Manicure horoscope - choose a manicure according to your zodiac sign

  • 656
  • 10-08-2021
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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For many, a horoscope is like a real guiding star. People turn to him when they want to find an ideal life partner, before making a major purchase or concluding a serious deal. And there are also women who even trust their choice of manicure to their horoscope.

It is believed that a manicure corresponding to the zodiac sign brings harmony, happiness and success in work. Do you know what nail shape and polish color suits your zodiac sign?

We tell you which manicure color according to the horoscope is suitable for each zodiac sign.


Individuals born under the sign of Aries are considered creative and have various talents. When choosing a manicure, it is recommended to take these features into account and support them with an appropriate design.

See also...

✅ Monthly horoscope for Pisces

✅ Astrological fortune telling “Zodiac”

✅ Monthly horoscope for Sagittarius

✅ Monthly horoscope for Taurus

A manicure for an Aries should be original and stylish. According to the horoscope, various bright patterns are suitable. It is fashionable to perform it on all nails or according to Feng Shui on the ring and middle nails.


Virgo's balance and perfectionism should also be reflected in their manicure. Calm, deep shades and a minimum of decor are what representatives of this sign need. A thin but perfectly even French line, a drop of glitter or a few shiny stones is more than enough for Virgos to feel their irresistibility.


If your zodiac sign is Gemini, feel free to shine every day. According to the horoscope, nail polish with glitter of any color and size is suitable for such individuals. Glitter, mica, top with shimmering particles, foil, etc. - all these are materials with which twins can create a manicure on their nails that suits their zodiac sign.


For Sagittarius, astrologers recommend turning to blue and the violet that flows from it. All shades of these colors charge the sign, making it energetic and ready for achievements. In your manicure, use a monochrome gradient or create a fashionable ombre.

  • gel polish from Masura, No. 294-315M;
  • gel polish Masura No. 294-508M;
  • fan brush No. 1 to create a gradient of the Pole brand.

Manicure in blue tones: design ideas in different techniques and textures

In general, according to the stars, all colors are suitable for this zodiac sign, except for the grounding and depressing black Sagittarius.

a lion

The ideal manicure for the Leo zodiac sign is red. The length of the nails does not matter, and it is better to choose a rich and juicy shade.

Red nails are a classic that goes with any outfit and season. It is also generally accepted that these are the nails that elegant ladies choose.


Brown is the color of friendliness, which is clearly an accurate characteristic for Capricorn. It is the color of the earth that astrologers recommend to the sign to attract good luck and prosperity. Brown itself is quite monogamous and calm, so don’t be afraid to add brightness to this manicure with the help of bright details - rhinestones, sparkles, patterns.

  • gel polish In'Garden No. 123;
  • bright slider for design No. 155 from Vogue Nails.

Try to avoid red and orange. This applies to manicure, clothes and things around you. These colors suppress your energy.


The zodiac sign Libra is characterized by calmness, thoughtfulness and balance. It is believed that shades of varnish for a person with such characteristics should be chosen that are calm and peaceful. Pastel shades are most suitable for this, especially lavender and heavenly.


Prone to music and drawing, Taurus attracts the stars by choosing a blue or pink manicure. Nude or pastel shades are great for calm Taurus - they are in fashion right now.

Nude manicure ideas

As for the decor, it’s better not to go too far with it. A manicure that is too bright scares away good luck and also negatively affects the subtle mental organization - Taurus, after all, are romantics. If you want to create an original or festive manicure, give preference to one type of decor - rhinestones, sparkles or patterns.

Set for the perfect Taurus manicure:

  • gel polish from CND, yellow pastel shade “Honey Darling”;
  • marmalade No. 1 from In'Garden.

It is recommended that Taurus avoid the color red in any shade.


According to the horoscope in 2022, dark manicure is suitable for Scorpios. It can be black, dark blue, dark green or gray. The length of the nails is short, and it is better to exclude sparkles and other luxury elements, giving preference to sophistication and sophistication in the form of a single-color coating.

Manicure horoscope for earth triad signs


Taurus color scheme

For Taurus, the natal color according to the horoscope is green. They love solid classics, solidity, attributes of wealth, brilliance, even at the expense of diversity. Having become accustomed to an image, it is difficult to give it up. The manicure horoscope instructs him to focus on calm pink, mint green, soft and dark blue tones, as well as mother-of-pearl of all shades. Manicure for the zodiac sign Taurus is a combination of the above shades through the geometry of simple shapes: rhombuses, squares, at the junction of colors - golden adhesive tape. The symbol of Taurus is the head of a bull. It is depicted very simply: in the form of a circle and a semicircle of horns. To emphasize the love of brightness, the design of a single-color coating is complicated by a composition of rhinestones of different sizes. We must not forget that the brightest star of the entire zodiac - Aldebaran - is located in the constellation Taurus.


Color scheme for Virgo

Virgos are practical, their prudence borders on fastidiousness. Ruled by the planet Mercury, they belong to the element of earth, so for the manicure of the Virgo zodiac sign , dark earthy shades are recommended - wet asphalt with mother-of-pearl, brown, muted shades of plum, cherry, potassium permanganate, even black, if it corresponds to the inner sense of aesthetics and style. The amulet stone is sapphire, which means dark blue is also welcome, especially in the “liquid stones” design technique. In any case, in matters of manicure, Virgo comes from naturalness, both in color and in length and decor. Most likely, French on short nails will be the standard for every day. A decoration made of small rhinestones on the ring finger or a combination of stamping and rhinestones in the same color as the coating will help decorate your workdays. Complex patterns and nail art are abhorrent to Virgos and contradict their rationality.


The Capricorn woman is purposeful, persistent, a typical careerist, at least she always knows what she wants and has her own opinion on everything. Capricorn likes the classics; we are unlikely to see such a girl with an impractical design or extravagant length and shape of her nails. When it comes to manicure, Capricorns prefer naturalness and restraint. Usually these are French or cold shades of a single-color coating - nude beige, pink, blue, light blue, silver, purple, chocolate brown. But royal red or even garnet nail polish are also used in certain circumstances. Using the symbol of the sign - a goat's head - in your design is a great idea for a manicure on the eve of a birthday.


The Aquarius zodiac sign characterizes women as dreamy, gentle and sympathetic individuals. According to the horoscope, an equally calm manicure suits such a lady. A suitable option is gray-blue, dusty blue, shade of asphalt.

Manicure according to the Zodiac: choosing your color and the right nail art: 48 ideas + photos

Whether it’s true or not, to believe or not to believe – that’s not what we’re talking about. both as a joke, but seriously - what manicure suits different zodiac signs, what color, what nail art harmoniously combines with temperament, character, habits and mood.


A bright personality is bright in everything - and in the shades of manicure. And if we remember the leader’s perseverance, determination, and perseverance of Aries, their palette is either bright, contrasting, or very dark.

This is fiery red and its calmer shades, these are garnet, juicy raspberry and ruby. What if it's not red? Then let it be a contrasting, very contrasting manicure.

Simple geometry, minimalism - ideally emphasize some categoricalness of Aries: everything - or nothing. And everything is to the maximum, and nothing is to the minimum.


Balance, calmness, prudence in company with rare persistence are the best qualities of Taurus. Who better than Taurus can wear restrained pastel colors, a delicate pink palette, and all shades of pearl gray.

On their delicate fingers they will not look cold and sad - Taurus is a difficult sign: energetic, despite some slowness, loving showiness - despite its apparent modesty.

Therefore, painting, floral patterns, and asymmetry are their favorite designs, which perfectly reveal their multifaceted nature.


A multifaceted sign - and manicure should be difficult? This is not so: the character of Gemini is multifaceted and changeable: behind the apparent frivolity there is determination and sometimes pedantry, behind the artistry and jokes there is sadness.

And Gemini’s manicure best reflects this: it can be spectacular, but simple nail art, often monochrome or minimalism.

Or nude: Gemini is an open, straightforward sign.


Creative nature, complex and multifaceted, somewhat strong personality, vulnerable at times, tender, emotional. This is a nature that draws energy from a bright palette.

Rainbow ombre, manicure with rubbing, asymmetrical design are perfect for their temperament: not too flashy, bright, and showy: this sign appreciates and loves showiness, a discreet, inconspicuous manicure is not for them.

a lion

The sign is strong, bright, charismatic, and the nail art is appropriate. But behind the appearance of a leader there is a vulnerable, gentle nature.

Maybe that’s why female lionesses don’t choose the fiery shades of Aries, they prefer wine and burgundy, orange and lime. And gold: where would the queen of signs be without radiance!

And therefore, painting, patterns, rhinestones, all sorts of contrasts - from a bright two-color jacket to a lunar one in the Lionesses’ favorite ones: of course, they suit their ambiguous, but beautiful nature.


Famous for her pedantry and ability to look impressive, Virgo chooses a complex manicure, but effective.

Expensive and rich is not for Virgo: she does not like the shine of rhinestones, shimmering kamifubiks and sequins. Her choice is a spectacular ladies manicure, almost monochrome with large design elements.

Virgo is practical - she will not appreciate small paintings or complex geometry. Red, white, black - there is something in this - after all, Virgo is also famous for being somewhat categorical.

And these simple and timeless colors perfectly match all her qualities. Virgo will also appreciate negative space in combination with “eternal” colors - on her fingers these solutions will look the way she likes: impressive, restrained, expensive.


Scorpio women and simple nail art are incompatible. A woman of mystery, a woman with a twist, a strong-willed sign with an incredible sense of style chooses the most spectacular combinations.

You won't wait for Scorpio's tinsel: they know how to create something out of practically nothing.

Or a seasoned ladies' business style, or a spectacular evening one, or - or minimalism, which looks oh so difficult.


An Air sign, Libra is changeable, easy-going, loves new trends, and loves to be on top of fashion.

But - not in the very center of attention: their balanced nature, in need of calm and harmony, is not too fond of flashy, flashy solutions overloaded with decor.

Their choice is floral design, marble manicure, gradient, ombre, foil and rub tints, violet and lavender, pink and nude, pastel colors.

But you should not write down Libra as a sissy: this is a strong-willed sign that knows how to show rare determination and originality. Therefore, garnet and plum, complex graphics, and a moderately bright palette are loved by Libra.


Effectiveness always and in everything is the slogan of Sagittarius women. Or a bright palette, and the shine of glitter, rubs, and an abundance of rhinestones. Brilliant, simply brilliant – I want to applaud this manicure.

But Sagittarius cannot be suspected of loving tinsel: they are too smart, have excellent taste, and know how to present any decisions in the most advantageous way.


Emotional, deep natures, self-confident, straightforward, wise - this is a difficult sign. He knows how to captivate with a charming laugh, is often thoughtful - and a manicure is chosen accordingly.

Their versatility chooses minimalism, graphics, purposefulness - conciseness, but not simplicity. Black, muted brown – these tones are also good.

And in moments of emotional stress, or in search of its relief, green, emerald, azure and a similar palette, violet, lavender, lilac are suitable.


Charismatic and cheerful, sociable, purposeful, bright - Aquarians can choose all the colors of the rainbow at once. But they choose light ones, not too rich, almost transparent.

The entire palette of blue – blue, azure – also corresponds to the Aquarius temperament. But the water has nothing to do with it - these are light, airy colors. Not monochrome - the character is too multifaceted, but not flickering painting either.

Aquarians are insightful, know how to see the essence of things - and it is no coincidence that they choose deep shades of purple. But - in combination with contrasts: a bright, active nature does not like the boring frames of monochrome.


Blue? No – but not without him. The sign of water, misunderstood and incomprehensible to many signs: how water flows between the fingers, is closed to many.

A complex sign, emotional, very vulnerable at times - but persistent, a hidden leader.

Fish do not swim with the flow - they create it if they want, and if necessary, they overcome the highest thresholds and pitfalls.

Prone to daydreaming, sometimes they choose transparent nude and milky white, a cool palette of blue, light blue, deep, violet. But not for long: their companions are at the peak of emotions and activity - red, orange, white.

A hot palette that reveals the hidden qualities of a leader and a strong-willed nature. And feminine, bright, appreciating beauty in all its manifestations.

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Pisces are creative individuals who will definitely find a gray manicure boring and uncomfortable. According to the horoscope, you should not restrain your impulses to be bright. Choose a yellow varnish and apply it, either in a standard way or in an unusual way - only on the free edge, draw holes, highlight the center, paint only the corner.

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For Cancers, who value comfort and stability more than anything else, a simple and discreet classic is suitable: short nails with a red or nude finish. The only decoration that will appeal to Cancer and will not throw him out of balance is a miniature stone on the nail of his ring finger.

What color will attract good luck?

The color of the manicure for the New Year of the Tiger 2022 must be selected carefully. After all, according to Feng Shui, each shade is responsible for attracting specific benefits.

  • Green gives you self-confidence and symbolizes your unity with the world.
  • Brown gives a feeling of security and stability.
  • Red is closely associated with the energy of money and passion.
  • Gray clears the mind.
  • Apricot calms and pacifies.
  • Blue puts you in a businesslike mood.
  • Pink will help in love, and purple in making decisions.

You should only approach nail art in a good mood. You should not decorate your nails if you are irritated, angry or very upset. Shades of varnish should be chosen based on the element to which you belong. This will help you achieve great success in business. Determining your element is very simple - the last digit of the year of birth will correspond to it. 0 and 1 - Metal; 2 and 3 - Water; 4 and 5 - Tree; 6 and 7 - Fire; 8 and 9 - Earth.

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