Faster, stronger: how to quickly grow long nails?

Judging by photo reports from the red carpet, many stars now “wear” long nails with graceful tapering at the tips. The trend is also popular in real life—it’s easy to notice if you pay attention to the manicures of the girls around you. If you are wondering how they managed to grow long and strong nails, in this material we will reveal the secret and give tips that will allow you to achieve the same result.

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How to grow long nails at home?

Add to your daily diet foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E: greens, carrots, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits, eggs, liver, milk, cottage cheese, yogurts. This will promote the growth of healthy and strong, strong nails.


Regularly make hand baths with slightly warmed olive oil and sea salt. There are simple recipes for homemade baths with soda (a tablespoon is dissolved in a small container of warm water), with iodine (a few drops added to warm olive or sesame oil), with herbs (2-3 tablespoons of dry chamomile are poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour) . If the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week, the nails will become stronger and begin to grow faster.

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Massage your nails at the base. This is a very simple beauty ritual: first apply a special oil to the cuticle, and then gently rub it into the skin. This will improve blood circulation and the nails will more actively receive nutrients, which will lead to faster growth.


Use “auxiliary” coatings. These are, firstly, varnishes designed specifically for comprehensive nail care. Secondly, varnishes that strengthen your nails, because you won’t be able to grow them back if they break and peel.

In general, be more attentive to your nails and take care of your hands!

Wear rubber gloves while cleaning. Remove polish using gentle products without acetone to avoid dehydration of your nails. And regularly apply protective cream to your hands.

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Nail growth rate

A person familiar with the basics of body structure understands: it is impossible to grow large and strong nails in a couple of days. It takes at least 3-4 weeks to affect metabolic processes. You can see results in 30 days, and a lasting effect is achieved in 2-3 months.

Scientists-dermatologists have determined: the rate of increase in the length of the nail plate is not the same in men and women, adults and children, and the process depends on many factors. The average value of nail growth per month is approximately 4.5 mm.

Interesting facts about the speed of nail growth:

  • Studies conducted in the 40-60s of the last century and today show: over the past 80 years, nails have begun to grow faster. This is due to the fact that the health status of modern people is on average better than that of people 100 years ago;
  • The rate of increase in the length of nails on the toes and hands is not the same. Nail growth per week on the lower extremities is about 0.25–1 mm, on the upper extremities – about 1–2 mm;
  • the “slowest” is the little finger, the record holder for the speed of nail lengthening is the middle finger;
  • An unusual achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. 81-year-old native of India, Sridhar Chillal, has not cut his nails for the last 66 years and managed to grow them so much that the total length of the plates on the five fingers of his left hand was 909 cm. The Indian’s peculiarity led to hearing impairment, problems with breathing, and sleep, so in 2016 the man agreed to cut the length.

Comment! Non-smokers have a higher chance of quickly growing nails at home than people suffering from an addiction. Quitting cigarettes means not only regaining health, prolonging life, but also improving the appearance of the nail plate.

How to grow long nails in a week?

Typically, nails grow by about 1 mm in a week.
You can try to speed up growth, but you won’t be able to significantly “overshoot” this figure. However, this time is enough to significantly strengthen your nails - and then they will not break, forcing you to trim them and start the whole process all over again. Operating in express mode, you need:


On the first day of your weekly course, apply a strengthening coating to your nails.


Use cuticle oil daily, thoroughly rubbing it into the skin with massage movements.


Make baths two or three times. At the beginning of the week, a “shock” recovery with warm olive oil will work ideally, in the middle - a softer procedure with sea salt.


In between baths, try another beauty ritual - paraffin therapy. Warm molten paraffin is applied to the cuticle. The temperature difference creates a massage effect - the procedure ensures blood flow to the base of the nail, which stimulates accelerated growth.


Find time to take care of your nails every day. Additionally, make special hand masks (those that come in the form of fabric gloves with nutritious filling are especially convenient), apply special serums and other useful compounds to the cuticle.

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Basic rules for nail care

  1. Moisturize your nails after taking a shower or washing dishes.
  2. After using nail polish remover, wash your hands and apply any nourishing cream to them.
  3. Do not use nail polish immediately after applying nail polish remover; give your nails a little rest.
  4. Nail growth is hampered by cracked and dry cuticles, so you should constantly moisturize them. To do this, rub an oil-based vitamin A into this area.
  5. Try not to cut your nails, but to file them, so they will grow faster.
  6. Wash dishes with gloves.
  7. Cover your nails with a polish containing vitamins.
  8. Choose nail polish removers that contain all the necessary vitamins.
  9. Never bite your nails.

How to grow long nails in a month?

The result will be much more noticeable if you have more than a week at your disposal - for example, a whole month. Even if you slightly reduce the intensity of care, after 4-5 weeks you will get not only long, but also strong nails.

Adjust your diet. It is very important to maintain water balance. And eat more fresh and natural foods rich in vitamins. After consulting with a doctor, you can start taking vitamin complexes - this will definitely help accelerate nail growth.


When doing your manicure, use a strengthening base like Essie's As Strong As It Gets or a finish with similar features.


Baths and other procedures can be done a little less frequently than during a weekly course, but still regularly - approximately every three days. Train yourself to take care of your cuticles daily. It is advisable not only to apply oil, but also to massage the skin around the nail plate.

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How to speed up nail growth

To speed up the growth of nail plates, you should pay special attention to your diet. It should be saturated:

  • vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • fatty acids.

How to grow nails at home if you can’t visit beauty salons? It is recommended to eat large amounts of fresh fruits, berries, and vegetables. It is better to cook dishes by steaming or in the oven, avoid everything fried and fatty.

To strengthen the body, you can purchase special medications at the pharmacy. They not only strengthen the immune system, but also accelerate nail growth. As an additional remedy, it is recommended to use vitamins in liquid form. They should be rubbed into the nails with massaging movements daily.

There are special cosmetics that are aimed at accelerating nail growth. They are presented in bottles reminiscent of nail polish and have a convenient brush. They are easy to apply and also add extra shine.

Household chemicals and detergents negatively affect the nail coating, destroying it. Therefore, it is better to do all household chores with gloves.

How to grow long nails at home using special products? It's time to figure it out; it's best to buy it in stores.

Life hacks: what to do to prevent your nails from breaking?

Nothing strengthens nails better than competent and systematic care.

  • Always file your nails correctly - in one direction only. Otherwise, they may begin to peel off.

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  • Get a shellac manicure. This coating is quite dense and often retains its flawless appearance even 2-3 weeks after the procedure. Meanwhile, the nails grow back. Since they do not break under a layer of gel polish, the result will be easy to maintain.
  • Give preference to unedged manicure. This way you minimize the risk of injuring the base of your nails. When it is damaged, nails grow weak, brittle and often peel.

Healthy foods

Particular attention should be paid to the diet. Perhaps the nails want to communicate that they are not getting enough of certain vitamins if they are not growing well.

Vitamins A and E are very important for the body, they are antioxidants and are necessary for the absorption of healthy fats. Vitamins are found in carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, apples, herbs, eggs, fruits, and nuts.

B vitamins are essential for growth . They directly affect this part of the body and promote improvement and rapid growth. They can be found in fatty fish, greens, nuts, cereals, eggs, liver, cheese, and meat.

Microelements are equally important to keep nails healthy and long. Calcium is the main material for all bones in the body. Although nails are not bones, they also require a lot of calcium. It can be found in cottage cheese, dairy products, seafood, and cabbage.

To prevent nails from peeling, you need to maintain zinc . This mineral is found in nuts, greens and seafood.

Sulfur is undoubtedly important for nails. It was noted that it is she who is involved in the formation of new nail cells. It is found in chicken meat, fish (sardines, pink salmon, pike, flounder, catfish, mackerel, perch), meat by-products, and eggs.

Silicon affects the condition of nails too. It is found in spinach, seafood and onions.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What are the dietary features when growing nails?

The daily diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E: greens, carrots, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits, eggs, liver, milk, cottage cheese, yoghurts. Read more about nutrition and other recommendations in this section.

What procedures will help grow nails faster?

Do hand baths. If the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week, the nails will become stronger and begin to grow faster. Read recipes and other recommendations here.

Will massage help your nails grow?

Slightly, but it will improve blood circulation and the nails will more actively receive nutrients, which will lead to faster growth. Read more about other recommendations here.

The most effective ways to grow nails

For rapid nail growth, it is necessary to provide them with reliable protection. Any work related to water and household chemicals should be performed with rubber gloves.

Manicure tools are one of the important components in growing nails. They should be carefully looked after. The presence of rust or any malfunction is unacceptable.

Manicure tools must be cleaned and disinfected before each procedure.

You should cut the cuticle very carefully. Her behavior can negatively affect the shape of the nail and the rate of its growth.

You need to file your nails every day to avoid splitting. It is best to do this with a glass file, not an iron one. Acetone for nail polish remover dries out nails, it is better to avoid it and choose a product with moisturizing additives.

How to quickly grow fingernails using simple methods? Previously, beauties used only natural ingredients to create special oils.


How to grow a nail? In a week this is quite possible. During the cold season, you should more carefully monitor your diet and the necessary vitamins, which should benefit the claws. The most necessary ones are A, C and E.

Vitamin A is well absorbed from fats, so it needs to be consumed almost constantly. Egg yolk is quite rich in this vitamin, as is liver, meat products and some fruits. Grated fresh carrots will fill your body with this substance very well, the main thing is to add sour cream to it.

Vitamin C comes from citrus fruits. They prevent the nail from splitting and nourish it with useful substances. The most important thing is not to overdo it, because you can get allergic to this product. One or two oranges a week will provide you with the necessary vitamins and will also improve your health.

Vitamin E comes from walnuts and sunflower oil. Eat more salads, which need to be seasoned with oil, and your nails will look much better in a short period of time. Seeds also contain this beneficial vitamin, but it is better to be careful with them so as not to provoke appendicitis.

Products with iodine

How to grow a nail in a week? Eat more seafood! Each such food product contains large amounts of iodine and sea salt. This will not only improve your health, but will also have a good effect on nail growth. Shrimp, octopus, mussels, crabs, squid are the best option for enriching your body. Also, seaweed has a huge amount of iodine, which will strengthen the structure of the nail from the inside.

Take care of your nails almost all the time, at least until they get stronger. This occurs when nails grow to a certain length. Until this time, you should take good care of them and provide them with appropriate care.

How to quickly grow a broken nail

Don’t fall for the hot hand if a girl breaks her nail - this, although exaggerated, is a vital truth. Indeed, a breakdown of one of the plates can ruin even the most unique manicure. In such a situation, there is a need to quickly restore its former shape and beauty. For this:

  1. Remove the polish from all other nails. Saturated colors will only emphasize the difference, but you still have to shorten it, so it’s better to do the manicure again.
  2. Adjust the size of your nails to the length of the broken one. Use a file to shape the plates.
  3. After this, carry out daily care, including the strengthening and restorative procedures indicated in this article. Accompany the course by rubbing castor or linseed oil. With careful care, your fingers will return to their previous state within a week.

For a thorough step-by-step study of this procedure, you can familiarize yourself with numerous videos and photo tutorials demonstrating how to properly perform such a manicure.

A few rules

  1. Excessive contact with running water on the nails, which is very hard in structure, not only softens, but also damages the plate.
  2. You should not apply nail extensions, as the top layer is cut off and becomes quite soft. It will simply stop growing and even change shape. Not to mention possible infections.
  3. There must always be a varnish base on the surface. It protects from external irritants and helps the claw grow more calmly.
  4. Baths with sea salt and iodine strengthen your nails quite quickly. Just remember that the water should be warm, not hot.
  5. Including essential vitamins and seafood in your diet will have a positive effect on your nail structure from the inside out.

Pharmacy and cosmetics

There is a large selection of products that help nails grow quickly, while they improve the structure of the nails.

Smart enamel

One of the most common means is “Smart Enamel”. It can be used every day, it is a good growth stimulator, heals nails, makes them stronger. Nails have a porous structure. Therefore, beneficial substances simply penetrate inside the nail and affect it.

Healing varnishes

Many other brands produce entire lines of special varnishes and products that are applied to nails and promote growth. Many lines have several options that are aimed at correcting one or another deficiency, so anyone can choose the right treatment. Such products can be found not only in specialized stores, but also in pharmacies.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Pharmacy products include many of those already listed. For example, sea salt, iodine, essential and basic oils, liquid vitamins A and E. all this is freely available and quite economical.

In addition, pharmacies offer a large selection of vitamin complexes. There are even those that are aimed specifically at improving the health of nails and hair. Such complexes are good because they already contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Thanks to them, you don’t have to search for and select products that contain certain substances.

This is not to say that beauty requires a lot of sacrifice. Including material ones. To keep your nails healthy and speed up their growth, you can use many components. And certainly many of the above can be found in any home. The main thing is to know what you want to achieve and strive for it. It is possible to speed up nail growth. You just need to approach this issue correctly.

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