What is an acid pedicure (Instructions for implementation. Pros.)

Concept and indications for the procedure

Acid pedicure is the treatment of feet and getting rid of dead cells using special products made from fruit acids.

This treatment option is a type of unedged pedicure, but involves the use of exclusively acid-based products. Indications for acid pedicure :

  • increased formation of growths. The more aggressive the method of treating growths, the faster they grow. If, after a trim or hardware pedicure, new keratinization quickly forms, pay attention to treatment with acids;
  • long healing. Fruit acids start the regeneration process. As a result, the skin heals faster, becomes more elastic and softer;
  • core calluses;
  • mycoses;
  • yellowish tint of the skin of the feet;
  • ingrown nails;
  • wet foot, hyperhidrosis.

It is important that acid pedicure has a narrow list of contraindications. It can be done during pregnancy, as well as for children and adolescents.

Foot skin problems and what a pedicurist should do if they exist

Cracks in the skin of the heels - treatment and prevention

Features of lactic acid

Lactic or fruit acids for pedicure are part of the liquid that fills pedicure socks. But you can buy lactic acid separately. It is preferable to fruit, especially for delicate skin. It acts most gently and non-aggressively, yet effectively. This is the safest product to use at home on your own.

Fruit acid

The high safety of the product is explained by the fact that this acid is produced naturally in the human body. In particular, it is synthesized in muscles after physical exertion. It is also part of the skin's natural moisturizing mantle.

Due to its natural origin, it interacts better with the skin and penetrates into its deeper layers than fruit. In addition, it actively moisturizes. Therefore, such an acid pedicure, all products for which are commercially available, is preferable.

The keratolytic effect is also very important. The skin becomes softer, the stratum corneum especially softens, it becomes looser. The skin becomes more elastic, whitens, and the production of hyaluronic acid is activated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the positives:

  • a quick, simple and inexpensive procedure allows the master to take on more clients, but without compromising quality;
  • comfort and safety. The client no longer worries about whether you have sterilized the instrument or whether you will cut his heel. And also, as clients say, an acid pedicure is not as ticklish as other types of manicure;
  • long-term result. After a non-aggressive effect on the skin, new growths form more slowly, which allows you to reduce the number of trips to the specialist for foot treatment. Some women who have tried acid pedicure claim that the results last up to 3 months.


  • acids may not cope with severe roughness. Most likely, with advanced hyperkeratosis, it will not be possible to achieve results immediately - the procedures will have to be repeated often at first, once every 1.5-2 weeks;
  • Although relatively safe, acid pedicures can be harmful to the skin if left on for too long. The technician must determine the required exposure time individually based on the condition of the skin and nails.

Differences from other types of pedicure

  • low chance of infection. Acids dissolve only the stratum corneum and do not violate the integrity of healthy skin, so the risk of infection is minimal compared to the cutting or even hardware method;
  • comfort. During the procedure, the client does not experience any unpleasant sensations, while the edged one can cause acute pain from cuts, and the hardware one can cause a burning sensation;
  • simplicity. The technician does not need to rub, cut or saw anything - simply apply the acidic agent to the keratinized areas and wait the time prescribed in the instructions. Softened skin can be easily removed with gentle movements with a pedicure grater;
  • low level of allergenicity . Keratolytics with urea, for example, cannot be used by people with hypersensitivity, while acid preparations practically do not cause allergies;
  • absence of dust, as with a hardware pedicure . This fact is especially important for craftsmen who have to breathe small particles of skin throughout the working day;
  • One of the common questions is how the acid method differs from, say, a pedicure using alkaline keratolytics . The main difference is safety - alkaline products are quite aggressive, can leave a burn, and also cause increased dryness of the skin. Acidic ones are more gentle in this regard;
  • Another common comparison is acid pedicure and peeling socks. The main difference here is the action - after using the socks, the result is not immediate and often causes discomfort. The skin peels off for a few days, peels off and does not look very attractive in appearance. After an acid pedicure, there are no peelings or skin coming off in layers. In addition, the composition of the socks is distributed over the entire foot, and therefore over keratinized and healthy skin, while acidic products are applied only to problem areas.

Types of keratolytics used in pedicure: a complete guide for masters

Pedicure socks - what types are there, how to use them

How to do an acid pedicure

The steps of an acid pedicure may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer of the cosmetics used for this procedure. Let's look at the general steps first, and then two popular brands and their unique procedures.

Instructions for performing an acid pedicure:

  1. Cleansing. The skin of the feet is thoroughly cleansed with a special product or cloth to remove external impurities;
  2. Disinfection. An antiseptic must be used, which is applied to the skin after the feet have completely dried after the previous stage;
  3. Application of products with acids . Apply a product containing acids to problem areas of the foot - the heels, the pad under the big toe and the sides and leave for the time specified in the instructions. At this stage, it is important to take into account that different degrees of keratinization require different exposure times. In neglected areas, you need to withstand the entire time specified by the manufacturer, and where the roughness is insignificant, half is enough;
  4. If the exposure time is long - more than 5-7 minutes, you can do your fingers at this time. The fingers and side rollers can be processed with a milling cutter, grater or laser file. Some people combine an acid pedicure with a trim pedicure, but this way all its safety and painlessness are lost;
  5. Next, remove the remaining composition with a napkin, and remove the softened layer with a grater;
  6. At the final stage, the skin of the feet is moisturized. If desired, gel polish, clear or colored varnish can be applied.

How is the procedure done?

Cream pedicure is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, inspect the extremities for skin damage, microtrauma, and extremities.
  2. Treat the skin of your feet with an antiseptic.

Treat the skin of your feet with an antiseptic
3. The skin of your feet is steamed in a warm bath, or in a herbal decoction for 5-10 minutes. You can add sea salt, iodized substances and mixtures to the bath.

Steaming the skin of the feet in a warm bath

4. After this, wipe your feet dry and treat them with an antiseptic again. 5. Apply the acid base to your feet using cotton pads or cotton wool. 6. Wrap the legs in a plastic bag or film. You can use special socks for pedicure.

Wear a plastic bag after applying acid base

7. Leave it in this form for 15-20 minutes. 8. Remove the film and remove any remaining product with a napkin. 9. Use a special nail file to remove dead skin.

Remove the skin with a special file

For these purposes, purchase a special file that is not too hard and rough, which you will not use for manicure or pedicure.

After completing the procedure, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with special oils or creams. Exposure to acids in any case dries out the skin. To minimize this effect, it is recommended to moisturize it.

KART technology

Kart is an Israeli company producing cosmetics for manicure and pedicure. KART cosmetics cannot be called budget. However, this is compensated by the economical expenditure of funds and long-term results.

Some products are suitable for independent and professional use, while others are suitable exclusively for beauty salons and experienced professionals.

Kart’s assortment includes products for ingrown toenails, calluses, and problem feet, but we won’t discuss them all in this article and will focus on acid pedicure technology.

To perform a classic Kart pedicure you will need:

  • liquid foot soap Kart
  • Enzyme peeling for feet with acids
  • cuticle remover gel
  • cream for dry and cracked feet.

If the problems are serious - there are core calluses, keratinization, ingrown nails, hyperkeratosis, other products from the line are additionally used - peeling gel, Mokopil callus softening gel.

Performing an acid pedicure using KART technology:

  1. Wash your feet using liquid soap with fruit acids. This will cleanse the feet of external contaminants, as well as prepare the skin for further manipulation. Do not soak your feet in the bath - the pedicure must be dry and all actions with water are for hygienic purposes only;
  2. Apply foot peeling to problem areas, but do not rub in - just distribute evenly. You can use the product, including between your fingers and on cracks. Wrap your feet in cling film for 10-15 minutes;
  3. While the acids are working on the keratinized areas, take care of your nails - apply Cuticle Remover softener to the cuticles and leave for 3-5 minutes. Push back the softened skin with an orange stick;
  4. Remove the film from your feet, remove the remaining peeling with a damp cloth;
  5. Using a grater or scalpel, remove the destroyed stratum corneum . Treat your fingers and nails using convenient equipment - hardware, European, classical;
  6. Rinse your feet in warm water to remove any remaining skin and product . Wipe dry with a towel;
  7. Apply cream.

If you plan to apply gel polish after the procedure, do not forget to degrease the nail plate.

Selection of means for the procedure

Before choosing a suitable acid peeling product, it is worth studying the composition. The main active ingredient is fruit acid. In addition to acid, the cream may contain flavors, herbs, and other excipients. They are designed to soothe the skin, have a pleasant scent, etc.

To carry out acid peeling at home, you should not take the cream in jars with a large volume; a volume of 50-60 milliliters will be enough.

Another important component that may be included in the cream is glycolic acid . It copes with the tasks no less effectively than fruit acid and provides a long-lasting effect.

Professional manicurists and pedicurists use the American product My Nail in particularly difficult cases to remove calluses and old corns. It is not recommended for use at home, as it can cause chemical burns if the instructions for use are not followed. This company also produces other products with a more delicate and mild effect on the skin.

Professionals also often use and respond positively to acid peeling products such as Naomi from the Japanese manufacturer and Kart from the famous Israeli brand. In addition to the fact that these products gently and effectively soften the skin of the feet, remove dead skin cells, they have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Farmeffect cream is considered to be quite famous and in demand . It is used by professionals as a means for acid peeling, and also as a basis for preparing for classic unedged and hardware pedicures.

Among the well-known Russian products one can note SAGITTA Cosmetics . This is an acid cream, which contains both fruit and lactic acids. It has a mild effect, does not dry out the skin, does not cause burning or discomfort when used.

We can highlight another fairly well-known cream from a British manufacturer - Derma Pharms . This is a universal product that is successfully used to care for hands and feet not only for women, but also for men of any age category.

ADN technology

For a pedicure with ADN acids you will need:

  • “Free Feet” foot soap;
  • Foot Piling Mask;
  • cuticle gel Cuticle Remover ADN;
  • Cracked Skin Cream.

There are other products in the line aimed at solving the problem of thick nails, calluses and corns, but we will look at a classic pedicure to understand the scheme.

Step-by-step instructions for acid pedicure using ADN technology:

  1. Apply a small amount of soap to your feet and massage into a lather. Massage your feet for 2-3 minutes to wash away impurities and prepare the skin;
  2. Rinse off the soap with warm water and dry your feet with a towel;
  3. Apply the Foot Piling Mask to the entire surface of the foot - do not rub;
  4. If hyperkeratosis is present, use Liquid Peeling Strong peeling water locally. Water is applied to a cotton pad or napkin and applied to the problem area directly on top of the mask;
  5. Wrap your feet in cling film and leave for 10 minutes;

  6. While the skin is softening, lubricate the cuticle with Cuticle Remover gel and leave for 30 seconds. After this time, move the softened skin with an orange stick;
  7. Pedicure on the fingers is done using a convenient technique, most often in a European one - without a device or cuts. The side rollers are polished with a soft grater, the cuticle is moved to the base and is not trimmed.
  8. After 10 minutes have passed, remove the film and wipe off any remaining product with a clean, damp cloth;
  9. Remove the softened skin using a grater or a special dull scalpel - ADN also has it;
  10. Wash your feet to remove any remaining product and skin, dry with a towel and apply cream.

The best products for acid pedicure

Below is a general list of contraindications, but it may vary depending on the cosmetics manufacturer. Be sure to read the instructions before use.

  1. Mechanical damage to the skin . Deep cracks, abrasions and scratches will make the procedure uncomfortable - if acids come into contact with “living” tissue, the client will feel a burning sensation. In addition, acids irritate the skin and slow down healing;
  2. Allergy . In people prone to allergic reactions, it often manifests itself in fruit acids. If you have allergies, be sure to get tested before the procedure. Apply a small amount of cosmetic product to the cleaned area of ​​the foot and leave for 10-15 minutes. If itching, burning or other unpleasant sensations appear, immediately wash off the composition with warm water and abandon the procedure.

Dry pedicure: European and hardware options

Be careful about the procedure during pregnancy. The gestation period is not a contraindication, but it is better to consult your doctor before the procedure.

Manicure and pedicure during pregnancy - do's and don'ts

What are the benefits of fruit acid?

  • Helps get rid of rough skin on the feet, removes dead particles and corns.
  • Helps keep feet smooth for a long time and slows down the process of thickening the skin on the feet.
  • Renews and regenerates the skin on the feet.
  • It helps to save even the most advanced situation; it’s never too late to use acid to improve the appearance of your feet.
  • Protects the skin of the feet from fungal diseases due to the fact that it has an antibacterial effect. Regular use of acid prevents the proliferation of pathogenic fungal bacteria.

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