How to grow nails in 1 day at home?

It is impossible to imagine a modern beauty without a proper manicure, which harmoniously complements the sophistication of a woman’s image. Well-groomed hands with shining healthy nails are a kind of indicator of neatness, neatness and self-care. But at what cost is this result achieved? After all, you have to constantly work to eliminate fragility, strengthen the nail plate, and stimulate growth. It is the latter that is considered a difficult task, requiring significant effort and the use of special means. And I really want my manicure to become longer and more beautiful in the shortest possible time. But how to grow nails in 1 day? There are methods designed to help with the answer, which will be discussed further.

True beauty is natural

In order not to worry every day about framing their own fingers, many women resort to such a trick as nail extensions. But there are also supporters of naturalness who do not recognize artificial forms. And it’s okay that there is more hassle with natural nails, because they need to be regularly monitored and corrected as they grow. But real men value everything natural - this is undeniable. Of course, lucky are those ladies who have no problems with this from birth, while others have to try with all their might to improve at least what they have.

Therefore, let’s be patient and step by step establish how to grow nails in 1 day at home. To begin with, it would be a good idea to identify the factors that speed up and slow down this process. The first include:

  • competent use of a manicure set;
  • sufficient intake of vitamins;
  • improved blood circulation in the fingers;
  • hormonal changes.

To the second:

  • diet poor in nutrients;
  • mechanical damage to nails (bad habits);
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • indelicate use of manicure tools;
  • ignoring hygiene;
  • temperature changes.

Considering these features, you can consider different options for how to grow nails in 1 day and choose the most suitable ones specifically for yourself.

Nail growth rate

A person familiar with the basics of body structure understands: it is impossible to grow large and strong nails in a couple of days. It takes at least 3-4 weeks to affect metabolic processes. You can see results in 30 days, and a lasting effect is achieved in 2-3 months.

Scientists-dermatologists have determined: the rate of increase in the length of the nail plate is not the same in men and women, adults and children, and the process depends on many factors. The average value of nail growth per month is approximately 4.5 mm.

Interesting facts about the speed of nail growth:

  • Studies conducted in the 40-60s of the last century and today show: over the past 80 years, nails have begun to grow faster. This is due to the fact that the health status of modern people is on average better than that of people 100 years ago;
  • The rate of increase in the length of nails on the toes and hands is not the same. Nail growth per week on the lower extremities is about 0.25–1 mm, on the upper extremities – about 1–2 mm;
  • the “slowest” is the little finger, the record holder for the speed of nail lengthening is the middle finger;
  • An unusual achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. 81-year-old native of India, Sridhar Chillal, has not cut his nails for the last 66 years and managed to grow them so much that the total length of the plates on the five fingers of his left hand was 909 cm. The Indian’s peculiarity led to hearing impairment, problems with breathing, and sleep, so in 2016 the man agreed to cut the length.

Option one: massage

This method will require patience and will prove its effectiveness only after a certain time. You don't even need the help of a specialist. Every evening, on the eve of your usual bedtime procedures, massage your fingers. This will speed up blood circulation, which means the flow of nutrients to your nails, which will promote their growth. The main condition is systematicity. Soon this tradition will not be a burden to you, but a joy.

Restoring nails after fungus

On average, the plate affected by the fungus grows by 3-4 mm per month. Full regrowth will occur in 3-6 months. Regardless of the therapeutic method, it is important to be patient, not to violate preventive measures and to protect your feet from hypothermia. It is important to strengthen the immune system and promptly treat various diseases. At the same time, the marigolds grew healthy. The fungus did not recur.

The reason that the nail does not grow well after falling off is damage to the structural layer of the epithelium of the nail bed by the fungus. In the final stages, scar tissue often forms, which prevents the nail plate from developing properly.

Rehabilitation of the nail plate after fungus is carried out under the strict guidance of a specialist. This will help avoid re-infection and damage to the nail bed.

There are several additional factors that affect the quality of the restoration process:

  • Gender and age. In adolescents and during pregnancy, regeneration occurs faster; in other cases, the nail will grow 4 mm in only a month;
  • Time of year - in warm weather, nail growth is activated, in cold weather it slows down - this is due to the natural slowdown of all processes in the body;
  • Hormonal background and general condition of the patient - the stronger the immune system, the more actively the nail will grow.

Option two: paraffin therapy

In order not to suffer from the problem of how to grow nails in 1 day, you can resort to another effective method, which is in no way inferior in effectiveness to massage. This is paraffin therapy. It has simply magical properties: it enriches it with useful elements, stimulates blood circulation, and saturates it with oxygen. The only caveat is that to carry out the procedure you will need to tinker with melting wax or cosmetic paraffin. But for a truly purposeful woman, this is a completely surmountable obstacle.

How to quickly grow nails at home in 1, 2, 3, 5 days

Long nails are stylish and beautiful. The manicure looks more impressive on them, the image turns out to be more feminine and sexy. Girls are no stranger to denying themselves comfort. When choosing between fashionable and practical, representatives of the fair half of humanity give preference to the first. Long nails are a luxury. Waiting until the length reaches the desired mark is not easy. Internal and external factors play against women. The information below will help you quickly grow your nails so that they are strong and enjoyable for a long time.

Option three: baths

For representatives of the fair sex who are puzzling over how to grow nails in 1 day at home, the method of preparing special baths is perfect. Moisture itself is very good for your hands, but adding a little healthy ingredients like lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt to the liquid can help you eliminate some defects in the nail plate. This refers to fragility, fragility, slow growth. You just need to set aside a few minutes a day to carry out the manipulations of dipping your fingers into the miraculous solution. Just keep in mind that in the end you should not rinse your hands under running water; you will wash away the nutrients, and then all your efforts will be in vain. Better use a napkin and apply moisturizer.

Another advantage of this option is that you can use it together with your daughter, who will feel like a real little princess taking care of a decent manicure. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about how to grow nails in 1 day for children. Most importantly, this method is absolutely safe for health.

How to grow nails quickly

Well-groomed hands are the second face of any active woman, and the first glance of the interlocutor is always on the nails. Thus, the modern manicure industry has long grown into a sought-after cosmetology cluster, and millions of women around the world willingly use the services of applying gel polish, correcting their own nail plates, and also getting their nails extended. However, everyone knows that your own healthy nails are always better than beautiful artificial accessories. This is what leads to the fact that ladies often ask the same question - how to grow nails quickly.

Option four: vitamins

How to grow nails in one day at home? Resort to vitamins. This is a wonderful tool that does not require large financial expenditures. We are talking about liquid vitamin E, which can easily be found on pharmacy shelves. Wash your hands thoroughly, or better yet, steam them in very warm water and start rubbing the substance into your nails. In principle, regular iodine will also work well, just use a brush. Don’t let the yellowness scare you: if you take a vitamin session before the weekend, by the start of the work week there will be no trace left of the ugly tint. Here's how to grow your nails in 1 day!

Minerals and vitamins

Nails require nutrition, “building blocks” for constant growth, strength and beauty. It can come from both inside and outside:

  1. Calcium. Without it, your nails will lose their shine and strength. Properly absorbed only in the presence of magnesium 1:2. Contained in dairy products, beans, cabbage, potatoes, parsley, dried pears, egg yolks.
  2. Magnesium. It is not absorbed by coffee lovers, even if they eat foods containing this element: wholemeal bread, walnuts, sweet almonds, apricots, white cabbage.
  3. Iodine. Its deficiency causes complaints of frequent chills, brittle hair and nails, and dry skin. You need to eat sea fish, broccoli, dairy products, and use iodized salt.
  4. Sulfur. Saves nails from deformation. Eat buckwheat and oatmeal, fresh salads, cabbage, onions, eggplants, garlic.
  5. Silicon. Affects the elasticity of nails. Plant foods on the table will always make up for its deficiency.
  6. Selenium. A simple test can be done at home: dip your finger in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. If it turns white, the body is deficient in selenium. Eat olives, seaweed, bran, eggs, liver. Your nails will be smooth and shiny.
  7. Iron. It will not be absorbed without fluoride. Found in beef liver and kidneys, potatoes, melon, parsley, beans, apples, plums, porcini mushrooms. Fluoride. Meat, eggs, milk, spinach, and apples are excellent sources of fluoride.
  8. Zinc. Takes part in the growth process of the body. Nuts, greens, and seafood are a complete source of zinc.

Vitamins important for healthy nails include vitamin A, B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B9), vitamins C, D, H, PP.

All trace elements and vitamins are interconnected. We must remember that “everything is medicine and everything is poison, depending on the dose.”

Option five: cream

This method is quite controversial, since opinions on its effectiveness differ. If you ask girls on a forum how to grow your nails by 1 cm in one day at home, some will advise you to work your own magic on a special cream that will help accelerate growth. The mixture is simple to prepare: take regular baby cream, pour half a teaspoon of red pepper into it, mix and add twenty drops of plain water. Heat in a water bath, cool and apply the resulting mixture to your nails. A cream made from melted cocoa, almond and olive oils, as well as vitamins E and A will also demonstrate good results.

What affects the rate of nail growth

Growing nails is an impossible task for some, while for others it is a matter of patience and a short time. Scientists involved in dermatology have identified a number of factors that influence the growth rate of the nail plate, conditionally dividing them into two groups:

  1. Internal. Heredity, quality of nutrition, the presence of various diseases, lifestyle (no bad habits, good sleep, physical activity).
  2. External. Environmental factors, time of year (nails grow faster in summer, slower in winter), mechanical effects on nails that lead to fractures, working with chemicals that affect the strength of the plate.

Option six: disguise

If all the options listed above are not satisfactory, and you are looking for a more radical approach to how to grow your nails by 1 cm in 1 day at home, then you should resort to camouflage. It provides two options to choose from: the use of invoices or extensions of acrylic or gel analogues. In the first case, buy special glue and a set of nails made of plastic or nylon, and then with dry hands begin to apply blanks with drops of glue applied to them. When everything dries and hardens, coat with the desired varnish - and the manicure is ready.

The second point is more costly and time-consuming. You will have to purchase an extension kit, which includes plastic templates and a special gel. You will need to tinker with polishing the surface of the nails, then fix the shapes and start coating with gel. The latter must be repeated several times, and in between, dry under a lamp. Upon completion of the procedure, get rid of the templates and use a nail file to give your nails the desired shape. This technique will be of interest to those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to grow nails by 2 cm in 1 day at home.

Why do you need to grow your nails?

Growing nails is, of course, first of all, a tribute to beauty, but this part of the hands is also an indicator of the health and general condition of the human body. Thus, long, strong and strong nail plates provide the following benefits to every girl:

How to grow nails quickly

  • The aesthetic function - smooth edges of the plates, glossy surface and healthy color - undoubtedly distinguishes a lady in any society.
  • They often change their structure and shade, whitish spots, cracks may appear on them, the girl experiences pain, itching - all this only indicates that it is necessary to check the state of health, introduce more vitamins into the diet or get rid of a fungal infection.
  • The skin around the nails, especially in the root area, is very delicate and especially susceptible to any external influences. If they are healthy and grow rapidly, then the cuticle will not crack, and the surrounding tissues will never form hangnails leading to inflammation.

Important! Thus, in the world there are many technologies and stimulating means with which you can grow your nails quickly and without harm to your health, and many women have long discovered these achievements of progress and natural forces.

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