How to attract clients for manicures: current methods

Competent advertising of a nail salon involves the integrated use of various methods of promotion, including outdoor advertising, promotion on the Internet and even in the media. However, if the owners of such studios begin to thoughtlessly invest money in all possible marketing resources, the salon simply risks going under. That is why it is important to understand which promotion methods are relevant and effective, and which of them are best abandoned. This article is intended to help entrepreneurs understand this issue and develop a profitable marketing strategy.

Point design


The design of the facade is of enormous importance for a nail salon. Your premises should be as visible as possible; moreover, every passerby should unmistakably identify it as a cosmetic studio, even after taking a quick glance at the premises. In general, you can use any colors, but remember, decorative elements, signage, window display - all this should signal the profile of your salon. Make sure that the facade is not covered by trees or any structures and remember - the more visible it is, the better for business.


Regardless of whether your salon is located in a shopping center or on the street, the sign should be large and visible. Moreover, it must contain the inscription “manicure studio” or “nail salon” - only its presence allows you to accurately identify your profile. As a rule, the owners of such studios prefer to order luminous signs, because they are clearly visible in the dark. If you rent premises in a shopping center, an LED sign is required, because otherwise you simply won’t be noticed against the backdrop of brightly glowing and sometimes flashy signs of shops, cafes, etc. Read more in the article about types of signs, materials and production costs.


You can use one of several window display design options. So, they can be covered with adhesive posters with thematic photos of models, nails, images of varnishes, etc., or the display cases can be left open so that every passerby can appreciate the interior and internal structure of the salon and watch the masters at work. However, even in the latter case, it is better not to leave the display windows completely “naked” - they can be decorated with beautiful light patterns, place several small advertising images and/or inscriptions.

Outdoor advertising


Advertising banners are an excellent way to attract customer attention. Moreover, they usually contain information about discounts and promotions, which should significantly increase the number of visitors. Such banners, and sometimes LED displays, are often used at small manicure points in shopping centers (as a rule, they are attached or installed directly on the counter). However, remember, if your windows are completely covered with advertising, there is a bright and informative sign, you should not hang up an additional banner, because this way you will have too many distracting and different elements. You can read more in the article about advertising banners, types and placements and production costs.


A sign is required regardless of the location of the nail salon. It perfectly serves as an additional sign and attracts the attention of passersby well. However, you should not order signs with a detailed description of the range of services and even the price list - it is unlikely that a passerby will stop to read the text written in small, illegible font. Try to make sure that when a person sees a sign, information about a specific service and its price, they immediately become interested in you.

Advertising in elevators

You can also place your advertising posters in the elevators of buildings. The advantage of this method of advertising is that it is seen by many women living nearby (such advertising should only be given in nearby areas). Try to develop a design that makes your ad stand out from other advertising images. It is also worth remembering that such a poster should contain information about some promotion that is very attractive to customers - this way you significantly increase the likelihood of interest. Just a description of the salon, its address and telephone number will definitely not have such an effect.


The pointer is a unique tool that performs a useful function, namely, showing the way to your nail salon and at the same time being an attractive decorative element.

“Tricks” | Marketing for a manicurist

Today we will discuss marketing for a nail salon or hair salon. After all, this is a business like any other, and marketing plays an important role in generating customer flow.

What does cash income or revenue consist of? In any business, this is the number of purchases and the average receipt.

Therefore, to increase income, you need to increase the number of purchases and the average bill.

  • How can you increase the number of purchases? This figure consists of regular customers (you need them to come more often) and new customers (so that they become regulars over time).
  • How to increase the average check? The most obvious, but not always effective way is to raise prices. We still suggest using other methods - upselling related products, additional services.

Let's look at all these parameters in more detail!

1. At least 80% of revenue must come from regular customers.

Firstly, this client has already come to you - you have already spent resources (time, money, salary) on attracting him. And now your task is to hold him, tie him to you for as long as possible. After all, finding and attracting a new client is much more expensive and longer than working with repeat visits. This is what loyalty programs and discounts for regular customers are based on. That's why:

  • Be sure to maintain a complete client database. Don’t be lazy to create cards with a detailed description in addition to contacts: client’s address, birthday, habits (likes to chat or likes to be silent), services, specialized details (for example, an ingrown toenail was treated, or an allergy to some drug). You should know everything about the client, and even a little more)))
  • Don't be afraid to give discounts for regular customers. They will pay for it during their “client” life with you, you will save more on advertising and finding new clients.
  • If the client has not signed up in advance, remind yourself (!!! this should be your initiative, not the client!) that it is time to repeat the procedure. If you do not have a system of discounts for regular customers, then such “reminders” should contain a time-limited price offer (For example, if you sign up during today, you will receive a discount of 200 rubles). Such a regular system will soon lead to a systematic occupancy of the salon, you will develop the habit of clients making appointments in advance, you will understand your workload and the possibilities of expanding your staff.
  • Ask their opinion immediately after the visit (for example, in the form of an SMS with a survey or in the form of a letter. Be prepared, if he doesn’t like something, do it for free. It is important to “retain” the client, to maximize his “client” life).
  • Book clients for their next visit immediately during the procedure.

2. Attracting new clients “smartly”.

Many salons strive to immediately create a website, thinking that this will immediately bring additional sales. If you are not ready to pay 20-30 thousand a month for website promotion for at least six months after creating a website, then do not try to create it. For beginner salons and masters, it is easier to create accounts on social networks and use more “targeted” attraction measures.

It is important to understand that people go for a manicure because it is convenient, profitable, and pleasant for them.

What is convenience? This is the location of the salon and the time of service. You must understand that at the beginning of your business journey those who work or live nearby will come to you. How can you attract such clients?

  • Leaflet in the elevator (everyone is riding in the elevator and, having nothing better to do, reads the stand with leaflets).
  • Word of mouth / “Bring a friend” campaign
  • Giveaway for a service on social networks with the condition “Tag three friends”
  • advertising on Instagram, Yandex, Google can be done based on geotargeting (i.e., geographic location of clients). You can even highlight specific business centers or homes where your audience is concentrated and run ads specifically to them.
  • Opening hours are another opportunity to attract customers. It's no secret that most clients work during the day, and it's a real problem to find a specialist for the evening. Therefore, you can make this your specialization. Take examples from fitness centers, where the first visit can be as early as 6 a.m. and the last visit at 10 p.m. Not every master is ready for this, but it’s a good way to build a clientele). And, by the way, in this case the price increase will be quite appropriate and understandable to the client!

What is “profitable”? There may be options here:

  • loyalty program with a discount for regular customers (already discussed above)
  • service subscriptions. The idea is that if you purchase 5-10 visits at once, the price of each separately will be lower than the standard one. The client saves money, and you get guaranteed paid visits. And most importantly, the client will form a habit of visiting the salon.
  • "Bride's Package" Include nail care services there - manicure, extensions, nail design, pedicure, nail design on legs, and a 25% discount on the package as a whole will give your salon a sure chance to compete with home-based specialists in the fight for such a profitable clientele as brides

What is “pleasant” probably doesn’t need to be said)) A tidy workplace, comfortable chairs, a calm environment, conversation or, on the contrary, silence (depending on what the client likes, don’t be afraid to find out!), a cup of delicious coffee or a glass of water – all this plays a role . Of course, most are already experts in this)))

Remember that people are captivated by genuine interest in their person. A master will have a magical effect on visitors if, during their visit, they ask how their beloved dog is doing or how the pressing issue that the client complained about was resolved. And here the client card, which we wrote about above, will be very useful to you.

There is another way to attract new customers. Not many people will decide to do it, but that doesn’t make it any less effective. Feel free to convey to your clients that an attribute of a successful man in the 21st century is well-groomed nails. Ask if they are happy with the condition of their husbands' nails and promise discounts/other promotions for the first visit. Advertising will be even more effective with men, since they easily become addicted to manicures and then are very reluctant to change nail technicians. The main thing is to attract and not disappoint with the result!

3. Don't forget about related sales!

Everything is simple here))

  • Option 1 – Place a small shelf with proven skincare products, creams, oils. During the first visit, each new client is given brief instructions on caring for the skin of the hands, nails, and cuticles. Periodically speak to regular customers (of course, use these means during the service process)
  • Option 2 – Increasing the check due to related services. Do extra. discounts on paraffin therapy, advertise your design portfolio more often, talk about new style trends in manicure. Paired promotions “When ordering a pedicure, get a manicure at a discount” or vice versa.

4. Automate what can be automated.

Perhaps at the first stage these will be additional financial expenses. But over time, we still recommend doing this) Just calculate how much time will be freed up, and how much you can earn during this time))

  • Use automatic recording services, such as yclients or others
  • Most social networks also have the ability to add feedback forms/record buttons. Don’t forget: the client should have many easy ways to make an appointment with you!
  • Set up automatic reminders for clients’ birthdays and appointments for the next procedure.

Of course, in each individual case, a different set of tools will be effective, but we have listed the most applicable ones specifically for a manicurist or beauty salon.

Good luck in practice, your
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Internet advertising


The website is a necessary advertising tool. You shouldn’t try to save money and give up this most important resource - creating a business card website will cost you little, but will allow you to widely promote your nail salon online. Of course, it is desirable that the site be optimized for search queries, because a person entering “nail salon 'city name'” into the search bar will see your link one of the first. You can do it easier and advertise in the most popular search engines, Yandex and Google. And remember, the site should be both interesting and useful. Post photos of the best works of masters, publish interesting articles about manicure, pedicure, nail care and, of course, make sure that this information can be easily understood thanks to a clear menu. You can also place an advertisement in the most visible place on the site about a discount that you can get by simply printing it.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

  • How to choose a domain name for a website
  • How to choose hosting for a website
  • How to choose a website builder
  • How to promote in Direct with a small budget

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Banner advertising

Banner advertising is a good way to promote a nail salon, but it should not be given on an ongoing basis, but, for example, before the holidays. This way you will optimize your costs and attract new clients to the salon, who, given the proper quality of services provided, will definitely return to your specialists.

Groups on social networks

Groups on the most popular social networks, namely Instagram, Vkontakte, Twitter and Facebook, can do almost more to promote a salon than all of the above advertising tools. By posting photos of completed work and accompanying them with appropriate hashtags, you can win the sympathy of a huge number of potential clients, without even investing any serious funds in promotion. Moreover, you can count on reposts from your visitors, thanks to which their friends and subscribers will see where the manicure was done. Moreover, the presence of such pages will allow you to maintain direct contact with customers and, of course, notify them about all kinds of promotions.

Advertisements on classifieds sites

Explore free classified sites for your city. Place information about yourself and the services you provide there. Of course, this kind of advertising will bring you fewer clients than the same social networks, but this does not mean that this resource is not worth using. Also visit city forums, and try to leave unobtrusive advertising there, disguised as a real review. Most likely, even such a hidden ad will be deleted by a moderator, but it will remain on the site for a certain time, and this is already a good bonus for business.

Printable advertisement


Leaflets should be distributed in the most crowded places near the nail salon and left in the mailboxes of nearby houses. Such promotions should be carried out regularly, preferably once a month. Remember, the text on the flyer should be concise and communicate an attractive promotion and/or range of services. It would also be a good idea to offer a small discount to the flyer presenter.

Business cards

Hand out business cards to all your clients - they will make the process of booking a manicure much easier for them. They should indicate not only the phone number, but also the addresses of pages on social networks and your official website.

How to find clients for manicures and pedicures: TOP 7 ways

It is difficult for a beginner to start a business in any field. It is unlikely that anyone will dispute this statement. Taking the first step and finding your first client is very difficult. Often this is hindered by our own negative attitudes and complexes (I won’t succeed, there’s too much competition).

But even a novice master living in a small town can sell his services profitably. For this, not only your professional qualities are important, but also the ability to present yourself and build a competent advertising company.

Before you start promoting your services, decide: what audience are you counting on? Who would you like to see among your clients? This determines on which platforms it is worth advertising, what promotions and bonuses to use to expand your customer base.

You shouldn't work in all directions at once. It is unlikely that you will be able to please an advanced student and a demanding lady of Balzac's age at the same time. Therefore, focus on a relatively narrow market segment and start working for “your” client. What to choose: capricious premium customers or focus on providing economy class services? It depends on both your qualifications and effective demand.

Important! It is hardly worth taking on complex orders (evening, wedding manicure) if you still have little experience. There is a high risk of not being able to complete the order, and advertising can also be negative: a negative review at the beginning of work will cause significant harm.

The services of professional marketers are effective, but also quite expensive. At the initial stage, you will be able to find clients for manicures on your own without investing significant funds.

Let's list the main ways to quickly recruit clients without high costs.

Method 1. Notice boards

Even if you are a wonderful master with extensive experience and a huge portfolio, without competent advertising no one will know about it. If you are taking your first steps, place advertisements about your services on Yula and Avito .

Compose your text correctly and attach good photos of your work. Indicate valid communication channels and be available to receive messages: the later you respond to a message, the less likely you are to receive an order.

Method 2. Social networks: accounts

Surely you have accounts on social networks. Odnoklassniki and VKontakte are very suitable for this. You can use your personal page to attract clients, but it is more advisable to create a separate profile for work. In the pinned post, indicate how you can be contacted, list the services provided (nail extensions, classic manicure, hardware pedicure), and post a photo. Don't forget to indicate the price. On your work page you can publish news from the beauty industry, post photo reports from specialized exhibitions, and show off your successful works.

You can add useful tips on self-care to your account and place useful links there.

Your profile should be “live”, even if you only use it to communicate with clients. Spam, long breaks in posts, and sloppily and incorrectly formatted posts make a bad impression.

Be careful with comments: either immediately disable the ability to comment, or thoroughly clean the wall of verbal debris. Under no circumstances should you get into arguments with commentators: even deleted messages can be screened and used in unfair competition against you.

Method 3. Social networks: communities

Join specialized communities on social networks. Pay special attention to local public pages about fashion, beauty, cosmetics and makeup. At the first stage, you can offer your services at a big discount. This is usually a good argument for audiences who want to save money.

The first orders, even at an unfavorable dumping price, will help you find your first clients and build a portfolio. This is a useful experience that allows you to improve your professional and communication skills. Later, it will become easier to find clients.

Method 4. Social networks: girlfriend

Do you have a friend who is a fan of social networks, who actively participates in discussions on forums, or is her page followed by many residents of your city? Invite her to participate in an advertising campaign. Give her fashionable nails on one condition: in return, she will post a photo on her Instagram and talk about you. This is an effective and inexpensive way to tell your target audience about yourself.

Method 5. Self-discipline and quality of services

Usually the initial promotion takes 2-3 months. After proper advertising, you will have your first clients. It is very important to work intelligently with an engaged audience. Be punctual, do not postpone deadlines and do not be late. Your accuracy and serious attitude to business will also work for you: new visitors will come based on recommendations and positive reviews.

Important! There will definitely be problems: eternally dissatisfied, overly picky clients. A special category is those who seek free (or almost free) services. Some people frankly have nothing better to do, and they amuse themselves by spending hours specifying the details of services and their prices.

Don’t set yourself the goal of pleasing everyone, it simply won’t work. It’s better to get rid of clingy clients as early as possible.

Method 6. Competitors

Make friends with your competitors. Oddly enough, you can expand your client base with other manicurists. Don't believe that they will share your work with you? In vain. Some people won’t want to do a manicure at home, some won’t be able to establish normal contact with a picky client, some don’t have enough time for everyone. You may be interested in such orders.

Method 7. Business cards

Putting your business cards in mailboxes and posting notices at entrances is ineffective. An effective way is targeted advertising. Leave your business cards at the spa, fitness club, perfume and cosmetics department. The response will be more noticeable.

First you work for your reputation. Be prepared that during the first year you will have to work at prices below the market average. Your goal is to find your place and take it. Therefore, at first you will have to come to terms with low incomes.


Discount cards

Issue club cards to regular customers, which give them the opportunity to receive an additional discount. This will significantly increase their loyalty and keep old visitors in your salon.

Nice bonuses

Offer your customers drinks, broadcast interesting films and programs, and give small gifts. Such bonuses will not hit your budget, but will make visiting your nail salon a very pleasant experience.

Carrying out price promotions

Try to regularly offer discounts on certain types of manicures and designs. This way you will fill the schedule of your masters and significantly increase your profits.

Placing data in electronic directories

Provide information about yourself on resources such as 2GIS and 2Geo. This service is free and can promote your business well. However, you should not place paid advertising there - experience shows that such costs are not compensated by its effectiveness.

Attracting clients for manicures and pedicures: TOP 10 tips

Extensive work experience, honed skills, satisfied clients... Over time, an experienced nail service technician reaches a good level of income.

A big mistake is to calm down and stop promoting business and advertising.

In addition, an experienced entrepreneur has the opportunity to invest more serious money in the development of his business than a beginner.

To successfully promote an already completed project, there are also small tricks. Let's get to know them in more detail.

Tip 1. Business cards, price lists, flyers

Make printed products useful and functional. Try to frequently change and supplement your advertising text. Report new trends in nail design, offer modern hand care procedures.

After the session, give the client a reminder about proper care for a fresh manicure. This is especially true after the introduction of new services. Work with the client not only before receiving money, but also after. Show that you care and are interested. Statements in the spirit of “It’s your problem” are unacceptable.

Tip 2. Working with the client base

For convenience, try to collect client data in one place. Practice mailing about discounts, holiday promotions and gifts. If a regular visitor doesn't show up for a long time, call or contact her online. Invite her in person, encourage her to try a new procedure or design. This usually makes a good impression.

Tip 3. Monitoring competitors

Stay up to date with your competitors, try to have an idea of ​​the average price level and services offered. Don't go for the lowest prices. On the contrary, if you present yourself as a high-class craftsman, an unjustified reduction in the price tag will scare away your potential audience. Do you want to expand your clientele? It’s better to hold a one-time promotion or provide a discount on your first visit to the salon.

Tip 4. Free services

Offer the client to try the new procedure for free. This works especially well if you want to transfer a regular client from a regular manicure to gel polish or offer other more expensive services. Even if the first attempt costs nothing, in the future you will justify your investment.

Tip 5. Attitude towards clients

If you work in a salon, introduce strict regulations for the provision of services. It is unacceptable to give preference to a client because she will leave a large amount in the cash register or because she has been coming to you for years. Of course, profitable visitors are worth holding on to, but new clients should not feel uncomfortable and abandoned.

Important! Stop familiarity and outright rudeness, introduce a comfortable atmosphere of quality service and respectful attitude towards clients. Let your establishment initially be a salon, not an eatery.

Tip 6. The best masters

Attract the best masters of the city to your salon. Their name and established reputation will do a great job of attracting clients. In addition, they will bring their old clients to the salon, to whom they can offer a variety of related services.

Tip 7. Promotions

Hold regular holiday promotions and introduce new forms of service. For example, if an old client brings a friend, give them an incentive discount: this way you will please both the old and the new visitor.

Tip 8. The highlight of the service

Come up with some detail that will become your own business card, feature. This may be a guarantee for the provision of services, simultaneous manicure and pedicure together with an assistant, or express services.

Important! Find unique services that are underrepresented in your city. If you have a medical education, take a special course in therapeutic pedicure. Your procedures will be in constant demand and highly valued. You can supplement the price list with a simple massage.

Tip 9. Advanced training

Participate in specialized exhibitions and competitions. This will only help the manicurist. Receiving a diploma of advanced training will give you weight as a professional and will help in promoting your business.

Don't mark time. It is impossible to make a profit for years by providing the same services. Something new is constantly appearing on the market, offer new items to your clients.

Tip 10. Internet marketing

If your business is growing steadily, contact an Internet marketing specialist. Proper promotion of your account on social networks, especially Instagram, will help the manicurist attract new clients and retain old ones.

It is unacceptable to work on your profile from time to time, depending on your mood. An abandoned page full of spam will serve as the strongest anti-advertising. A modern website with examples of work and a detailed price list, on the contrary, will work better than a thousand advertisements in wretched newspapers for free advertisements. The way you advertise also shapes your reputation as a craftsman.

Important! Of course, no advertising company will help if your manicure studio is located in a bad place, the premises have not been renovated for a long time, and the masters work with poorly processed tools. Therefore, when investing in advertising, do not forget about the quality of the services provided.

What kind of advertising is not suitable for nail salons?

  1. Billboards and other costly methods of outdoor advertising. Placing billboards around the city will require serious material costs from you. As a rule, such expenses are catastrophic for nail studios. That is why entrepreneurs should focus on less expensive but more effective ways of promotion.
  2. Advertising on radio and TV. Even broadcast on local TV channels and radio stations will not benefit you. It should also be emphasized that an audio clip on the radio can do a good job of promoting a reputable chain of nail salons, but certainly not just a small studio that has just opened.
  3. Advertising in print media. Publishing advertising modules in magazines is theoretically a good idea. However, in practice, this method turns out to be too expensive and ineffective.
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