Why do nails become lumpy, wavy and ridged? Causes of deformation, treatment and prevention of the problem

Types of uneven nail plates with photos

The problem of deformation of the nail surface becomes noticeable immediately. In some cases this is a symptom of pathology, and for other reasons it is a cosmetic defect . There are several types of irregularities. Next, you can read the description of such defects of the nail surfaces of the big and other fingers and toes, such as bumps, waves and ribs, learn about the reasons for their appearance and see photos.


They are distinguished by longitudinal stripes along the length of the entire nail. And this can threaten human health. The only reason not to worry is old age. Treatment will not be needed because this problem cannot be solved. If a young person encounters such a problem, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

  • Ribbing may be the result of an incorrectly performed manicure or impaired blood circulation.
  • Ribbing appears due to chronic skin diseases, gout, arterial hypertension. The listed diseases invariably make themselves felt in the form of symptoms. If you start treatment and achieve recovery, the nail will soon regain its previous healthy appearance.

Important! If there is only one symptom - uneven nails, then it is recommended to undergo an examination of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.


This defect cannot be hidden even with a manicure, since protruding transverse stripes attract attention, and the varnish lies crookedly, which looks ugly and careless. Wavy stripes not only create difficulties in nail care, but also indicate malfunctions of internal organs .

Reference . Vegetarianism is often the cause of this problem. After all, giving up meat entails negative health consequences, creating a shortage of necessary components for the normal functioning of the human body.

If the waviness is accompanied by detachment of the nail, this indicates a fungal disease , which will require long-term treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist. The specialist will prescribe all the necessary medications indicating the dosage.


Lumps do not appear on the nail surface for no reason. Experts say that in most cases there is certainly a factor that provokes the consequences and development of this phenomenon.

Lumpy nail plates on the thumbs and fingers and toes directly reflect the problem of nutritional deficiency. It also signals the onset of hormonal changes.

Hormonal dysfunction leads to disruption of the full functioning of the internal system, which affects not only the health of the nails, but also the skin and hair.


  • Irregularities. The grooves attract people's attention. Diagnostics allows you to determine the cause that led to the deformation. Longitudinal grooves not only spoil the appearance, but also indicate a health hazard. The ribbed plate should not cause concern only in old age, since strong changes have occurred in the body. If the defect occurs at a young age, then you need to see a doctor. Don't hide it with nail polish.
  • Waves. This deficiency indicates that the body's systems are not functioning properly. The defect appears when one completely abstains from meat. If, in addition to transverse waves, peeling is noticeable, then this indicates a fungus. There is no need to panic; the fungus can be easily treated. With the help of specialist consultation and simple procedures, it will be possible to eliminate the pathology.
  • Lumpiness. In addition to irregularities, there may also be bumps. In this case, a doctor’s consultation and treatment are required. Usually the deficiency appears from a deficiency of minerals and vitamins, hormonal imbalance.
  • Often the nail grows in waves when cosmetic procedures are performed incorrectly. This is also associated with non-compliance with the rules of caring for hands and feet.

Causes of deformity in women and men

Every effect has its own cause. If you notice an unhealthy appearance of nails, on which there are many white dots and stripes, we can conclude that there is a lack of zinc, copper and iodine.

  • If the nail turns yellow or black and begins to crumble, then the person is faced with the development of a fungal disease.
  • If the nails become brittle, the body informs that it is experiencing a deficiency of vitamins, calcium, iron, and beta-carotene.
  • If only one nail becomes uneven, and the rest are still smooth, the etiology is explained by a mechanical injury. As a rule, it appears due to the long-term negative impact of one or another factor. When it is removed, a new and smooth nail will grow.

Objectively speaking, there are a huge number of reasons leading to nail deformation. There are factors of external and internal influence :

  • Nail injury due to improper manicure, incorrect cuticle removal, extensions.

    If such a problem occurs on your feet, then you should pay attention to your shoes. Probably, there was strong compression of the finger, which provoked the pathology.

    When the injury is superficial, the new nail will grow straight. If there is a long-term impact, the waviness may remain for life.

  • Heredity. The unevenness of the nail in this case can only be an expression of the individual shape and be inherited. Treatment here will not bring results. All that can be done is to disguise the defect.
  • Taking medications. Taking them for a long time could cause nail deformation. After stopping their use, the health of the nails returns to normal.
  • Poor nutrition. A lack of vitamins and other useful substances needed by the body manifests itself in the form of irregularities in the nail plate. Changing your diet will gradually bring everything back to normal.
  • If, along with the wavy nail surface, itching is felt and a change in the shade of the nail is observed, it crumbles and flakes, then this is a fungus. To get rid of it, you need to undergo diagnostics and identify the pathogen.
  • Exposure to chemicals: household chemicals, low-quality nail polish.

Types of uneven nails

There are the following types of pathology of the nail plate:

  • Ribbed nails. The grooves on the nail plates can be horizontal or vertical. If you notice one or two vertical irregularities on the nails of your thumbs or little fingers, do not panic. This can also be observed normally. If there are more stripes, they are different in direction and are found on all nails - this is a signal to action. It's time to reconsider your diet and add more iron-containing foods. If you have problems not only with nails, but also with other derivatives of the epidermis (increased fragility of hair, dry skin), you should consult a doctor.

  • Lumpy nails. The nail plate has the appearance of a cobblestone pavement. If pits and dents appear in different areas , you should think about the reason.

  • Waves on the nails. This symptom is not observed normally. It indicates the presence of internal diseases. A dermatologist should treat fungal diseases and psoriasis (if there is an appropriate clinical picture, the symptoms manifested by changes in the nails may not be the main ones).

Treatment of nail plates on hands and feet

The deformed surface of the nail plate is not an independent disease . This is a clinical manifestation of pathology or some factor.

  • If the reason lies in poor-quality manicure, then you should treat your nails with special products that will help them recover.

    You can also make nail baths.

  • In case of injury to the nail, which occurred due to stress, it is necessary to take medications to relieve nervous tension (for example, Afobazol). You can take pills only as prescribed by your doctor.

    Help : during the treatment process, it is recommended to follow a diet, diversifying your diet with foods that contain vitamins A and B.

  • In case of a fungal disease, the type of pathogen is first identified, then topical medications are prescribed: gel, ointment, cream.
  • If the cause lies in hormonal imbalance, therapy with medications that contain hormones will be needed.
  • If a systemic disease is suspected, a thorough diagnosis is performed. You should visit a cardiologist or gastroenterologist.

When determining and leveling the factor, the wavy surface on the nails will disappear over time.

Treatment for wavy nails

  • Drug treatment. It consists of correcting the conditions that caused it. Dermatological diseases - psoriasis, eczema; diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems; correction of anemia with iron supplements or B vitamins; extermination of fungus with fungicides; correction of vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis.
  • Treatment with cosmetics is available without consulting a specialist. If it is determined that the cause is not serious, you can continue treatment at home using special hand creams and baths with herbs and essential oils. Don't forget about antifungal varnishes. How to straighten a nail outside the salon? Using baths, nail files and varnishes that protect the record.
  • Maintaining hygiene. This also includes visiting trusted salons and craftsmen. Regular use of topical antiseptics and hand soap will relieve nail problems. It is also necessary to know whether people with whom you have regular contact have fungal diseases.
  • Folk remedies and recipes. For treatment at home, you can use unrefined oil, using cotton wool or cotton pads to make applications on the affected plates. Baths with sage, oregano, and chamomile are effective. Baths with celandine are also available for use.
  • Special diet for healing nails. A nutritious diet rich in fruits and vegetables, the use of vitamin complexes promotes healthy nails.

Prevention of bumps and other irregularities

In order to prevent future deformation of the nail plate, it is recommended to follow the list of main rules that will allow you to maintain healthy nails :

  • File your nails at a right angle during a manicure. Do not tear off hangnails or pull out cuticles.
  • Expose your nails to chemicals as little as possible. It is recommended to wear gloves when cleaning and washing dishes.
  • Do not overuse varnish, because it contains synthetic substances that negatively affect the health of your nails.
  • Use nourishing creams and gels.

From all of the above, we can conclude that behind the bumpy surface on the nails there may be problems such as hormonal imbalance, fungal inflammation, etc.... This affects not only the aesthetics of appearance, but also the well-being and quality of life.

Trying to hide the unsightly appearance of the nail surface through careless sanding or varnishing can only aggravate existing problems. The symptom will remain, but the cause will continue to progress. Only by eliminating the provoking factor is it possible to tidy up your nails and give them their former beauty and attractiveness.

The main causes of lumpy nails

The entire mass of factors acting on our body can be divided by origin into two large groups: external and internal.

External factors

  1. Injury. With direct mechanical impacts, the nail plate is deformed. It cannot recover on its own - specific cells capable of doing this are located only at the root of the nail. Therefore, after a strong blow, the nail turns blue, peels off and grows only from the side of the hole.
  2. Violation of manicure technique. Injury to the cuticle or the use of harsh abrasive materials not intended for this procedure can lead to the appearance of bumps on the nails.
  3. Onychophagia. The harmful habit of biting nails according to the mechanism of action refers to mechanical injuries. This is one of the manifestations of neurotic states and obsessive states. This most often affects children attending school or kindergarten. In addition to deformation of the plate, biting nails leads to the development of inflammation in the surrounding tissues, the addition of a secondary infection, up to the development of ulcers under the nail and in nearby tissues of the finger.
  4. Impact of household chemicals. The condition of nails is worsened by surfactants, chlorine-containing detergents, phosphates, fungicides, and inorganic acids.

All manipulations and housework should be carried out using household gloves.

Diagnosis of diseases by the appearance of the nail plate in the video:

Internal factors

  1. Nail diseases. They can be fungal or non-fungal. The cause of non-fungal diseases is vitamin deficiency, lack of microelements, and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Fungal diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms: dermatophytes, trichophytosis, microspores, etc. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person. It manifests itself as yellowing of the nails, irregularities appear. The patient complains of “humpbacked nails.” Timely treatment is usually effective. A wide range of antifungal drugs are available for purchase at any pharmacy.
  2. Vitamin deficiency and unhealthy diet. Changes in the nail are caused by a lack of iron in food, impaired absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract and its subsequent transformations. Changes in nail shape and color are a common symptom of iron deficiency or B-12 deficiency anemia. To strengthen nails, vitamins of groups A, B, C are needed.
  3. Stressful situations. During times of physical or psychological stress, a portion of adrenaline and norepinephrine is released into the blood. These hormones force the body to devote all its efforts to supplying vitamins and nutrients to vital organs, and there are no resources left for hair and nails. Therefore, they fade, become uneven and brittle.
  4. Smoking. It is known that nicotine accumulates in the nail plates, giving them a yellow color. Nails become brittle.
  5. Weakened immunity. Immune deficiencies can be congenital or acquired. Symptoms of congenital immunodeficiency appear already from infancy and are expressed not only in changes in skin appendages and the skin itself. Acquired immunodeficiencies include HIV. This condition can be cured if all the doctor's instructions are followed.

The uneven surface of the nails should not cause an attack of panic and thoughts of the worst. Severe immunodeficiencies have clear clinical manifestations, and clumsy nails are not their only manifestation!

Proper care for healthy nails

To maintain healthy nails, it is enough to follow a number of rules:

  • avoid injuries and other damage to the nail;
  • carry out cleaning only with gloves or using gentle products;
  • visit trusted nail salons;
  • follow a high-vitamin nutritious diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially during seasonal hypovitaminosis;
  • give up bad habits (smoking);
  • regularly carry out cosmetic nail care procedures (use of creams, baths, strengthening varnishes).

Not only women, but also men pay attention to the condition of their nails. The condition of the nail plates is one of the main indicators of the internal well-being of the body. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their changes so as not to trigger a serious illness and not waste time. And the main thing is to be patient in order to cure the problem if it appears and understand its essence.

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