What are holes on nails? Large and small holes on the fingernails: health implications

What do the holes on our nails mean, is their appearance related to health, and why can nail holes disappear? Let's figure it out together.

Taking care of our health, many of us tend to closely monitor our own bodies in order to identify certain problems. Of course, taking good care of your health will ensure the prevention and timely treatment of many diseases. The appearance of our nails can reveal some signs of disease development.

What are holes on nails?

If you look closely at the fingernails, you can see lighter areas in the form of crescents at the base of the growth, called holes or lunules.

  • The holes can be of different sizes and not located on every nail, as well as stand out or almost blend in color with the rest of the nail.
  • Sometimes there are no holes at all, and some people notice that with age they have decreased in size or disappeared.
  • It is believed that nail holes or their absence can indicate health problems and serve as one of the visual diagnostic tools that allows one to suspect a particular disease.

Nail holes - white crescents at the base of the nail

Appearance of nails

The crescent-shaped whitish area in the nail bed is called a socket. Sometimes they are called moons because of their resemblance to a celestial body.

The nails of a healthy person always have a pinkish tint; they are quite hard, smooth and shiny. They have an arched shape, the presence of several transparent spots is allowed, which indicate that the person is healthy and full of energy. So, according to experts, the whiter the holes, the better a person’s health. Otherwise, the base area of ​​the nail will be pale and blurry. Problems in the body can be suspected by a change in the color of the nail or a disappearing crescent. Self-diagnosis is carried out as follows.

Should there be holes on the nails - white semicircles at the base of the nail?

To understand this issue, you should pay attention to the physiological structure of the nail plate.

According to the structure of a healthy nail, there should be holes.

The white color of the nail hole is a consequence of reduced blood circulation and weaker capillary nutrition as a result of the pressure of the growing nail.

How are the holes in the fingernails related to health?

By carefully examining the nail holes, you can identify whether the patient has some problems in the functioning of body systems or the development of serious diseases. Such diagnostic methods were widely used by ancient Tibetan and Chinese healers.

  • Research conducted by modern specialists does not refute methods for diagnosing diseases based on the condition of the nail plates, but taking into account genetic aspects.
  • Sometimes the appearance and shape of the nail holes may indicate not an existing disease, but a predisposition to it, and also identify the most vulnerable areas.
  • If you pay attention to this in time, effective prevention will help you avoid serious health problems.

The connection between the nail holes and the entire body.

Large holes on all nails of both hands indicate good health, excellent blood supply, a healthy endocrine system and good vitality. Small holes or their absence indicate health problems or a predisposition to diseases, which will be discussed below.

  1. Holes on the big toe of the nail: indicate the functioning of the brain and lungs.
  2. The holes on the index finger of the nail: inform about the condition of the colon, gastrointestinal tract, and pelvic organs.
  3. Holes on the middle finger: indicate the health or pathology of the blood supply to the vascular system.
  4. Holes on the ring finger: indicate the health of the endocrine and lymphatic systems, kidneys.
  5. Holes on the little finger: talk about bowel function.

By looking at the holes in the nails, you can determine the presence of certain health problems or a predisposition to diseases

Nutrient deficiency

Lack of important nutrients from the diet due to extreme diets, diseases that affect the body's ability to absorb nutrients, and eating disorders can cause changes in the nails.
People with vitamin B12 deficiency may notice that their white crescents on their nails disappear. Their nails may also turn brownish-gray.

Blood tests can detect deficiencies in many vitamins and minerals. Your doctor can help you determine which types of deficiency you are most vulnerable to, depending on your diet, lifestyle, health, and other factors.

Holes on the nails: meaning in palmistry and Tibetan medicine

Nails in palmistry are important in determining the health and character of a person and the condition of the holes too.

An experienced specialist specializing in this field of medicine will help determine the patient’s condition using the lunula using Tibetan medicine methods.

According to the experience of Tibetan healers, there is no cause for concern when the lunulae are located on each nail, are distinguished by a white-pink tint, and the nails themselves have a color that matches the color of the skin and a smooth, even surface.

  • The reduction in size of the holes or complete disappearance does not occur simultaneously, but gradually - in a certain pattern due to inevitable age-related changes in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body.
  • First, the lunula of the little finger contracts and disappears, then the ring, middle and, lastly, the index fingers.
  • The nail hole on the big toe is most pronounced and, as a rule, does not disappear at all. By its appearance one can judge the functioning of the lungs and the activity of the brain and their blood supply.
  • The lunula on the thumb can significantly decrease in people suffering from pulmonary diseases, long-term smokers and patients with mental and mental disorders.
  • A decrease in the lunula on the index finger indicates pathologies of the digestive system, large intestine, pancreas and liver, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and genitourinary system, which become chronic, as well as problems in the reproductive system.
  • The nail hole on the middle finger can become smaller due to diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory system - hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, vasoconstriction.
  • The lunula on the ring finger is often almost invisible, which indicates problems with the function of the lymphatic and endocrine systems, the thyroid gland, kidney failure, and slow metabolism.
  • The hole on the little finger is an indicator of malfunction of the small intestine and cardiac dysfunction.

The reduction of the holes occurs gradually and is associated with age-related and physiological disorders in the functioning of organs.
The color of the nail holes also indicates health problems :

  • If the lunula has a yellowish tint, you should pay attention to the functioning of the liver
  • If the holes have a bluish tint, acute heart failure can be suspected
  • The red color of the lunula indicates an increase in the level of red blood cells in the blood
  • If the sockets appear transparent, this indicates a decrease in hemoglobin levels

In palmistry, it is believed that lunulas can tell about relationships with the opposite sex.

  • If there are no nail holes on a man’s hands, this may indicate a preference for loose relationships, a refusal to enter into a marriage, and a fear of a serious relationship.
  • The absence of lunulae on a woman’s nails indicates problems in the personal sphere - an unsuccessful marriage, the absence of a permanent partner, or short-term romances.

Holes on the nails can tell about relationships in the personal sphere


The hole on the nail is studied not only by Tibetans, but also by palmists around the world. Palmistry answers the question of why a person does not have a white arch on his hand in a slightly different way. Many palmists believe that if the crescent moon is missing, then this indicates a person’s attitude towards the opposite sex.

If a man has a similar pathology, then most likely he is a bachelor who, moreover, does not seek to get married. Quite the contrary, he prefers an open relationship. A missing hole on a man’s nail may indicate his fear of family life.

If the hole on a woman’s nail is not visible, then most likely she is unlucky in marriage, or she cannot get married at all.

It is quite possible that a woman without crescents, just like a man, prefers freedom to marriage.

Palmistry studies not only whether there is a hole on the nail or not, but also its color, as well as the shape of the nail itself. At the same time, palmists do not reject such a version as the relationship between the state of the white crescents and health. There are other versions. The meaning of the missing arch on the nail plate also depends on which finger the pathology is observed on. These values ​​should not be taken with absolute confidence. But you can think about the possibility of changing something in your life.

Large holes on the fingernails: meaning

The size of the lunula also indicates health status.

  • If the nail holes are too large , you should pay close attention to the health of the cardiovascular system.
  • Enlarged sockets indicate irregular heart rhythms, rapid heartbeat and tachycardia, and low blood pressure.
  • Often, large, pronounced holes on the nails can be observed in athletes and people whose occupation involves heavy physical exertion.

Kidney failure

People undergoing dialysis for kidney failure often do not have crescent moons on their nails.

Doctors believe this is due to anemia due to kidney failure. Kidney failure is not the only potential or most common cause of anemia. Therefore, it is important for people who think they may have anemia to see their doctor.

A person with kidney failure may also notice a brown streak on the tip of the finger at the point where the white tip meets the nail bed.

Small holes on the fingernails: meaning

  • If the holes on the nails are small or barely noticeable under the cuticle, this may mean poor circulation, and as a result, poor supply to the organs and systems of the body.
  • Patients may also have a lack of vitamin B12 , problems with the thyroid gland and disruption of normal hormone production.
  • If it is noticeable that the lunulae are isolated by a transverse stripe from the rest of the nail plate, this indicates problems with blood sugar and the development of diabetes.

The absence of holes in the nails can be genetic and should not cause unreasonable fears

No holes on nails: reasons

Don't panic if you don't find holes on your nails or your child's nails.

  • Reduction or absence of lunulae is perceived by modern medicine as one of the symptoms of circulatory disorders.
  • Diagnosis of body functions only by the condition of the nails cannot be considered authoritative.
  • Any disease can be detected only after an appropriate examination by a specialist.
  • In some people, the absence of nail holes is a physiological feature of the structure of the nail plate and in no way indicates the development of a particular pathology.

Even if a person does not have a nail hole, this does not mean that it is necessary to begin self-medication.

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