How to remove cuticles. Different types of cuticle and their features.

Neat female fingers indicate the well-groomed nature of their owner. In order to make a beautiful manicure yourself, you need to work hard, and the first thing you should pay attention to is removing the cuticle and rough areas of the skin around the nails. The cuticle has a functional purpose. This cushion of leather, which covers the base of the nail plate, protects it from infection. Let's figure out how to remove cuticles at home by looking at different methods and techniques for doing them.

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How and why to remove side bolsters?

Firstly, you do not need to remove the entire cuticle, but only the dead cells. Secondly, this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin. It is necessary to remove dead cells so that the cuticle does not grow, otherwise:

  • it dries out, tears, becomes covered with cracks;
  • burrs appear;
  • pathogenic microorganisms can enter the resulting cracks and wounds, causing inflammatory processes;
  • due to an unhealthy cuticle, growth slows down, the condition of the nails worsens - longitudinal stripes appear, the shape changes.

To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to promptly remove dead cells. It is equally important to take care of the rest of the skin - moisturize it daily and protect it from damage. The cycle of partial cuticle renewal is 2 weeks, and complete renewal occurs every 3 weeks.

Cuticle removal methods

The method for removing dead cuticle cells depends on the type of manicure:

  1. In a classic manicure, dead skin layers are cut off with scissors or tweezers. The skin is removed after soaking the hands and applying a softening agent to the periungual area. The peel is carefully pushed away with a pusher in the direction from the edges of the nail to the middle. The bottom layer is carefully cleaned with a hatchet so as not to damage the nail. The quality of a trim manicure largely depends on the tool used. It is best to use a hand-sharpened stainless steel tool. After carefully trimming the overgrown skin, the remaining part is lubricated with nourishing cuticle oil.
  1. With a European manicure, dead skin is not cut off, but removed using keratolics or removers. These are special products containing acids or alkalis. They soften the skin, and the side rollers are easily moved away with a wooden stick. At the end of the session, cuticle oil is applied to the periungual area.
  1. For a Brazilian manicure, gloves impregnated with a moisturizing emulsion with a complex of vitamins are used. They are put on the hands, and the emulsion in the gloves is distributed in the periungual area. The product is intensively rubbed into the skin with massage movements. The edges of the gloves are then cut off to free the fingers and peel off the skin with an orange stick. At the end of the session, the gloves are removed and excess emulsion is removed with a napkin.
  1. Japanese manicure uses mineral serum, natural oil, and algae scrub. Excess skin is removed with a gentle cuticle remover - a remover with fruit acids. Fingers and palms are massaged with bags of purified sand, flower petals, herbs, and aromatic oils. Nourishing and moisturizing products are applied to the skin.

How to trim the cuticle if it is tight?

A thick cuticle causes a lot of inconvenience for a nail technician. Sometimes you can get by with a European manicure, but the catch is that not all masters can aesthetically push back the cuticle. In this case, not only the European, but also the edged type of manicure will become a lifesaver.

To get rid of the thick skin above the nail, you should use a cuticle remover. It is applied and held for a few seconds or five minutes. It depends on how quickly the remedy will act. The remover thins the layer of keratinized skin, after which the skin can be cut off without any problems. The remaining part is moved away with a stick.

With constant use of peach oil, rough cuticles become softer.

Comparison of trimmed and untrimmed manicure

Advantages and disadvantages of the trimming method


  • Nails quickly acquire a well-groomed appearance.
  • Even heavily overgrown cuticles are easily removed.
  • Even damaged or abnormally growing nails can be treated.


  • Risk of infection due to complete removal of the cuticle.
  • Risk of cutting.
  • It becomes more difficult to remove the side ridges in the future due to the fact that the skin becomes tougher and grows faster.
  • If the skin is cut incorrectly, there is a high probability of deformation of the nails and the appearance of grooves on their surface.

Pros and cons of the no-edge method


  • The procedure is as safe as possible.
  • The skin is not injured.
  • There is no risk of penetration of bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms into the growth zone.
  • Only dead layers of skin are removed, and living cells still perform protective functions.


  • If the cuticle was previously trimmed, then after the first procedures of a trimless manicure the result will not be flawless. But it will be achieved in about 5 procedures.

What is cuticle

The cuticle is a protective leathery cushion that frames the base of the nail - the matrix. It serves as an obstacle to the penetration of bacteria and foreign bodies into the growth zone.

It consists of eponychium - the upper part, and pterygium - the lower layer, which grows to the nail plate and grows with it. How fast does the cuticle grow? A partial update lasts 14 days, and a full update lasts 21 days. It is within these time frames that it is recommended to perform hardware and trim manicures.

Nail structure and growth: what healthy nails and skin should look like, care rules

Why do you need to take care of your cuticle? Its edge is constantly growing and shedding dead dry cells. Over time, it peels off, cracks, tears, and causes burrs to appear. If an infection is added to this, reddish areas of inflammation appear.

To avoid this problem, it is necessary to take care of the cuticle and nails in a timely manner, take care of nourishing and moisturizing the skin, and remove keratinized dry edges. Let's take a closer look at the basic rules, procedures and cuticle care products. Everything must go together and be carried out systematically.

Use of oil

The first assistant in home care for the skin around the nail is a nourishing cuticle oil. Such products moisturize and nourish the skin, enrich it with vitamins, soften, restore and soothe. They need to be used daily. To do this, simply apply a drop of oil to each nail and rub vigorously into the periungual skin with massage movements.

There is a large selection of cuticle oils on sale:

  • in bottles with a brush or pipette dispenser;
  • made in the form of a pencil;
  • with different compositions and aromas;
  • with shimmer;
  • with mastic tree resin, cocoa extract, vitamins and other useful components.

Regular use of oils solves the problem of dry and stiff cuticles and prevents the appearance of cracks and hangnails. The skin becomes soft and elastic. In addition, the use of oils has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails. They become strong and beautiful, with a uniform structure and a healthy glow.


The oil is designed to nourish the skin around the nail with lipids, thickening it, protecting it from moisture loss, exposure to external moisture, and nourishing it with vitamins, minerals and organic acids. A few good brands:

  • Eveline Cosmetics Nail Therapy Professional Polish-made nail and cuticle oil, mass market, affordable price and excellent quality. Eveline oil helps not only with daily care, but also for treating inflammation and infections of the skin around the nail. The formula contains vitamins, mineral components, almond oil. Has a pleasant fruity smell. Claimed to be a nourishing agent for cuticles and nails.
  • Naomi Cuticle Oil

    Floral cuticle oil. You can choose aromas of lavender, vanilla, almond, orange, rose, lemon, grape seed, coconut, jojoba, apricot, lily and marula. Manufacturer – USA. Volume 15 ml. In addition to oils, it contains vitamins and minerals. Moisturizes, nourishes, and has a pleasant relaxing aroma.

  • TNL cuticle oil

    Flavors – strawberry, peach, pineapple, lemon, apple, cherry. Contains vitamins E and F. The oil can be purchased in both bottle and pencil format for ease of application. The products have a softening, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effect in case of hangnails. With prolonged use, the skin around the nail thickens and its growth rate slows down. Volume – 10 ml. Manufacturer: Russia; part of the line is produced in South Korea.

Creams and lotions

Hand lotions and creams are indispensable assistants in daily home care. Depending on the purpose and composition, they:

  • deeply moisturize the dermis;
  • supply it with nutrients;
  • protect from sun, wind, temperature changes;
  • soften the cuticle;
  • give it a healthy and attractive appearance;
  • do not allow dehydration;
  • increase elasticity;
  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • heal cracks and other damage;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • soothe, relieve irritation;
  • remove dryness and flaking;
  • give a healthy glow and well-groomed appearance;
  • maintain water balance;
  • improve metabolic processes.

It is advisable to apply cream or lotion after each hand washing. At a minimum, you should use a protective cream in the winter and a moisturizer with SPF filters in the summer before every trip outside. It is recommended to apply the nourishing cream at night, intensively rubbing into the skin of the hands and the periungual area.

Lifehacks for cuticle care

  1. The sun dries out and damages the skin of the hands and cuticles. Don't let this happen. When tanning, lubricate it generously with sunscreen or lotion.
  2. If you like shellac or often remove and paint your nails with nail polish, double the frequency of applying oils and creams.
  3. If you are for a European manicure, it is better to choose cuticle removers with fruit acids. They can be used more often without fear of drying out the periungual skin.
  4. If you are for the classics, choose only high-quality sharp hand-sharpened tweezers made of medical stainless steel. Our master recommends Silver Star.
  5. Massage the cuticles of each finger thoroughly for about a minute when using the cream.
  6. Buy products with a high content of vitamin E. It is this vitamin that keeps the skin young and elastic for many years.

Follow our tips and your nails will always be healthy and beautiful. If you have any questions, write in the comments and a specialist will answer you in a couple of hours.

Hand massage

Massage is another pleasant and useful procedure, for which it is not necessary to visit a salon. It is enough to have a little free time, nourishing oil, lotion or cream and the desire to take care of your hands. Just apply a little cosmetic product to your palms and massage them with smooth circular movements until completely absorbed.

Massage enhances the effect of the cosmetics used and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and nails:

  • softens the skin of the hands and cuticles;
  • increases its elasticity;
  • slows down the growth of leathery ridges around the nails;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • strengthens nails and stimulates their growth.

Oil pencil

It is still the same product as regular oil, but in a convenient format for daily use “on the run”. You can carry it in your purse or cosmetic bag, or take it on trips. At the end of such a pencil there is a convenient applicator or brush, through which the oil reaches the cuticle precisely. Let's look at a few popular ones:

  • OPI Cuticle Oil in pencil

    The manufacturer's line of oils includes 12 types of aromas. The product is easy to apply, quickly absorbed, softens and nourishes the skin around the nail. Volume – 5 ml. Economical.

  • Color Intense cuticle oil stick with tea tree In the same series you can choose products with oils of peach, grape seed, freesia, orange, etc. The bottle has a comfortable brush with soft bristles. Has a pleasant aroma. It is based on almond, marula and sunflower oil, kelp extract, tocopherol/vitamin E. It has an antibacterial effect and heals hangnails.
  • RuNail oil pencil

    The line includes more than 10 scents to choose from. Economical product. Volume – 5 ml. Often comes in sets of 3 pieces. Nourishes and strengthens nails and cuticles. The applicator is a brush with soft bristles. It has a pleasant aroma and thick oil consistency.

All about choosing and using nail and cuticle oil

Hand baths and peeling

Cosmetic baths are a simple and effective way to care for your hand skin at home. After the baths, the skin becomes soft and velvety, and the cuticles soften and are easily pushed back with an orange stick. It is advisable to do baths once a week.

To do this, take warm water and add useful ingredients to it, for example, sea salt or flavored salt manicure composition, soda, herbal infusion or your favorite aroma oil. After soaking, use a hand scrub to remove dead skin particles.

How to slow down cuticle growth

To significantly slow down the growth and renewal of the skin around the nail, it is recommended to apply an emollient or oil to it daily for 2 - 3 weeks, and then push it away with an orange stick or pusher. The cuticle becomes dense and short, we systematically remove dry pterygium by softening, and after the specified time it practically stops growing. It is only necessary to perform maintenance procedures 1-2 times a week.

What methods of caring for cuticles are in your beauty arsenal, what would you recommend as the best product or life hack?
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Paraffin therapy and other spa treatments

To make your hands shine with beauty and health, pamper them with spa treatments. They can also be carried out at home - for example, using cosmetic paraffin. He:

  • melts easily and quickly in a paraffin bath;
  • contains natural oils and vitamins;
  • perfectly moisturizes, softens and soothes the skin;
  • promotes its restoration;
  • improves blood flow;
  • initiates skin renewal and rejuvenation processes;
  • normalizes hydrolipid balance, condition of nails and cuticles;
  • eliminates microcracks, inflammation, wrinkles and other defects;
  • enhances the effect of cosmetics.

Paraffin therapy and other spa treatments are recommended to be carried out every 1-2 weeks.


A massage procedure for nails and cuticles is recommended as an addition to the manicure procedure. It can be performed separately and at home, 2-5 times a week, to improve blood circulation in the fingertips, thereby accelerating nail growth and tidying up the condition of the skin.

Performed using oil or cream as a base. This improves glide, and the products penetrate deeper into the cuticle and nail plates.

What oils can I use? Peach, almond, coconut, arnica, tea tree, and shea are suitable. They can also be mixed in equal proportions, a few drops on a palette or foil.

Recommended sequence of massage movements:

  1. After performing a manicure or at any convenient time, apply 1 drop of oil to the skin around each finger;
  2. Using gentle circular movements, massage the skin around the cuticle, slightly “hammering” the product under the skin;
  3. We squeeze the index and middle fingers of the second hand (if we do it for ourselves) into a lock and “grab” the finger with the first phalanges. We perform circular massage movements from the first to the third phalanx, as if sliding gradually. So we warm up the whole hand. Relieve tension in fingers;
  4. Using your thumb and index finger, squeeze the tip of your finger with the nail of your second hand every 3 seconds. Let go, repeat. This promotes blood flow to the fingertips and cuticle skin.
  5. Perform all movements in a complex. After the massage, apply nourishing cream to the entire area of ​​​​the hands.

Types of hand massage with instructions

Cold paraffin therapy

Especially for those who are too lazy to melt paraffin in a bath, a cold paraffin cream has been developed. This product has a rich natural composition, thanks to which:

  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • tone it up, increases elasticity;
  • helps maintain youth;
  • strengthens nails;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has a calming effect;
  • heals cracks;
  • solves the problem of burrs;
  • stimulates blood microcirculation and cell nutrition;
  • increases skin resistance to aggressive influences and diseases.

Cream paraffin is applied in a thick layer to clean hands, pre-treated with a scrub and nourishing cream or oil. Hands with paraffin cream applied to them are placed in plastic gloves and wrapped in cosmetic mittens or a warm towel. The procedure lasts 20 minutes and is carried out at intervals from 1 time (for prevention) to 2-3 times a week (for medicinal purposes). After the session, the gloves are removed, excess paraffin is removed with a napkin, and cream is applied to the hands.

Rescue products

Irregular care, improper use of manicure tools, aggressive external influences and other factors can lead to serious problems with the cuticle. The side folds of the skin may become inflamed, reddened, and covered with cracks. They often develop burrs and bleeding lesions. If measures are not taken, then even suppuration is possible, in which a trip to the hospital is inevitable.

In other cases, emergency treatment is also required, but it can be done at home:

  1. Bleeding wounds - treat with hydrogen peroxide, baneocin or other hemostatic agent with disinfectant properties. After this, apply a healing composition, for example, Cuticle repair wax for healing burrs and cuts from El Corazon. It will seal the wound, help quickly restore the periungual skin and prevent its inflammation.
  1. Damage to the dermis and nail plate due to allergic dermatitis or onycholysis - the REGENERATOR restoration product from Rosi will help. This provitamin complex has an absolutely natural composition and has a long-lasting antifungal effect. It normalizes the condition of the skin after dermatitis, softens it, removes inflammation and peeling, accelerates recovery processes, heals cracks and damage.
  1. “Capricious” cuticle – prone to dryness, inflammation, damage, cracks and hangnails. To care for rough periungual skin and problematic cuticles, 8 in 1 energetic argan oil from Rio Profi is suitable. With regular use, this product perfectly moisturizes the skin, enriches it with useful components, makes it soft and elastic. Nail & cuticle cream from Essence will also come to the rescue. In addition to caring for nails, it nourishes, softens, moisturizes, regenerates and protects problematic cuticles.
  1. Tendency to hangnails. SEREBRO cuticle wax will help you forget about this problem. It is easy to apply and reliably protects the skin from external influences, promoting its rapid healing.
  1. Hangnails that appear due to the habit of biting nails. The 3-in-1 No Bite Pro-Growth anti-gnawing product from the manufacturer El Corazon will help you get rid of this habit and its consequences. This matte treatment coating is applied to the bare nail or finished manicure. The product has an absolutely harmless composition, strengthens nails and helps to quickly get rid of hangnails. The secret of its effectiveness lies in its bitter taste, which reduces the urge to bite nails and helps you gradually get rid of this habit. The product is universal - suitable for use by adults and children, women and men.
  1. Sores, cuts and other minor skin damage. The wound-healing hand gel “Silk Gloves” from El Corazon will help quickly restore the integrity of the skin. It eliminates dryness and inflammation of the skin, making it smooth and elastic. Moreover, this gel creates the effect of invisible gloves that protect the delicate skin of your hands from external influences.

How to repair damaged cuticle

Sometimes it may seem that only a dermatologist can cure injured skin around the nails. But a client should be referred to a doctor only if there are visible signs of illness. These include purulent formations, detachments and changes in the color of the plate. If the cuticle is damaged, but without symptoms of fungus or inflammation, you can “save” it during a manicure using simple manipulations.

Cut off the injured pterygium with scissors. You cannot process it with cutters, especially rough diamond ones - this will only worsen the situation. The hardware method is only suitable for dry and healthy skin, but not for wet and wounded skin. Treat all cuts with an antiseptic; give preference to products without ethyl alcohol.

Natural oils will help restore the periungual area in the shortest possible time. Useful components deeply nourish and moisturize the skin, saturate it with vitamins and microelements, and form a protective film on its surface. Finally, convince the client to visit the master regularly, and then his hands will always look attractive and well-groomed.

Let's sum it up

In between visits to a manicurist, you need to take care of your cuticle every day and independently maintain it in a healthy state. First of all, you need to protect the delicate periungual skin from damage and regularly moisturize it.

The easiest way to take care of healthy and well-groomed cuticles is to use nourishing oils, moisturizing creams and lotions daily. In addition, do not forget to do hand baths, peeling, masks, paraffin therapy and other spa treatments at least once a week. Cherish your hands and don’t forget to take care of your cuticles, because the whole look of your manicure, the nutrition and health of your nails depend on it.

Cuticle remover

What is a remover? A cuticle remover is a cuticle remover that helps soften the skin around the nail plate, making it easier to remove. They come in the form of a cuticle remover gel, liquid or cream formulation. Some people use oil to remove cuticles, others use mineral or acidic products.

It should be noted that the density, composition and release form of the remover do not affect the result of its action on the skin. Therefore, you can choose what is more pleasant and convenient for you to use.

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