonies settle in it.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should choose really high-quality lamps for drying gel polish - powerful, but from well-known manufacturers and with the ability to set several modes.

What parts are needed for the lamp for gel polish?

The lamp may contain additional functions and parts that are needed to work with gel polish:

  • auto-on - the light begins to flow immediately after you raise your hand to the elements, but the function may not work on tips, in which case you will need to independently monitor the drying time;
  • the presence of a display is a useful function if the master must independently control the time of exposure to light on the nail plates;
  • thermal control - regulates the flow of light and power, and this minimizes burning in the nails;
  • energy saving mode - will be relevant if there is “weak” wiring in the house/apartment.

How to do a French manicure with gel polish: instructions

For French manicure with gel polish, the following materials are used:

  • manicure instruments for hygienic manicure;
  • buff;
  • degreaser;
  • white and light gel polish of natural color;
  • top and base;
  • stencils for French;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

Nails are tidied up through a regular hygienic manicure - removing the previous coating or nail polish, getting rid of cuticles, and adjusting the length and shape of the nails.

Only after this can you proceed to performing the French:

  1. Use a soft buff to remove shine from nails.
  2. Wipe your nails thoroughly with a degreaser.
  3. Cover the nails with a base and dry under a lamp.
  4. Apply natural color, hold hands for 120 seconds. under UV rays.
  5. Fix the stencils and paint the tips of the nails white. Dry it. If necessary, repeat the procedure again, then carefully remove the stencils.
  6. Cover the nails with top coat. Dry for 120 seconds. under the lamp.
  7. Use a cloth with a degreaser to get rid of the sticky layer.

Which gel polish is suitable for an LED lamp?

The following types of gel polishes are suitable for the LED lamp:

  • UV/LED – the marking on the bottle indicates the versatility of the product, which polymerizes perfectly in any type of lamp;
  • LED - these letters on the bottle indicate that the varnish is only suitable for working with LED lamps; drying ends in 30-40 seconds.

If the gel polish is marked UV, then it is better not to take risks and not use it for drying in an LED lamp - the coating will harden for too long, it may immediately begin to peel off and bubble.

Features of operating a manicure machine

Manicure machines (lamps for drying gel polish) are used for each procedure, the algorithm for performing it will be as follows:

  1. The nails are trimmed, given the desired shape, and the cuticle is cut/removed.
  2. Each nail plate is degreased, otherwise even the most powerful lamp will not ensure reliable fixation of the coating material to the nails.
  3. The base coat is applied - the layer should be as thin as possible. The layer is dried in a lamp.
  4. Gel polish (shellac) is applied, after which drying is carried out again.

Applying gel polish to nails

1 of 4

We prepare the nail plate

Degrease the nail plate

Apply base coat

Apply gel polish

Drying time depends on the type of lamp used:

  • ultraviolet – on average 3 minutes;
  • LED (LED) – 60 seconds;
  • CCFL – on average 2 minutes;
  • hybrid – 30-60 seconds.

Lamps for drying gel polish can be selected according to different parameters - type of light radiation, manufacturer, wave flow power. It is important to decide how often the equipment will be used and what coating materials are intended to be used. Last but not least, you need to pay attention to the price of the device - some cheap models are distinguished by high quality characteristics.

Is it necessary to dry the top in a lamp?

Recently, special types of topcoat have appeared on sale: when it is applied to the nails, it speeds up the drying process of the color coating. It does not require special drying (and this will be mentioned in the instructions).

Other types of topcoat can be dried in the same way as varnish and base, using lighting fixtures of varying power. Since the topcoat is usually applied in a thinner layer compared to a color coating, low-power light bulbs can be used to dry it. The best option is an 18-watt ultraviolet lamp or a 9-watt LED device. In this case, the final layer of manicure will dry quickly and efficiently, and your nails will maintain a neat appearance for a long time. If the top coat contains glitter, it may take a little longer to dry. This time must be maintained, otherwise the structure of the sparkles will be deformed and they will lose their beauty.

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