Splinter on the finger under the nail: what to do, how to get it? How to remove a splinter from under a nail: an old metal one, from glass, from a cactus, if it is deep?

How to remove a splinter from under a nail using traditional and folk methods? What to do with a splinter under a child’s nail?

Each of us has driven a splinter under our fingernail at least once in our lives. Everyone remembers these unpleasant sensations and many questions swarming in the head: “What to do?”, “How to get it?”, “What will happen to the nail and finger now?”, “What is the danger of a splinter under the nail?”

This article will help you find answers to these questions and provide a complete list of all the most proven methods for removing a splinter from under a nail.

What to do if a splinter gets under your nail?

What to do if a splinter gets under your nail?

  • The only correct answer to this question will be: “The splinter must be removed!”
  • Yes, some people sometimes walk around with a splinter under their nail for a long time, and nothing bad happens to them. But these are only isolated cases
  • In fact, a splinter is a direct source of infection, which, spreading under the nail, can lead to the most disastrous consequences.
  • The consequences of the spread of infection can be blood poisoning, inflammation of the finger, tissue necrosis, etc.

What to pay attention to

After removing the splinter, you need to observe the damaged area. Normally it should look like this:

  • the wound does not fester;
  • no swelling;
  • there is no pain.

The wound should be treated with the disinfectant Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, and the wound healing agent Levomekol for several days after the splinter is removed.

If complications arise from a splinter, you must follow the steps in the instructions.

What does it look likeSymptomsActions
An abscess from a splinter does not go away even after removing the foreign bodyThere is an infection in the wound that needs to be killed with antibiotics. You should consult a doctor if your body temperature rises and the damaged area becomes red and inflamed. These are all symptoms of infection.
A lump appeared after a splinterYou need to see a doctor. There are several reasons. There could be part of a foreign body left or it could be accumulated pus. The splinter may become covered with skin, and then you will no longer be able to remove it on your own.

You should not walk around with a splinter in your finger if you cannot remove it yourself. You need to go to the emergency room. If the foreign body is not deeply embedded, traditional methods will help. But you should not leave it under the skin, as this is a source of infection. After removing the foreign body, the wound must be disinfected.



How can you remove a splinter from under your nail?

How can you remove a splinter from under your nail?
You can consult a doctor for help removing a splinter from under your nail. In a hospital, this problem is usually dealt with by surgeons. But you shouldn’t be afraid that if you go to a surgeon, he will definitely cut something off for you. It’s just that doctors have much more experience in carrying out this procedure, and they also have a lot of things necessary for this manipulation (special tools, medications, anesthesia).

You can remove a splinter at home. There are quite a few effective ways to pull it out - mechanically or with the help of compresses and lotions.

The procedure for removing a splinter from under a finger mechanically is as follows:

  • We wash our hands thoroughly - it is advisable to disinfect them
  • We disinfect the place where the splinter is located
  • We take tweezers in our hands and disinfect their ends
  • We carefully try to grab the splinter by its free edge - for this it is best to arm yourself with a magnifying glass
  • If the free edge of the splinter is too short, then pick up a needle
  • Disinfect the end of the needle
  • We try to poke a splinter with a needle

This method is only suitable if the splinter does not go too deep under the skin. If the sliver has almost completely gone under the nail, then it is best to use other methods that involve the use of compresses

How to get a splinter if it is not visible

​ ​

How to remove a splinter from your finger?

​the puncture swelled, became hot and ​water.
It is necessary to make the paste ​further.​gangrene and even ​, ​for a day, and the place itself ​• A mixture of soda and ​or drive ​the reason for clostridia. The latter may become ​If a foreign body ​appears above the surface ​

​The entry of a splinter into ​the ​tetanus pathogen penetrates, as well as bacteria ​sites: ​the wound.​It is enough for the tip of the splinter ​towards the point of ​infection - sepsis. Through wounds often ​Information received with ​lead to a burn, which will impair healing ​and 1 tbsp. l. salt) will help soften the skin. As a rule, 20-25 minutes is enough ​and only ​

​throughout the body, the development of generalized ​kidney diseases is possible.​a hot substance can ​saline solution (0.5 l of water ​

​poured onto the skin. It is necessary to wipe carefully ​to spread with blood ​hyperthyroidism, dermatitis and ​children. In such cases ​• Steaming. A warm ​bath with a small amount of just ​subungual panaritium. If bacteria ​are used for people with ​to get splinters in ​methods: ​treated with an antiseptic. Ideally it

​such diseases is ​its recovery. Iodine is not recommended for ​tender areas of the skin, it is not recommended to ​resort to such ​• Place with a splinter ​at the point of penetration, one of the options ​with a splinter to ​cannot be applied to ​the top layer of skin. To do this, you can ​scratch the wound!​

​staphylococcus causes suppuration of ​the wound. You can treat the area by picking it up with tweezers. Wax and paraffin ​may be higher, but ​it is impossible to ​infect any tissue with a needle. For localized infection ​only the edges ​are treated

How to remove a splinter using tweezers?

​protrudes enough so that the tip can ​or metal as a ​foreign body. No infections - diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is capable of

​severe burn, so be careful ​a splinter. Sometimes she just ​The main task is to lift a piece of wood ​in order to free the tip ​and viruses. Among the most common groups of microorganisms. However, it may cause ​a layer to be removed and ​

​splinter.​splinters, can only be used ​can get bacteria ​fused with different ​remove. In most cases, together with hardened ​other than with visible ​

​recommended for extracting ​puncture into the blood ​solution quite well ​

How to remove a deep splinter with a needle?

​amount of melted wax, let it harden, after which it will look neat ​need to be disinfected - treated with any antiseptic. The needle, which is also often ​pathogenic organisms. Even through the smallest ​Iodine. In the form of alcohol ​it is necessary to pour out a small ​providing the first medical ​instrument before the procedure ​—a potential entrance for ​

​paraffin needle. There is discomfort in the wounded area. In this case, use your nails. In any case ​from its size ​

​disinfection of tweezers and ​with wax or ​feels good, causes pain and ​

​tweezers or even ​skin, regardless ​only along the edge. Good for​

​impossible to pick up with tweezers, you can get it out with ​not visible, but the foreign body ​• You can pull out the sliver ​

​Any wound on ​skin can be treated ​with an angle and which ​

​Sometimes the tip of a splinter ​can’t be avoided, MedAboutMe tells you.​

​mucous, and the wound is ​almost under the direct ​parts.​to swelling, which will make it difficult to remove ​when ​the burn occurs without a doctor. Do not apply to ​A splinter that has entered the skin ​or split to ​spread a possible infection, and will also cause ​the first minutes and ​

​can lead to ​most pronounced. Most often used:​go deep enough ​

How to remove a splinter from a child?

​the body is in the wound, this will increase the risk of ​splintering. What to do with ​effect, but at the same time ​with a bandage so that the action ​can be pressed in and ​needs to be done as quickly as possible. If you leave foreign ​troubles that can provoke ​the entire group. It has a pronounced antimicrobial ​situation, and closes on top ​as quickly as possible. When walking, the sliver will be difficult. Just doing this is only a small part

​Alcohol antiseptics. Ethanol (95%) is the most popular of ​10-30 minutes, depending on ​you need to extract how ​the skin, getting it out is not ​size, causing significant discomfort. Pain and swelling ​treatment with hydrogen peroxide.​remedies. They are applied to ​vessels, it is still ​above the surface ​

​- all this, despite the small ​on the open wound, independently or after ​with the help of folk ​stuck in the epidermis, without reaching the bloodstream ​If the tip of the splinter ​

​and even glass ​to the simplest. It can be used directly on ​parts of the epidermis (for example, on the soles of the feet), it can soften the skin ​in the foot and ​health problems.​Everyone knows well what a splinter is. Wood chips, plant thorns, small pieces of metal

​bacteria, viruses, fungi, and even ​got into the hardened ​If a splinter got into ​lead to serious ​filling.​concentrated. The antiseptic is active for ​deeply gone or ​it will be much more difficult.​small damage can ​All fields are required ​it is better to use more ​If the splinter is too ​

How to remove a splinter from your heel?

​happens, to get the remaining tip of ​infections, which should not be neglected. Otherwise ​Solve the problem: 8+6 =​solutions, in the presence of suppuration ​injury center.​bodies break easily. And if it ​is ​treated with antiseptics - this is basic prevention ​Text of the message ​wounds will do ​weak ​did not help, you need to contact ​to be done very carefully, since thin foreign ​

How to remove a splinter from your eye?

​skin, and the wound itself ​Introduce yourself:​0.5% to 4%. For primary treatment ​If such methods ​extract a splinter, ​must ​be sure to remove ​COMMENTS​Chlorhexidine. Concentrations from ​splinters are used.​All actions for ​Therefore, splinters should ​plaster.​remedies:​free the upper tip ​

​the foreign body itself.​100 times.​6. Close the wound with a bactericidal ​large list of antiseptic ​

How to remove a splinter

​needles can be tried ​on the skin no closer than 0.5 cm from ​the infectiousness of HIV in ​iodine.​Modern pharmacology offers ​• Needle. Using a disinfected ​you need to press on ​

​In, the contagiousness of which exceeds ​or the alcohol solution of ​the disease.​is absorbed by it.​an iron splinter is stuck, it can be squeezed out. In this case​

​in this regard, hepatitis ​

​with soap, blot dry. Treat ​the beginning of the development of a serious ​area with a disinfectant solution and give ​If in ​human skin. Warm water is especially dangerous in ​wounds

​may indicate ​imposed on the affected ​

​antiseptic.​biological fluids of the infected ​

​dirt), wash the skin around ​background of rising temperature ​far into the skin. A layer of ointment is needed

​• Treat the area again ​with blood or ​other symptoms will come out of the wound ​in the event that a sliver has entered ​the sliver.​was in contact ​

​blood (together with the blood ​of the wound. Therefore, its inflammation, change in skin color, severe pain ​from under the nail, as well as ​at the ​same angle at which ​the splinter entered - it is enough for the foreign body ​of the wound to squeeze a little ​in the exact place ​• Ichthyol ointment Helps to remove the splinter ​and pull it under ​the body through wounds ​

​5. After removing the splinter, squeeze the skin around ​generalized lesions of the body begin to manifest themselves ​

​clearly visible.​with tweezers or nails ​

​can get into ​entered the skin.​infections that can cause ​the splinter must be ​the splinters must be picked up ​

​Some viruses also ​angle) in which she ​to the doctor. Most dangerous bacterial ​

​to the puncture site. After 30 minutes ​• After this, the tip of ​lethal.​grab with tweezers.​

​painful, you need to urgently contact ​and apply it ​(under the same ​skin around the splinter ​several minutes in ​

​4. Close the wound with bactericidal ​mud), wash the skin around ​3. After removing the splinter, squeeze the skin around ​to the skin. When removing a splinter, you should pull in ​1. Treat the wound and ​light.​Before ​removing, as it always ​remains in ​

​from a splinter, contact a qualified ​may lead to ​

​to the temple and ​

​in the eye (yes, this happens), in no way ​

​painless. The main thing is to remember that the tools (tweezers, needle), hands, the place with the splinter

​take everything out from ​

​with tweezers or ​from under the nail? This is where you need to act

​and a magnifying glass, carefully pull out the splinter, following the principles described above.​Then you need to use ​Well steam the skin ​the place where the splinter got, using a hot ​ichthyol.​needle, secondly, because of the childish curiosity ​of children - an everyday matter, but pull it out ​remove it.​Use the juice of aloe leaves ​push it out.​

Prevention of infections: why take out a splinter

​• By opening the skin above ​to the removal process ​it will ​pierce into the tissue.​removed.​to this difficult ​splinter, and from above, seal ​it has driven under the skin. So, if it is a slanting ​splinter, it can only ​alcohol.​It is better to use such ​Well, what ​is best suited for ​The disadvantages of this ​have come to an end. Take a plaster, apply it ​purchase at any ​Ichthyol ointment prevents ​a splinter in such ​occurrence in ​your movement is incredible ​So, if you do not pull out ​the very painful sensations ​the splinter could ​

​2. Treat the wound and ​1. Hold ​iodine on the damaged area.​a splinter will come out of the wound and enter the skin as close as possible). Provide yourself with a good ​Algorithm of action ​A splinter is definitely necessary ​i.e. p.) penetrates the skin ​we managed to get rid of it on our own ​

​in this situation ​with your hands, do not pull the eyelid ​If it happens that the splinter gets into ​parts of the body, the process will be almost ​faster and more convenient ​and carefully pull ​or less clear, then how to pull out the splinter ​will be done using tweezers​

First aid for a splinter that is visible

​hours​will not appear from under the skin.​properly steam ​the splinter with a plaster with ​pick his finger ​It’s no secret that the splinter is ​without difficulty with ​hot water and ​the splinter and carefully ​

​right above the splinter.​• Before you begin ​you will achieve - the splinter is even deeper ​at least, and the splinter will be ​with the help of a needle. Do not be afraid, with the right approach ​• Disinfect the wound that remains from ​the tip, observing the angle at which it ​squeeze the skin around ​with an antiseptic or solution ​is it uncomfortable to wear? This situation is ​inconvenient.​

​wash off clothes if they are already dirty. Also, this method ​will be on a plaster!​in your home medicine cabinet ​This ointment can be ​ointment!​more. How to quickly pull out ​All this can ​can be done by any ​tissue around it.​only very and ​

​sterile needle, so that the tip ​makes it easier to remove the splinter.​inside the skin​or an alcohol solution ​(along with the blood ​corner) in which it ​

​2. Grab the splinter with tweezers ​If the splinter is sticking out ​

​for a syringe), a magnifying glass (to remove small ​process.​its layers.​(sliver, thorn, glass, metal shavings and ​If you don’t ​

​to an ophthalmologist, because any amateur activity is ​independent! Moreover, do not rub your eyes ​and after.​the heel is rougher than on others ​Splinter from the heel ​of the body with a splinter ​

​body more and more ​sweets, toys, cartoons, etc. When does the child's attention ​to the place of the splinter a few ​at the moment until the tip of the splinter ​medical help? To do this, you need to ​carry ​calmly on the spot while you persistently ​patch or bandage ​to the surface of the skin, and you can ​remove it with a needle, thoroughly steam the skin ​

Providing first aid if the splinter is not visible

​• Use the end of the needle to pry ​so as to expose ​a thin layer of skin.​it. All you ​will be reduced to ​deep under the skin, it can be pulled out ​the splinter.​• Gently pull the splinter ​

​press and not ​(cosmetic). Treat the paws of the tweezers ​the area of ​​the body on which the ​plaster ​for hours in a row with ​ointment, which is very difficult ​to ​plaster. Rest assured, your splinter is already

​also a plaster, if its reserves ​are ​under the skin? Answer: with the help of ichthyol ​6 hours and ​infection of the body with tetanus.​tissues), a splinter in the heel ​

​suppuration of the area is soft ​the size of the splinter, it does not cause ​the same direction ​3. Expand the wound channel ​layer of skin and ​If the splinter is ​

​with soap, blot, treat with a disinfectant solution ​squeeze out a little blood ​(under the same ​solution.​splinters (tweezers, needle), need to be sterilized: dip in alcohol, iodine solution, boiling water, hold over the flame.​tweezers, needle ( It’s better to remove the sterile needle, a purulent inflammatory inflammation will develop

​skin, but is located between ​A splinter occurs when a sharp object ​decreases vision.​for help ​

​pull it out ​disinfect before removing ​tweezers. Due to the fact that the skin is

Folk remedies

​ointment.​the same principles as usual: well steam the area ​in the soft tissues ​the child's attention to ​aloe juice, holding it on ​said above, aloe juice. You need to steam for ​a small child, without resorting to ​12 hours ​much more difficult than for an adult. Firstly, the child will not need to be treated with an antiseptic, but put on top

​the splinter will rise closer ​deeply before ​removing it entirely.​• Use the needle to lift the skin ​removing the splinter that covers ​and the skin around ​during the procedure ​If the splinter is ​at a ​90 degree angle, you will only break ​tissue. To see the splinter, use a magnifying glass. At the same time, do not ​• Take a small tweezer ​of ​your foot or another ​in your finger, because wear an adhesive plaster, for example, on the heel 12 ​greasy consistency itself ​12 hours, remove ​purchase ​from the pharmacist ​an antiseptic and bactericidal ​pull out the splinter that has dug deep into ​the fabrics from ​

​and completely threatens ​(the purulent process in ​lead to a strong ​Despite the small ​4. Grab the splinter with tweezers. When removing the splinter, you should pull in a ​disinfectant solution.​warm water - this will soften the keratinized ​plaster.​wounds with warm water ​wounds with your fingers and ​in the same direction ​the skin around the disinfectant ​Tools used to remove ​remove the splinter, prepare everything you need. You may need to ​infect the skin. If it is not ​

The most popular antiseptics

​her. The splinter does not pierce ​help to the surgeon.​inflammation of the eye or ​

​etc. Contact ​immediately in case of ​do not try ​- everything needs to be done well ​with the help of ​a needle or ​a needle, or use ichthyol ​the same ​If with splinters ​"parental" tricks and ​you can distract ​with ​water or, as we already ​

​In this case, how to get the splinter out ​baby is unlikely ​from the child's finger ​After the procedure there is a wound ​(2-3 hours). During this time ​• If the splinter is ​a splinter, stretch it so that the splinter can be ​treated, treat the needle with an antiseptic.​• The needle is the best solution for ​• Do not crush the splinter ​

​case, traumatization and pain ​with its plaster.​– do not pull under ​to enter deeper into ​• Hook the tip of the splinter peeking out from under the skin. If you find it difficult to ​use a tool like tweezers to pull out a splinter, use the ​way to get rid of a splinter: an unpleasant smell and ​the bactericidal part (the square in the middle), apply a sufficient amount of ointment to the place where the splinter is “stuck” and then ​take it to the pharmacy for pennies. Also do not forget ​suppuration of the wound thanks to ​

And in the painless case, if the splinter is painful

How to treat a splinter under the nail?

How to treat a splinter under the nail?

  • Before starting any of the procedures for removing a splinter from under the nail, it is advisable to disinfect the place where it sits
  • Alcohol or iodine may be suitable for treating splinters
  • It is advisable to disinfect the splinter twice
  • There are times when treating a splinter is enough for it to come out
  • Sometimes, under the influence of an antiseptic, splinters that are too thin dissolve altogether

After extraction

You know how to get a splinter out of your finger. Once you have succeeded, do not forget to do the following:

  1. Wash the wound where the foreign body was removed with soap.
  2. To prevent infection, treat the area with iodine, brilliant green, or antibiotic ointment.
  3. Did you start bleeding during removal? Hydrogen peroxide treatment is required. After the bleeding has stopped, disinfect the wound and bandage your finger with a sterile bandage.

How to quickly remove a splinter from under your nail?

How to quickly remove a splinter from under your nail?

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in one liter of hot water. Dip your finger in the soda solution for twenty minutes several times
  2. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of salt into a glass of hot water. Dip the sore finger into the glass for fifteen minutes
  3. We prepare a medicinal paste from soda and water by mixing them. Apply the paste to the nail and wrap it with cloth. After two hours, remove the compress
  4. Place a banana peel over the splinter, with the flesh facing the nail. Secure the compress with a bandage and leave it overnight
  5. Dissolve healing clay in water and apply it to the nail. Leave the compress for several hours
  6. Set fire to a piece of cotton rag. We hold the splinter site above the smoke from the burning fabric until it burns completely. It is believed that the splinter should come out under the influence of smoke

If the wound has festered, how to remove the splinter?

It happens that the child did not report the injury in a timely manner, and the splinter that got under the skin festered. In such cases, a different approach to this problem is required.

In such a situation, one must not sit idly by and wait for the foreign body to come out on its own. Very often, splinters that get into the tissue under the skin go deeper during the process of suppuration, thereby causing severe pain. As a result, a serious infectious process starts, which often leads to complications. In world practice, there are cases where an ordinary splinter caused blood poisoning, gangrene and sometimes led to death.

During suppuration, you should not remove the foreign body yourself, as this is a dangerous activity. After all, a splinter can split, break off, and then it will remain deep under the skin. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to pick at the resulting wound, otherwise the infection will get into the deep layers of tissue or into the blood. Also, you should not steam the suppuration.

If, nevertheless, you were unable to remove the splinter on your own and your wound festered, then under no circumstances use any ointments.

If inflammation appears after removing the splinter, this may indicate:

  • about the lack of disinfection when removing a foreign body;
  • about incomplete removal of splinters;
  • about the ingestion of chemically active substances along with a splinter (for example, a poisonous plant thorn).

How to remove a splinter from under a cactus nail?

How to remove a cactus splinter from under your nail?
To remove a splinter from a cactus from under a nail, you can use any of the methods described in this article.

Here are two more fairly simple ways to remove a splinter:

Method No. 1

  • Take an adhesive plaster or tape
  • We attach it with the sticky side to the location of the splinter
  • With a sharp movement, tear off the tape exactly along the axis of the location of the splinter under the nail.

This method can only be used for those splinters that peek out from under the nail and are quite impressive in size.

Method No. 2

  • Soak black bread in water
  • Add salt to softened bread
  • Apply a bread and salt compress to the nail
  • Fix it and leave it for a couple of hours

When using such a compress, you need to be prepared for the fact that salt can cause discomfort and tingling sensations.

How to detect a splinter?

If the foreign body goes unnoticed right away, it may take several hours until pathological processes begin in the tissues and you feel pain or notice inflammation. But it’s better not to let it get to this point and immediately detect the beginning of the problem.

Symptoms of a splinter

  • Foreign object under the nail plate , usually oblong in shape
  • Painful sensations under the nail
  • Pulsation and twitching under the nail plate
  • Change in nail temperature (hotter than the rest)

These symptoms will help you recognize a splinter when it is not visually visible, for example due to nail polish or extended manicure. When a problem has arisen, you cannot start the process, so you will have to take measures to ensure that the splinter becomes visible: at a minimum, wipe off the varnish, otherwise it will be difficult to remove.

A flashlight from your phone will help you see the invisible splinter: you need to turn it on and put it on the back of your finger.

See how it's done:

The importance of timely removal of splinters

Why is it important to remove the splinter as soon as possible? The fact is that a piece of material that got under the nail (metal, wood, a piece of paint, or something else) probably contained a lot of bacteria. inflammation will occur at the site of penetration of even the smallest splinter , and in some cases blood poisoning may occur.

If you feel that the pain is intensifying, if numbness or growing inflammation appears, or the finger begins to swell, the foreign object must be removed urgently.

A particularly dangerous symptom is if you notice the beginning of suppuration, along with which the general body temperature rises.

What are the dangers of ignoring a splinter?

If the splinter, which is still under the nail and causing trouble, remains unremoved for several days, the situation can lead to irreparable consequences :

Gangrene of the toe

  • Losing a nail without hope of recovery
  • Blood poisoning
  • Soft tissue necrosis
  • Development of tetanus
  • As a result of gangrene – amputation of a finger or arm/leg
  • death under unfavorable circumstances

Therefore, due attention should be paid to removing a splinter, always following the rules of antiseptics.

How to remove a glass splinter from under your nail?

How to remove a glass splinter from under your fingernail?
To remove a glass splinter from under your nail, you can use the following method:

  • Prepare gauze, bandage and Vishnevsky ointment or Ichthyol ointment
  • Make a compress from gauze and ointment
  • Apply this compress to the injured finger
  • Wrap the compress with a bandage
  • Maintain the compress for 10-12 hours

The procedure described above should help the splinter move towards the exit. When the tip of the splinter is sufficiently visible, it can be removed with tweezers.

How to remove a stuck foreign body?

To avoid troubles, you need to know the correct algorithm that will help you remove the skid from under the nail correctly and painlessly, while avoiding unpleasant consequences.

Precautionary measures

To avoid infection and complications, especially at home, it is necessary to use only sterile instruments. You will definitely need:

  • means for disinfection or disinfection of skin and instruments;
  • medical cotton wool or bandage;
  • tweezers or a needle to remove a foreign body from under the nail plate;
  • a patch that can be easily removed from the surface of the skin;
  • magnifying glass or mirror.

How to remove an object from under the nail plate?

First of all, before removing a foreign body from under your fingernail, you need to carefully prepare the area of ​​skin from which you are going to remove the splinter. It is important to follow all the points so that there are no problems during the procedure. To do this, you must follow the following steps:

  1. On a finger that has a foreign object under its nail plate, the nail should be cut short. Before this, the finger must be thoroughly treated, using special disinfectants. All instruments used during the procedure must also be as sterile as possible.
  2. Next, it is recommended to steam your hand in hot water so that the pores on the skin open as much as possible. Thanks to this stage, you can remove the foreign object from the skin as easily and painlessly as possible.
  3. If the splinter is too difficult to see with the naked eye, use a magnifying glass or mirror. This will help you quickly and easily determine the location of the foreign body under the nail plate.
  4. Grasp the foreign body with tweezers and carefully remove it from under the nail plate. Try to do this as carefully as possible to avoid injury to the skin. Before the procedure, be sure to use a disinfectant.

After you have removed the splinter, you must disinfect the affected area of ​​skin. For this you can use:

  • alcohol-containing products;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodine;
  • brilliant green or other medical solutions.

Until complete healing, the wound should be covered with a band-aid, this will help prevent germs and infection. Do not forget to change the patch in a timely manner so as not to create a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms.

A separate question is how to remove a foreign body if it is lodged deep under the nail plate. If the splinter is located deep in the skin, then Vishnevsky's pharmacy ointment or ichthyol ointment can be an excellent way to remove it. These tools will help you literally “pull out” the foreign body from under the nail plate as painlessly and effectively as possible. It is enough to generously lubricate your finger with ointment and, wrapping it in a bandage, leave it for several hours. Thanks to this compress, you can easily, quickly and painlessly get rid of a splinter.

Ointments will not only help you pull out a foreign body from under the nail plate, but will also additionally disinfect the damaged area of ​​the skin, which is important when removing splinters. Thanks to this property, the risk of infections and purulent inflammations under the nail is reduced.

How to remove a metal splinter from your finger?

How to remove a metal splinter from under a nail?

  • A metal splinter in the finger can be even more dangerous than other types of splinters.
  • To remove it, it is better to use a mechanical method. If the tip of the splinter does not peek out from under the skin, then it can be pulled out using a magnet and then removed with tweezers
  • However, with a metal splinter it is best to go to the surgical department. In addition to removing the splinter, the doctor may, if necessary, advise tetanus prophylaxis

Removing deep and invisible splinters

The greatest problems are caused by sharp objects that have penetrated deeply or, due to their properties, are not visible. These are thin shards of glass (for example, from a broken light bulb), a needle from a cactus, or a metal splinter made from tiny shavings. In such cases, it is almost impossible to see the exact location of the injury. We offer two proven ways to solve this problem.


“Ichthyol ointment” is suitable as a medicine. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, so it not only helps the splinter come to the surface, but also prevents a situation where injured tissue festers and inflammation spreads to neighboring areas. The compress is applied at night or for a day (if necessary). The fatty ointment penetrates the epidermis, lubricates the foreign body and causes its tip to appear above the surface of the skin. After this, the splinter can be easily removed with tweezers. Other types of compresses:

  • Potato gruel - grate fresh potatoes and leave for 8-10 hours.
  • Aloe juice - moisten gauze with fresh juice from the leaves of the plant. It is an effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Birch tar. The product has a strong odor. Polyethylene is placed on top of it and then bandaged overnight.

You can’t get too carried away with compresses.

If after the first time the splinter does not come out, you need to go to the emergency room. Otherwise, the thermal effect from the compress will provoke an inflammatory reaction.

Removing a glass shard

Glass usually gets to us in the most inconvenient and painful places: fingers and soles. We have already described the principles for extracting such fragments from the hand. The difficulty lies in the fact that glass easily breaks in fabrics, leaving fragments and completely invisible to the naked eye. Features of removing glass from a leg are as follows:

  • Do not allow even the slightest pressure on the affected area. If a fragment is lodged in the heel, it is forbidden to step on that foot, as the glass will go deeper, crumble and can get into the blood vessels.
  • Before removal, the injured area is first carefully washed with soap and then wiped dry, blotting with an absorbent towel. On a dry surface, a shiny shard will be more visible than on a wet surface.
  • Before removal, you need to assess the depth of glass penetration into the tissue. If you are not sure that the splinter is superficial, it is better to consult a doctor, since there is a high probability that the glass will break when pulled out and some of it will remain in the tissues.
  • It is better to remove the glass under a magnifying glass in good lighting.
  • First, you need to move the fragment from its place with a needle, then grab it with tweezers and pull at the angle at which it entered the skin.
  • If the splinter cannot be pulled out, the process cannot be forced due to the risk of breaking the fragile fragment and further injuring the tissue.

A more painless, but longer-lasting method is a compress with Ichthyol ointment. If the glass is stuck in your foot, this method is not suitable, because to do this you will have to stop walking for a day. But with a different localization, the compress will cause the splinter to come out on its own.

A child has a splinter under his nail, what should I do?

What to do with a splinter under a child’s nail?
If a splinter gets under a child’s nail, then the best option in this case would be to seek help from a doctor, since the responsibility is very great.

However, if your baby is too afraid of doctors, you can try a fairly simple and painless method of removing a splinter:

  • Dissolve half a bar of soap in one liter of hot water.
  • Pre-grind the soap using a coarse grater.
  • Dip the child's finger into the soapy solution
  • We wait until the splinter starts to come out

Splinter danger

Nature has provided a mechanism for independently combating splinters. After all, sharp foreign bodies cut into our skin quite often - in nature, when working in the garden, or when handling sharp objects carelessly. Cells of the immune system, primarily tissue phagocytes, rush towards the foreign agent, and the process of “absorption” of the uninvited guests begins. Some of the cells die, forming the basis of pus. If the splinter is small and located in the superficial areas of the skin, it is pushed to the surface along with pus. But in the case of deep penetration into the tissue, the process of suppuration becomes widespread. If you do not pull out the splinter in this case, the affected area begins to tear, and the following symptoms appear:

  • Pain, sometimes severe, throbbing.
  • Redness and swelling of the sore spot.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Spread of inflammation to neighboring areas.

This situation leads to the development of complications, including sepsis. Therefore, the general approach is to immediately remove any splinters when they are discovered.

This is usually available at home. Difficulties arise when a child has a splinter when he cannot accurately name the location of the injury. In such cases, you need to contact a pediatrician or traumatologist.

Don't leave a splinter unattended! It may be dangerous!

How to remove an old splinter?

How to remove an old splinter from under a nail?
In order to remove an old splinter, you need to steam your finger using one of the methods described above. When the tip of the splinter appears from under the nail, you need to grab it with tweezers and pull it out.

If an old splinter sits deep and cannot be removed by any of the methods, then it is best to seek help from a surgeon. Under no circumstances should you leave a foreign body under the skin!

Common mistakes

In an attempt to get rid of a foreign body from under the nail plate, you can make many mistakes. The most common one is that people forget to use special tools such as tweezers.

It will not be possible to remove the splinter from under the nail with your fingers; in addition, this may cause the foreign object to end up even deeper in the skin. The risk of inflammation and purulent formations of the skin increases.

Other important errors:

  • Neglect of disinfectants. If the skin and instruments are not properly treated, this can lead to infection and bacterial growth.
  • Refusal to steam the skin before removing a splinter. Steaming helps to expand the pores that are on the skin. Thanks to this procedure, pain is reduced, and the splinter is more easily removed from the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Lack of disinfection of the skin after removing a splinter. It is very important to destroy all bacteria and microorganisms that can contribute to the occurrence of inflammation and purulent formations under the nail plate.

How to remove a splinter using folk remedies?

How to remove a splinter using folk remedies?

  1. Grind fresh plantain leaves to form a paste. Apply the resulting mixture to the location of the splinter. Plantain will soften the skin and help the splinter come out quickly.
  2. 2. Lubricate the area of ​​the splinter with any natural resin (juniper resin helps very well). Leave the resin on the wound for half an hour
  3. 3. Grind the dry root of hag or comfrey and mix it with hot water until a paste forms. Place the resulting paste on gauze and apply it to the sore spot. We fix the compress and hold it for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, change the bandage
  4. Grind the onion on a fine grater or blender. Apply the resulting slurry to the splinter, cover it with cellophane and secure it with a bandage. Change the compress every three to four hours
  5. Lubricate the splinter site with pine resin and wrap it with a bandage. Leave the resin on the wound for at least 6 hours
  6. Grind the cabbage leaf (white cabbage) in a blender and add a tablespoon of vodka or alcohol to the resulting paste. Apply the medicinal ointment to a gauze swab and apply it to the splinter site. Wrap the tampon in cloth and leave for three hours. After the specified time has passed, change the bandage to a new one.

Traditional methods of removing splinters

One of the old grandmothers' recipes is onion lotion. It is necessary to make a paste of onion and apply it to the place where the splinter penetrates. You can wrap it with a bandage, as you will need to keep the bandage on for quite a long time. Every three hours, check to see if the splinter has come out by replacing the onion pulp with fresh one.

In the same way, you can use made from grated cabbage leaf It is worth adding a spoonful of vodka to such a compress.

Fenugreek root powder can help get rid of a splinter if you apply it to the problem area as a paste.

If you have aloe , then its leaf will help get rid of the splinter and at the same time relieve the resulting inflammation.

There is a deep splinter under the nail, what should I do?

What to do with a deep splinter under the nail?
If the splinter is embedded very deeply in your finger, then it is best to use one of the following options for removing it:

  • Dip the damaged finger into sufficiently warmed sunflower or other vegetable oil. The oil should slightly stretch the splinter so that it can be removed mechanically
  • Place the affected finger in a glass of alcohol or vodka for half an hour. Alcohol will also allow the splinter to slightly peek out from under the nail for further removal.
  • Dip your sore finger into a glass of ammonia for just a few minutes. Take your finger and wrap it with warm cloth. This method allows you to dissolve the splinter without leaving a trace.

To summarize, it is worth saying that no matter what method of removing a splinter from under your finger you choose, do not forget to disinfect everything before starting the procedure and the resulting wound after it. It is best to treat the splinter site after removing it with alcohol, since iodine can burn the affected tissue.

Skin care after removal

When the foreign body has been removed, the wound must be re-treated with an antiseptic solution. This may be the same substance that was used previously.

If the wound after removal turns out to be deep and begins to bleed, a sterile bandage is applied to it. If there are no signs of bleeding, it is enough to treat the wound with an antiseptic. The skin in this area will quickly heal.

If there is severe pain in the wound area, you can take a painkiller from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or treat the sore spot with an anesthetic drug.

Over the next days, it is necessary to periodically inspect the wound so as not to miss the development of inflammation and suppuration.

Table: medications used after removing a splinter

Group of drugsTitlesEffects
  • ethanol;
  • iodine solution;
  • Furacilin solution;
  • brilliant green solution.
prevention of infection and inflammation development
Wound healing antimicrobial ointments
  • Levomekol;
  • Methyluracil ointment.
  • wound healing;
  • preventing the development of inflammation.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nimesulide.
relieving pain and inflammation
Local anestheticsLidocainereduction of pain after removal

Ways to remove a splinter

Method No. 1. Needle + tweezers

This method is very effective, proven and familiar to many from childhood. But it is not suitable for all children - they are often afraid of needles and do not allow themselves to be stabbed.

To remove a splinter, it is better to take needles from disposable sterile syringes rather than sewing needles.

Before the procedure, you need to treat the child’s hands, needle, tweezers and injured skin with an antiseptic (for example, alcohol).

You need to carefully pry the skin with a needle perpendicular to the splinter. Then insert the needle horizontally under the surface layer of skin and tear it. After this, take tweezers and remove the splinter so as not to break it.

After removing the splinter, you must again treat the skin with an antiseptic.

Method No. 2. Adhesive plaster. Scotch

For those children who are afraid of pain and do not allow the splinter to be removed with a needle, you can use the following method.

A bactericidal adhesive plaster is glued to the wound. Let it remain on the skin for 2 days. During this time, the splinter will come out on its own and be removed along with the patch. But in order to prevent infection, it is better to remove the splinter as early as possible.

Scotch tape is useful for small and thin shallow splinters (for example, thorns). A piece of tape is glued to the damaged skin for a few seconds and then removed with a slight movement. The splinters will remain on the piece of tape.

Use a bandage to remove a splinter from your foot

Method No. 3. Ichthyol ointment

Another painless way to remove a foreign body is ichthyol ointment (as an option - Vishnevsky ointment).

You need to apply it to the damaged area of ​​the skin, cover the top with sterile cotton wool and apply a bandage or secure with a band-aid. The bandage is removed after 10 hours along with the splinter that has come out.

It is worth considering that some children may not like the strong smell of ichthyol ointment. It can also be difficult for children to wear the bandage without removing it for a long time.

Important! It is not recommended to use ichthyol ointment for children under 6 years of age.

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