Step-by-step guide on how to properly cut your fingernails and toenails


  • Human nail: growth features
  • How to cut toenails and fingernails
  • How to cut your nails
  • How often to cut your nails
  • Preparation is important for a proper haircut.
  • How to cut fingernails
  • How to cut toenails
  • How to trim ingrown toenails
  • How to cut children's nails
  • How to cut children's nails
  • How to persuade a child to cut his nails
  • Is it possible to allow children to grow their nails?
  • How to cut nails for a newborn: rules and useful tips
  • What to do if a mother injures her child’s finger while trimming her nails?
  • Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar
  • Tips and tricks for nail care
  • Conclusion


Required Tools

Before starting the procedure, you need to select a cutting tool.

How to properly trim fingernails with scissors

Once the length size is determined, you need to place your hands on a flat, hard surface and start working. To do this, the tool is turned with the curved side of the blades towards the nail edge so that it and the tips of the scissors are parallel bent in the same direction. Cut in small steps to the selected length, then adjust by filing.

How to cut your nails beautifully with a nail clipper

The handle of the clipper is placed on the crook of the index finger. The blade is placed perpendicular to the edge of the nail - this will result in a perfectly even cut. Press the lever with a smooth movement of your thumb. The plate is cut off in small sections and then filed down.

How to cut your nails evenly with your non-working hand

It is difficult for right-handed people to trim the nails on their right hand, and for left-handed people - on their left. It is much easier to trim them on your working hand using nippers (tweezers). It is important to pre-bath for 15 minutes. Cutting steamed nail plates is much more convenient. Some people cut them on their working hand near the mirror, but this method may not be suitable for everyone.

Human nail: growth features

The nail plate is a collection of keratinized scales that are very tightly connected to each other.

Each person has their own nail shape, but the structure of the nail plate is the same for everyone. This:

  • The root of the nail is located under the nail or protrudes slightly from behind the back roller;
  • The lunula is the arched white part of the nail located at the base of the nail plate;
  • Cuticle - keratinized epithelium that borders the hole at the base of the nail;
  • The nail folds are the part of the skin that comes into contact with the nail on the sides and at the root;
  • The free edge is the part of the nail that needs to be trimmed.

All people know that nails need to be trimmed regularly. Some people do hygiene procedures related to cutting their nails more often, others less often.

The growth of the nail plate depends on many factors. For example, in people with good immunity, nails grow faster, while in people who are on diets and do not adhere to the principles of a balanced diet, they grow more slowly.

An interesting fact is that men's nails grow slower than women's. If you are left-handed, then it is on your left (working) hand that your nails will be longer. In the winter season, the nail plates of all people grow more slowly than in the summer.

No matter how well your nails grow, you should know in detail how to properly carry out the procedure so that you do not suffer from unwanted consequences afterwards.

Features of cutting nails for a newborn

Young parents are concerned about the question of how to cut their newborn’s nails?
Doctors prohibit trimming a newborn’s nails for the first 10 to 12 days. The nail plate hardens at the end of the first month of life. It is recommended to cut it correctly for the first time during this period, and before that special gloves are put on the baby’s hands. If a child’s nail plate is long or has points, then they need to be trimmed earlier. Some women find it convenient to trim their newborn during feeding, when he is most calm, while others find it easier to trim when the baby is sleeping or is being entertained by one of the family members.

Doctors advise trimming a newborn's nails immediately after bathing. It is important for young parents to remain calm so as not to agitate the baby. The nail plate on the hands grows much faster than on the feet, so you need to trim it once or twice a week.

How to cut toenails and fingernails

Many women, and even men, are confident that they know everything about how to cut their nails. But today, every second person faces the problem of an ingrown toenail. This indicates that not everyone carries out the procedure of cutting the free edge of the nail correctly.

In fact, fingernails and toenails need to be cut differently. You can give your fingernails a rounded shape by cutting off the free edge in the shape of a crescent. And toenails can only be cut in a straight line, without rounding the ends.

Useful video

How to trim your fingernails correctly. In this video, the author shows how he trims boring long nails and tells how to do it as painlessly as possible:

Things to remember:

  • When doing a manicure, you need to use special scissors with rounded ends. They may come with plastic attachments.
  • The main conditions for a proper manicure: good lighting, a comfortable position, support for your hands on a table or stand (it is impossible to keep them motionless while hanging).
  • Instruments must be washed and disinfected .
  • You can listen to signs, but to believe in them fervently means not to trust life and to be afraid of everything in it. A person can simply go crazy.

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Preparation is important for a proper haircut.

The preparatory stage is no less important than the nail shortening procedure itself. The success of the entire “operation” depends on how carefully you prepare for cutting your nails.

  • Step 1. Remove the varnish or its remnants with a special product. Read: How to remove gel polish at home
  • Step 2: Wash your hands with soap. Thanks to this procedure, you will get rid of any remaining nail polish remover and pathogens. Read: How to wash your hands correctly
  • Step 3. Make a nail bath . To do this, put a pinch of salt, soda or a few drops of lemon juice in a vessel with warm water. After this, dip your fingers there for 10-20 minutes. Thanks to the bath, the nail plate will soften well, and the upper edge of the nail will be easier to remove.
  • Step 4. Dry your hands after taking a bath..

About the nail plate and its health

The nail is the stratum corneum on the tips of the fingers and toes. Its main purpose is to protect the nerve endings that are located at the ends of the phalanges from all kinds of damage. Each nail is located on the nail bed, which is supplied with blood through small capillaries. It is because of these small capillaries that the nail plate has a pinkish color.

The nail is formed by keratinized cells that are produced from the matrix. At the nail root there is a matrix that gives rise to keratinocytes. The density and health of the nail depends on the amount of keratin - a protein that is the main component of hair, nails and the top layer of skin.

All keratin molecules are connected through chemical bonds. The hardness of the nail plate and its susceptibility to delamination depend on the strength of these bonds. The flexibility and elasticity of the stratum corneum at the end of the finger depends on the layer of fat and water between the keratin layers.

Important! Under the unfavorable influence of environmental factors, the nail can quickly lose its reserves of water and fat, which leads to its fragility and delamination. But if he is placed in a favorable environment for a long time, he will quickly recover.

Also, the stratum corneum at the end of the finger contains zinc, phosphorus, calcium, and a small amount of arsenic atoms. All these microelements are also responsible for the hardness and strength of the nail plate.

The rate of nail growth is directly related to the activity of hormones, the physiological state of the body and human nutrition, as well as the climatic conditions of residence. Thus, it is known that during lactation, nail growth slows down.

How to cut fingernails

After you have completed all the preparatory procedures and steamed the nail plate, you can proceed to trimming the nail.

  • First, prepare the tool with which you will remove part of the nail.
  • Be sure to disinfect your scissors or cutters.
  • Decide on the desired shape and length of your nails. The shape can be absolutely any. The most comfortable are considered to be slightly rounded nails, the top edge of which follows the shape of the hole.

As for the length, you cannot cut the nail under the base. The minimum length is considered to be 0.5-1 mm. But too long nails do not look aesthetically pleasing and interfere with basic actions.

Having mentally imagined the desired shape and length of your nails, you can begin the procedure itself.

  • Using the tips of the scissors, start cutting your nails starting from the edge and moving towards the middle. There is no need to cut off the entire free edge in one movement. This way you can cut off the excess. We advise you to take small steps. Thanks to this, your nails will not peel off in the future.
  • After you have cut all your nails, file the free edge. This will prevent the nail from becoming brittle.

Agree that there is nothing complicated in the procedure itself, but many people miss small but very important details.

Baths for hand nails

Using baths before starting a manicure is important not only to facilitate the procedure, but is also necessary for healing and strengthening the nail plate. The water used should be no hotter than 40 degrees. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least once a week. Additionally, for proper care, you should shorten the nail plate at least once every ten days, and file the edges in one direction to avoid delamination of the nail.

Salt baths are considered the most beneficial for nails. Sea salt is considered the best option. For a glass of water heated to 40 degrees you will need a tablespoon of the main ingredient. After the crystals have completely dissolved, you can begin the procedure. The duration of the bath should be at least 20 minutes. This procedure allows you to restore and strengthen the nail plate, prevent lamination and enhance its growth.

Iodine baths are also beneficial for healthy nails and better growth. For a glass of water you will need half a tablespoon of table or sea salt and 2-3 drops of iodine. After the ingredients are completely dissolved, you can begin the procedure. Time: 15 minutes.

Baths with olive oil and lemon juice are popular. For half a glass of oil you will need juice squeezed from half a lemon. It is recommended to preheat the mixture to forty degrees. The procedure takes on average 15-20 minutes. This bath allows you to improve the growth of the nail plate and enrich it with all the necessary nutrients, the deficiency of which can lead to delamination.

How to cut toenails

The procedure for cutting toenails is not much different from treating fingernails. Nevertheless, it is important to know some nuances and not forget about them during the haircut process.

  1. After you steam the nail plates, you need to take nail scissors or special tweezers (nippers), the blades of which are located parallel to each other (spinser) and disinfect them.
  2. Now you can begin the procedure of shortening the nail. When cutting a nail, you need to move in a straight line. If you round the ends of the nail, this will lead to ingrown nails.

    When it comes to the shape of your toenails, you have little choice. In order to avoid the problem of ingrown toenails, you need to make a square shape.

  3. After you have trimmed your nails, you can file the edges a little.
  4. The final stage is to treat the skin of the feet and nail plates with a nourishing cream.

How to cut nails without scissors?

It also happens: a person went on a long trip or went on a camping trip, but forgot his nail scissors. What to do?

Nails can be filed with a file. You just need to make sure that its movements are made in one direction.

Another option is to use tweezers, which are usually used to remove burrs. They will do a great job with nail plates softened in warm water.

You can get rid of nails simply by biting them. But this is ugly and unhygienic. We recommend reading this article on how to get rid of the habit of biting your nails!

How to trim ingrown toenails

Most often, nails grow into the skin on the feet. This happens for several reasons.

  1. Uncomfortable, tight shoes.
  2. Irregular nail shape.
  3. A nail cut too short.
  4. Genetic predisposition.

If you encounter this problem, then it needs to be solved as quickly as possible, otherwise it may lead to surgery. We are not exaggerating, but warning about possible complications.

If you feel discomfort and pain in the nail area, you can try to deal with the problem yourself.

  1. Steam your feet in water with furatsilin. This solution will disinfect the treated area.
  2. Dry your feet.
  3. Lubricate the area of ​​skin where the nail is ingrown with antifungal ointment.
  4. Try to pry the nail with an orange stick and file its ends.
  5. File or cut the free edge of the nail vertically. Thanks to this, the nail will be pulled towards the cut.
  6. Place a piece of bandage or gauze under the edge of the nail.
  7. Do not cut the nail at the root.

If all your manipulations did not bring the desired result and your condition is only getting worse every day, be sure to seek help from surgeons.

More details about the procedure in the next video.

Causes of pain

If your fingernails hurt, the reasons for this may be related to the following diseases and conditions:

  • Injuries to the stratum corneum (acute or chronic);
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Local infectious lesion (felon);
  • Various infections;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Cosmetics for manicure;
  • Ingrown nail.

Let's look at the reasons why fingernails hurt in more detail. But before you start treating your nail plates, you need to figure out why your fingernails hurt.

Poor nutrition

Pain in the nails cannot occur because there are no nerve endings in them. However, if the surface of the nail plate is damaged, this can cause severe discomfort. Most often, the causes of such pain are associated with the general state of health and problems of the whole body, for example, during infectious diseases and decreased immunity.

Due to the modern rhythm of life, many people do not adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, which does not have the best effect on the condition of their nails. Often, pain in the nail plate occurs due to a lack of important microelements, which leads to depletion of the nail, its brittleness and fragility. Sometimes, even if there is no constant pain, a person may feel discomfort when pressing on the nail.

To replenish the reserves of important vitamins and microelements, it is useful to take multivitamin preparations and eat well and in a timely manner. Also, to strengthen the nail plates, it is useful to do special baths, for example, with sea salt, and other healing procedures (paraffin therapy, wax sealing, etc.).

Cosmetical tools

Some women experience pain under the fingernail after removing nail extensions, as well as after removing nail polish. Often such unpleasant sensations in the stratum corneum are associated with the use of low-quality varnish or acetone-based nail polish remover. In this case, the pain makes itself felt immediately after removing the varnish layer.

The thing is that any varnishes and means for removing them are absorbed into the horny structure and change it. As for nail extensions, after removing them, pain may occur due to the nail being left for a long time without access to air and light. Painful sensations also appear due to injury to the nail plate during the removal of the extended nail, because the process of removing it is accompanied by cutting off the gel or acrylic from the surface of the nail plate.

We figured out what causes pain after a manicure, now we just need to figure out how to get rid of this pain. First of all, you need to remember a few manicure rules:

  1. Use only high-quality varnishes. Give preference to acetone-free removers.
  2. If you paint your nails constantly, there is a high chance that your nail beds will become unhealthy and you may experience pain. Therefore, at least once a month for 7-10 days, leave your nails unpainted.
  3. Ladies who constantly get manicure extensions run the risk of encountering not only diseases of the stratum corneum, but also pain. The thing is that under a dense layer of acrylic or gel, the nails are practically deprived of access to air and light. Moreover, the process of removing manicure extensions is very traumatic for the stratum corneum. That is why this procedure should be resorted to as rarely as possible, no more than once every 3-5 months.

Read also: Who cured nail fungus (that form when it comes away from the skin)?

Diseases and injuries

If only one nail hurts, for example, on the little finger or thumb, then the reason for this lies in a bruise, injury or fungal infection. To identify the cause, you need to carefully examine the horny formations on your fingers. The following signs can help you identify the cause of the pain:

  1. If hemorrhages are noticeable under the nails, then most likely the cause of the pain is injury. In this case, the pain will intensify with pressure. And the bruise itself can change color over time from reddish to bluish-black.
  2. You can guess about an infectious lesion of the horny plates by their thickening and change in color (they turn yellow). Often, nails can peel off and crumble. Most often, the cause of infection of the nail plate is a fungus, but other types of microorganisms are also possible.

In case of serious injuries to the plate, it is better to consult a doctor. If you have severe pain under your fingernail, only a specialist can tell you what to do, taking into account the specifics of each specific case. Minor injuries and bruises of the stratum corneum do not require any treatment and go away on their own as the plate grows.

As for infectious diseases, you will need the help of a specialist who can identify the causative agent of the disease and select adequate treatment. In particularly advanced cases, surgical treatment is performed with complete removal of the stratum corneum and soft bed therapy. Subsequently, a healthy nail grows in about six months.

Ingrown nail

If your fingers hurt, the reason may be due to the nail plate growing into the soft tissue. More often, this problem is diagnosed on the feet and is associated with injuries or wearing shoes that are too tight, but damage to the thumb with subsequent ingrowth of the stratum corneum cannot be ruled out.

Another cause of an ingrown toenail can be improper trimming. There is no need to cut your nails too short or make rounded ends. If this problem is not treated in time, then suppuration may form on the finger. In any case, the only way to eliminate the disease is surgically.

Useful vitamins

The fact that your nails lack any vitamins can be guessed not only by their fragility, softness and pain, but also by the unattractive condition of all skin (they become dry, they can peel), dull hair and the condition of the teeth.

The main element that is important for the health of the nail plates is calcium. However, often the cause of poor health and unattractiveness of hair, nails and skin can be banal hypovitaminosis. Therefore, taking only calcium supplements would be wrong. It is better to give preference to a balanced multivitamin complex that your doctor will prescribe for you.

How to cut children's nails

The rules for cutting children's nails are the same as for adults' nails.

Parents must remember that the child must have his own scissors, which neither mom nor dad use to cut their nails. This tool must be in a case and kept out of the reach of children.

The main problem that parents face is the inability of young children to sit in one place. They can struggle, be capricious and even scream, jerking their arms and legs, which often leads to undesirable consequences.

Advice from experienced parents on how to cut a child's nails.

How to cut children's nails

Parents have the right to choose for themselves how to cut their children's nails. These can be either scissors with rounded ends or wire cutters. The main thing is that the blades are well sharpened and the tool itself is disinfected.

How to persuade a child to cut his nails

If your child does not allow his nails to be cut, we recommend using a few tips that will help you carry out the procedure easily and painlessly.

  • Trim your child's nails while he sleeps. 10-15 minutes after falling asleep you can begin the procedure. This is exactly how long it takes for a baby to fall asleep soundly.
  • Try to come to an agreement with the baby. Tell him that after cutting his nails, a surprise awaits him, and to get it, he needs to be patient a little.
  • Keep your child busy with cartoons.

Every mother knows her baby better than anyone else. Therefore, decide for yourself which recommendations are right for you.

Is it possible to allow children to grow their nails?

Very often, girls, imitating their mothers, decide to grow their nails. Experts do not recommend doing this. Long nails on young women look unnatural and cause a lot of inconvenience.

Mothers in such a situation should talk to their daughters and tell them that they have not yet reached the age when they can grow their nails. Try buying false nails for your daughter, after sticking them on she will feel discomfort and the desire to have long nails will quickly disappear.

How to cut nails for a newborn: rules and useful tips

Almost all children who have just been born have rather long nails.

Doctors do not recommend cutting nails in the first 3 weeks of a baby’s life. This is because the nail plate is still too soft and the finger can be injured by cutting the nail too short.

But if the free edge of the nail is too long, the baby can scratch himself. In this case, we recommend putting scratch pads on the handles.

Sooner or later, the nails still have to be cut off. This should be done using a special children's manicure set, which is sold in pharmacies or children's stores. It consists of safety scissors, wire cutters and a file.

Attention! All instruments must be disinfected before the procedure.

It is better to trim a newborn's nails when he is in a good mood. Some parents carry out the procedure while the baby is sleeping. The main thing is not to make the baby hysterical and if he cries, bends over and does not give his hand, it is better to postpone cutting.

Now we’ll tell you how to cut children’s nails.

  1. Disinfect tools and wash your and baby's hands.
  2. In order to conveniently cut the nail, you need to move the skin under the nail (bundle) slightly in the direction of the palm. Then the nail will protrude well and be easy to cut. This movement is done with two fingers of the mother.
  3. Take the scissors with your other hand and, using forward movements, moving from the edge to the middle, cut off the nail.

Important! You cannot cut the nail at the root. Leave 0.1-0.2 mm of the free edge of the nail.

  1. Move on to the next finger.

If you are performing the procedure on your hands, then your nails should be shaped like a crescent. If we are talking about feet, then cut the nail only in a straight line.

What to do if a mother injures her child’s finger while trimming her nails?

There are situations when a mother accidentally cuts off excess hair and blood appears on the child’s finger. No need to panic, just treat the wound, for example, with hydrogen peroxide and lubricate it with fucorcin.

How to cut nails according to folk signs?

In the Middle Ages, in the evenings, people huddled in rooms in front of lamps, candles and torches. And although scissors had already been invented in the 15th century, it never occurred to anyone to cut their nails at dusk and in the dead of night.

Moreover, this was difficult to do when people went on long hikes.

Since then, a superstition has appeared that you cannot do a manicure at night - a great misfortune will happen to the person who dares to disturb the evil spirits waking up in the dark.

It is undesirable for adults to cut their nails even on the waning moon - then a crack will appear in the family idyll (the spouse will cheat on his wife).

Men and women should get a manicure on the growing lunar disk - then everything will be wonderful in both business and personal life.

On the contrary, it is better for newborn children and infants to trim their nail plates at a time when the moon is waning - this promises them good health.

What do palmists say?

People who study hand lines and know how to predict a person’s fate from them report that:

  • white nails indicate selfish intentions;
  • pink - for kindness and generosity;
  • red - for excessive anger;
  • blue - for a weak heart;
  • curves indicate excessive stinginess and greed.

There is a belief that sharp nails indicate a short life. But as a result of changes in metabolism and the supply of missing minerals, the shape of the nail plates and their structure may change. Therefore, we can safely say that people make their own destiny.

We recommend reading : an article about wavy nails, an article about stripes on nails, what vitamins to take for healthy nails and strengthening masks.

How to cut your nails by day of the week?

There are 7 days in a week and each of them has its own meaning in such an important activity as manicure. It is believed that cutting nails in:

  • Monday - renew your soul, get out of depression and sadness, feel hope for a better tomorrow;
  • Tuesday - get salvation from enemies, protect yourself from dangerous situations and accidents;
  • Wednesday – improve relationships with loved ones and work colleagues, get rid of mental stress;
  • Thursday - show your creativity and talent, surprise everyone, earn respect in the eyes of others;
  • Friday - slow down metabolic processes in the body, become lethargic, indifferent;
  • Saturday - earn forgiveness, get rid of old grievances;
  • Sunday - to upset the guardian angel, to break the close connection with him.

You can believe or not in different signs, but reality proves that harmonious, active, benevolent people do not need any proof of the correctness of their actions and make decisions on their own, without fear of either the waning moon or dark ghosts.

And everyone else should engage in their own self-development (both mental and physical), so that there is no reason to attribute life’s failures to the day of the week or the color of nails.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers are confident that in order for nails to be healthy, they need to be cut on favorable days according to the lunar calendar. More precisely, during the new moon or in the waxing moon phase.

Favorable daysUnfavorable days
Day of the weekMonday.Friday. Sunday.
Lunar day5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 21, 28 lunar days.Other.

Pain as a signal of trouble

Discomfort occurs when nerve endings are irritated. If pain appears, this indicates a problem in the tissues. The reason for this condition may be:

  1. Edema, that is, an increase in the size of the tissue, as a result of which the nerve cells are pinched, which generates an impulse of pain.
  2. Tissue rupture with bleeding. Even if the nerve itself is not affected, the bleeding can be irritating.
  3. Inflammatory processes may initially occur without any negative sensations. Pain of a pulsating nature occurs when tissues increase in size due to the occurrence of edema and the appearance of pus.
  4. Projection of pain, when sensations arise in a completely different place from where pathological processes occur. This is especially true for diseases of the spine and joints.

Taking this into account, it can be noted that fingers can hurt for reasons related to the occurrence of pathological processes both in these parts of the body and in other localizations.

In addition to pain, other sensations and phenomena may occur:

  • temporary numbness of the phalanges;
  • burning or tingling;
  • change in skin and nail color;
  • aching in the joints of the fingers themselves or the entire hand;
  • swelling of the fingers or the entire palm.

All this is a collection of additional symptoms that can be used to determine the cause of the pain.

Tips and tricks for nail care

Our nails need the same careful care as any other part of the body. That's why we've put together recommendations to help keep your nails healthy.

  • Wash dishes and clean the apartment only with rubber gloves.
  • After washing your hands, lubricate your skin and nails with moisturizer.
  • Don't forget to massage your nails.
  • Polish your nails.
  • If you decide to apply varnish, then before doing this, apply a base for the varnish.
  • If you are going to do dirty work (for example, replanting flowers), run your nails through the soap. It will be under your nails and no dirt will get there.

Creating the right conditions

It is unlikely that you will get a high-quality manicure if a person plans to do it while camping by the fire in the evening, while rushing to work, or during an important business meeting. Hand care requires the creation of certain conditions:

  • high-quality bright background lighting (the light should not shine in the eyes);
  • a table or stand on which you can place your hands (at home, at worst, an ironing board will do);
  • nearby instruments (before manicure, they must be washed with warm water and soap, wiped with a disinfectant solution, or kept in boiling water for several minutes);
  • medications in case the skin is injured by careless movement (tampons or gauze pads, iodine, Levomekol ointment, bandage).

Do-it-yourself manicure is responsible and not

rushed process.

You can trim your nails in just 1 minute without trying too hard, but from the point of view of hygiene and aesthetics, they will look unkempt and unkempt.

On average, nail plates grow by 0.1 mm per day (2-4 mm per month).

If you cut them once a week, this is enough for them to make a pleasant impression and not become carriers of infection (dirt constantly accumulates under the long protruding edges).

Most representatives of the fair sex prefer to extend their nails and apply varnish to them. But women should not forget that this “attribute” of beauty constantly needs warm water and fragrant soap. And then you can safely demonstrate the grace of your hand movements, and not hide them bashfully in the folds and pockets of your clothes.

Important! Household work related to washing dishes and floors, wiping dust should be done with rubber gloves, after applying an emollient cream to your hands.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This disease has 2 more names:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • stenosing ligamentitis of the transverse carpal ligament.

This is predominantly a female disease. Moreover, those who are over 40 suffer from it. The main symptom of the disease is the occurrence of a feeling of numbness and burning in all fingers of the hand, except the little finger. These parts of the limb become numb in clusters, and the pads of the fingers hurt. All these sensations stretch to the base of the palm, but pass as if through the joints, without affecting them with pain and numbness.

Pain occurs mainly at night or in the morning. It gets easier during the day. This can be explained by the fact that during wakefulness, attention is distracted by many other stimuli, and sensations in the fingers fade into the background.

Visually, the shape of the fingers and joints remains the same, that is, healthy. However, skin color changes. A bluish coating or excessive pallor occurs. Often these changes are accompanied by swelling.

Read also: How to get rid of “nervous habits”

This syndrome occurs when there is prolonged compression of the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel. Many experts associate this disease with the professional activity of a person who is forced to constantly perform monotonous flexion-extension movements with his hands. For this reason, carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in those who constantly perform small movements with their fingers. However, experts have not identified an indisputable connection between the profession and the disease.

Joints, nerves and blood vessels

Why do the fingers under the nails hurt, and not the plates themselves? Nails cannot hurt because they have no nerve endings. Otherwise it would be impossible to trim them. Pain always occurs in the tissue area with which the nails grow together. The blood vessels that supply the nails with everything they need are also located.

If the fingertips themselves hurt, and not the tissues located directly under the nails and next to them, this means that the person develops the following pathologies:

  1. Inflammation in the joints. In this case, pain is accompanied by swelling, redness and impaired ability to move freely. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the fingers. It is concentrated in several small joints of the hand. As a rule, the lesions are symmetrical. For example, only the index or middle fingers of both hands become ill. The appearance of such signs of rheumatoid arthritis is a signal to action. If this disease is not treated, the joints can be greatly transformed, and the hands will take on an irregular and, of course, ugly shape.
  2. Raynaud's syndrome. Otherwise it is called angiospastic peripheral crises. Signs of this disease manifest themselves in changes in skin color (blueness or pallor), coldness, small tingling sensations, numbness in the fingers or in the entire hand. Raynaud's syndrome is characterized by attacks that occur several times a day and last a certain number of minutes.
  3. Vascular diseases of the hands. More often they are sclerotic in nature. Vascular pathologies are manifested not only by pain in the fingertips and along their entire length, but also by periodic cramps, numbness, and rapid fatigue of the entire hand. The brushes are particularly pale. Usually they are not only cold to the touch - a person’s hands actually get cold all the time. The hair on the limbs begins to fall out, and the nails, on the contrary, thicken. As the pathology develops, the lumen in the vessels decreases, and the blood supply to the hands deteriorates. As a result, pain in the hands and, especially, fingers becomes constant. At the same time, the hands often and quickly get tired, and the pulse on the wrist is weak.
  4. Vibration disease. People who work with hand tools for a long time, which are a source of constant vibration, over time begin to feel mild pain, tingling, and numbness in their fingers. If a person does not change his lifestyle, then the symptoms of vibration disease intensify and become permanent. Gradually, from a local nuisance, this pathology becomes a problem for the whole organism. Signs of damage to the vascular system and, above all, vegetative-vascular dystonia and asthenia appear.
  5. Ulnar nerve neuropathy. This disease manifests itself as pain and paresthesia in the two outer fingers of the hand - the ring and little fingers. This is usually associated with injury to the elbow or wrist joint. Over time, hand movements may become difficult, the muscles atrophy, and the shape of the hand changes, taking on a “clawed” appearance.
  6. Damage to the cervical spine. As a rule, this affects the condition of the entire hand. Numbness appears and the pain threshold decreases. The fingers get the most sensations and troubles. Pain and numbness may occur in all fingers, or only in the ring and little fingers. If the cervical spine is affected by osteochondrosis, then this will certainly affect the hands. A person feels numbness, tingling, chilliness, decreased mobility, and rapid fatigue of the entire hand.
  7. Pain in the fingers always occurs when a hand injury occurs. A dislocation in the area of ​​the elbow, hand, or fingers themselves, even with quick and correct reduction, will certainly affect the person’s condition. Your fingers will not only hurt and swell, they will even refuse to work for a while. When a ligament is sprained, the pain is concentrated mainly in the place where it was damaged. So in this case, the fingertip can only hurt when the ligaments are sprained in this particular part of the hand or in a nearby aponeurosis.
  8. Polycythemia. This pathology, which occurs when the number of red blood cells increases, gives rise to sensations of periodic pain in the fingertips, numbness and itching. All this is accompanied by weakness, headache and insomnia.

Thus, there are many reasons for pain in the fingers. The main thing in this case is to quickly and competently make a diagnosis and start treatment on time.

Where to put your nails after cutting

Since cut nails are part of a person and carry his energy, you need to be very careful about where you put them after a manicure. We must not allow them to fall into the hands of ill-wishers. Also avoid throwing them in the trash. It's best to flush it down the toilet. Typically, witches, magicians and sorcerers used human nails and hair in their rituals. They could cast a spell, cast a love spell, and have various other negative influences.

You can also burn cut marigolds at the stake. At the same time, some believe that it is necessary to pronounce some words aimed at protection, increasing energy, and improving health. You can even come up with them yourself, depending on your desires.

If a person is sick, then his cut nails should be burned and the ashes buried at a crossroads. It is believed that this will help him accumulate strength for recovery and quickly get rid of ailments.

According to Islamic traditions, cut nails and hair must be buried in the ground, they cannot be thrown away anywhere, they must be hidden from prying eyes.


Despite the fact that to many, the procedure of cutting the nail plate seems everyday and not very significant, it has several important and significant nuances.

  • First of all, you should definitely pay attention to the shape of the nail plates. Ideally, they should follow the shape of your fingertips. In theory, the correct, or standard, shape is called an arch - arched. Trimming arched nails is the easiest and safest thing to do.
  • It is very important to choose the right tools to trim your nails without damage or injury.

There are many types of tools that can be used to trim your legs. These can be scissors, special tweezers or nippers.

Nail cutting tools

It is not recommended to purchase manicure scissors as a tool. With their help, it is unlikely that you will be able to trim your nails correctly and correctly. It is best to trim nails using flat clippers, the size of which does not exceed 12 centimeters.

For thick nail plates, a knisper is used. These are special scissors made of high-strength steel, the tips of the scissors are rounded. Using this tool you can trim off ingrown nail plates.

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