Vertical stripes on fingernails and toenails. Causes, treatment, what is missing in the body

Causes of vertical stripes on nails

Nails are made up of layers of protein called keratin. The same protein is found in hair and skin. The nail structure includes the nail bed, folds, cuticle and socket. All kinds of changes in the appearance of nails indicate poor nutrition, mineral deficiency, and developing diseases.

Vertical nail stripes are ridges that run in the same direction as the long axis of the finger and are the most common type of stripe. In many cases, their appearance is normal, but in some people, vertical defects indicate a malfunction of the body. The most common cause of the appearance of longitudinal grooves is injury to the nail hole or plate.

Other causes of vertical lines:

  1. Deficiency of vitamin A, iron, fatty acids, protein and calcium.
  2. Lack of vitamin B6, zinc.

  3. A deficiency of hydrochloric acid leads to the appearance of longitudinal stripes and further cracking of the nails.
  4. Dehydration of the body. Lack of moisture causes dry cuticles and skin on the hands.
  5. Frequent use of diets, fasting. Malnutrition and the resulting malabsorption of food leads to the appearance of stripes and protrusions on the nails.
  6. Aging of the body. Over the years, the body loses the active functioning of the sebaceous glands, which leads to dry skin and the appearance of nail defects.
  7. Excessive smoking. Tobacco smoke dries out the skin, changes color and structure.
  8. Stress. Long-term stressful situations can affect not only the appearance of the skin, but also modify the nail plate.
  9. Long-term illness. Chronic diseases affect the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

The stripes that appear on the plate can take on different colors. White indicates an internal malfunction in the body caused by a deficiency of various substances. Dark stripes appear due to hormonal imbalances and problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Red ones indicate the presence of internal diseases and heart problems.

Nails with red stripes

Stripes in contrasting colors look solemn, elegant and add expressiveness even to a nude manicure. By experimenting a little with the direction of the lines and the choice of material, you can create your own original nail art.

Types of diseases that cause vertical stripes on nails

Over the years, the nail plate acquires many longitudinal projections located at equal distances from each other. Their appearance is associated with loss of moisture and aging of the nail matrix, which atrophies over the years. The appearance of protrusions is also typical for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who have suffered limb injuries.

In rare cases, longitudinal stripes indicate the presence of diseases:

  1. Leukonychia. Band-like leukonychia occurs due to systematic injuries in the area of ​​the nail phalanx, incomplete keratinization of the plate, infections, liver diseases, and lack of protein in the blood.
  2. Psoriasis. Defects on the nail plate accompany psoriatic skin lesions or occur as a separate disease, nail psoriasis. Longitudinal stripes that appear at the initial stage of the disease gradually cause thickening of the nail, which over time changes color and consistency.

  3. Melanoma. The lesion of the nail begins in the form of a longitudinal line that appears on the plate, which can be brown or red. Over time, it expands, which leads to the destruction of the plate.
  4. Thyroid disease often causes light-colored longitudinal streaks to appear.
  5. Congestive heart failure. The reaction to cardiac disorders often appears in the form of stripes with a reddish tint
  6. Kidney failure. With kidney disease, nitrogenous waste accumulates in the body, this leads to an increase in the level of nitrogenous waste, which the body tries to remove through the skin, which manifests itself on the nails.
  7. Diabetes. Two longitudinal grooves appear on the plate, and the nail thickens and becomes deformed over time.

  8. Anemia. With a lack of iron, a linear defect can protrude not only inside the plate, but also rise above the surface.
  9. Mycoses. Fungal diseases begin with changes in the structure of the nail. It loses its shine, becomes brittle, and whitish streaks appear on the surface. Later they crack, the plate becomes soft and loose.

Preventive actions

The appearance of longitudinal stripes on the fingernails can be prevented, but to do this you need to properly care for them:

  • carefully handle the cuticles, do not use a metal file if you prefer to do the manicure yourself;
  • take multivitamin complexes twice a year;
  • eat fresh fruits and vegetables, eat nuts, use vegetable oils when preparing dishes;
  • do not get carried away with sweets and flour products;
  • do healing hand baths every three days;
  • prevent nail plates from contact with chemicals;
  • in the cold season, wear gloves or mittens;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

Now you know why longitudinal stripes appear on your fingernails and how to deal with them. You should not ignore this problem, as it can be much more serious than it seems at first glance. And a consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous; on the contrary, it will help to identify the true cause of changes in the structure of the nail.

Diagnosis of vertical stripes on nails

Nails are derivatives and constituent parts of the skin. Their altered structure is not the only symptom of the onset of the disease. Initially, the doctor examines the nail plates, then prescribes an examination.

To do this you may need:

  1. Blood test (cost from 200 to 300 rubles).
  2. Urinalysis (cost in paid clinics from 200 to 300 rubles).
  3. Donating blood for sugar (cost from 200 to 300 rubles).
  4. Skin scraping to identify fungal infections (the cost of microscopic examination of samples is 800 rubles).
  5. If desired, samples are taken to assess the concentration of various vitamins in the body (one sample costs from 600 rubles).

Stylish jacket with stripes

With modern diversity and technology in nail services, wearing a basic French jacket becomes boring. But, it’s enough to add expressive stripes to the light coating and the French coat will appear in a new creative light. Thin black stripes of glitter or matte bright ones are perfect for this manicure.

Prevention of vertical stripes on nails

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of any disease. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals, malnutrition, all this affects the condition of the nail plate.

You should review your diet and include healthy foods:

  1. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits containing vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B8, vitamin C, A and D.
  2. Protein. Include foods containing complete protein in your menu: soy, lentils, beans, meat, eggs.
  3. Calcium. Eat daily: cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, milk.

    Vertical stripes on nails can be caused by calcium deficiency

  4. Products that promote nail growth: tomatoes, nettle tea, molasses.
  5. Avoid junk food. Fried, fatty foods that have no nutritional value should be replaced with nutritious and healthy foods.
  6. Drink more water. Drinking 8-10 glasses daily will help get rid of nail defects.
  7. Take a multivitamin supplement containing zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.
  8. Use biotin supplements or eat more foods containing it. Biotin is found in sufficient quantities in egg yolks, carrots, soybeans, peanuts and almonds.
  9. Do not bite your nails or break cuticles.
  10. When doing housework, use latex gloves.

To prevent the appearance of defects, you should properly care for the nail plate:

  1. Reduce the use of varnishes and solvents.
  2. After removing the varnish, the plates should be moistened with lotion, softening oil with vitamin E.
  3. Polishing the nail plate should be done with a soft brush so as not to injure the hole and the plate itself.
  4. Before varnishing, use a base coat containing gelatin and protein to level the surface.

Moon manicure with stripes

For lunar manicure, as well as for a French manicure, light colors are mostly chosen. To bring originality and unique style to a fairly common option, choose a striped design. Geometry on nails always looks stylish. Therefore, contrasting stripes of the same thickness are mysterious, fashionable and attractive!

Treatment methods for vertical stripes on nails

Vertical stripes on the nails, formed due to external factors or poor nutrition, are easier to treat. A defect that occurs due to the internal state of the body requires treatment of the original cause. Eliminating problems in the kidneys, stomach, and liver will help restore the healthy appearance of the nail plate.


To strengthen and restore the structure of nails, you can use products containing vitamins and nutrients. Although these drugs are not strictly medicinal, you should start using them after consulting your doctor.

NameWhat does it consist of, what does it affect?Price
Doppelhertz active, a complex preparation for healthy nails and hairPrepared on the basis of biotin, pantothenic acid, stimulates metabolism400 rub.
Complivit RadianceContains lycopene, resveratrol, lutein, vitamins, has an antioxidant effect350 rub.
Dragee MerzContains beta-carotene, biotin, calcium, iron, all of which together have an effect on the condition of the skin and nails800 rub.
for 60 tab.
Femicode Intensive updatePrepared on the basis of plant extracts, contains grape seed oil, rosemary, Chinese lemongrassFrom 1 thousand rubles.
RetinolReplenishes vitamin A deficiency and has a general strengthening effect55 rub.
Tocopherol acetateVitamin E120 rub.
TRIND Nail Revive, colorless healing varnishes from a Dutch companyIncreases the elasticity of nail plates; combined use with Trind balm improves their structure.From 500 rub.

The initial stage of development of a fungal disease can be stopped with the help of antifungal drugs:

  1. Mikozan. Removes fungal infections from the nail plate, contains rye enzyme filtrate, strengthens the nail plate, price 800 rubles.

  2. Iodinol. The potassium iodide contained in the preparation has an antiseptic effect. Price 12 rub.
  3. Terbinafine. Has a wide spectrum of antimycotic action. Price 50 rub.
  4. Fluconazole. An effective and inexpensive antifungal agent containing the active ingredient fluconazole. Price from 10 rub.

Traditional methods

Vertical stripes can be reduced with the help of healing procedures performed at home. For this purpose, compresses, nail baths, and massages of the nail holes are made.

The cream used for massage is pre-heated a little and then rubbed into the periungual sockets with light movements.

Baths prepared from a mixture of vegetable oils and herbal infusions are preheated to a comfortable temperature.

Lemon juice to restore surface structure:

  1. Freshly squeezed ripe lemon juice is applied in drops to the damaged nail, covered with a cotton swab and left for 10 minutes.
  2. Lemon has an active ingredient and is recommended to be used no more than once a week.

A solution of soda with iodine prevents delamination of nail plates:

  1. Take 2 tsp. sea ​​salt, add 2-3 drops of iodine to it. Dissolve the salt in ½ glass of water, place your fingertips in the bath, hold for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day until the smooth texture of the nail plate is restored.

Gelatin bath providing complete nutrition:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. natural gelatin, dilute with a small amount of water.
  2. After swelling, heat the solution in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. Cool to room temperature, dip your fingers in the bath with the solution for 25 minutes. The procedure is carried out at least 3 times a week.

Flaxseed, olive, tea tree oil:

  1. These oils are rich in nutrients and minerals. You can massage with olive and flaxseed oils by easily rubbing them into the cuticle. To prepare a nourishing bath, tea tree oil must first be diluted with water.

Orange juice:

  1. Dip your fingertips in fresh orange juice for 10-15 minutes. After this, wash your hands and moisturize with cream. The juice is rich in antioxidants, improves the appearance of the plate, and promotes proper keratinization of the epithelium.

Grape seed oil strengthens nails well. It can be bought at a pharmacy and used for massage and applications. And also use creams containing oil in their composition.

When nail plates are damaged and to strengthen them, shea butter is widely used. The natural substance moisturizes, nourishes, and restores the integrity of the nail coating.

To restore the structure of the nail, the drug Bishofite and Solcoseryl are used. Baths are made with the first drug, but it cannot be used for existing open wounds on the hands.

Solcoseryl is applied to each nail plate, then cotton gloves are put on. If you have time, you can carry out the procedure during the day, but it is preferable to do it at night.

Other methods

Vertical stripes on nails can be removed using affordable and convenient methods:

  1. Hardware processing. A subtle defect can be eliminated at home using a nail file. Deep stripes are leveled using the hardware method in beauty salons.
  2. Paraffin therapy. Cosmetic paraffin enriched with vitamins is applied to the previously cleaned nail surface. This promotes healing and eliminates bacterial flora. To prepare a paraffin bath, melt it in a water bath and add a little essential oil. After this, lubricate your hands with rich cream and dip your fingers into the solution after 20 minutes. remove the solution.
  3. Vitamins A.E.S. in the form of oil tinctures can be rubbed into the cuticles.

To eliminate longitudinal stripes, special varnishes such as “Smart Enamel” are used. They contain calcium, keratin, vitamins, collagen and liquid silk.

Possible complications

Timely measures taken to correct the nail will help prevent the development of fungal diseases. Treatment of the nail plate should begin before all nails are affected.

If nail deformation occurs due to a malfunction in the body, then it is necessary to normalize fluid, vitamins, minerals, and restore proper and healthy nutrition.

If there are injuries that affect not only the nail plate, but also the soft tissues, the nail will continue to grow back deformed. This can be hidden with a decorative manicure or pedicure.

Beautiful and healthy nails are an indicator of external beauty and health. The appearance of vertical stripes is not yet a reason for concern, but it is a reason to think about proper care for them, reviewing your diet, and introducing a healthy lifestyle.

Author: Belyaeva Anna

Article design: Mila Friedan

Nail design with black stripes

You can add rigor and graphics to the most delicate manicure with the help of clear lines. On a beige, pink, milky background, longitudinal thin black stripes with a group of transverse lines fit beautifully. They may be curved at the base of the nail. On matte surfaces, thicker lines or combinations of different thicknesses look expressive.

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