European manicure. Permanent polishing of nails

European manicure is a safe manicure. This hand care technique is actively used in Europe, and in our country it is only gaining popularity.

You can do a good manicure yourself at home. Many women are sure that a high-quality manicure means steaming your hands in a bowl of water for half an hour, and then cutting the cuticles with injuries and cuts.

But such a procedure can be pleasant if you use the European manicure technique. Often ladies do not follow the development of the salon industry and are not aware of new products. They do not understand that they are missing out on their chance to look more impressive and beautiful with a new type of manicure that is restorative and completely painless.

How does European manicure differ from classic manicure?

The technology of European manicure consists in the use of special tools and medicinal mixtures. Answering the question: how does European manicure differ from classic manicure, it should be said that classic is a trimming process using nippers and scissors, and European is an unedged manicure.

To file the nail plate, a file with special fine chips sprayed using innovative technology is used, and to remove the cuticle, a special liquid product is used - “removal” or “remover”. A wooden stick with a delicate texture is suitable for peeling away the delicate skin.

European manicure is a pleasant procedure, during which a woman will not wince in pain when cutting her skin, as in the usual process, but will enjoy and have fun.

Products for European manicure

European care is suitable for absolutely all women!

Important: If nature has endowed you with a dense cuticle, then be patient to get it in order. You will have to go through several consecutive sessions. As a result, you will be able to enjoy your beautiful hands!

You can hear talk among women that you can remove delicate skin with a laser file, and this is included in this type of care. This opinion is considered erroneous. A laser file does not cause injury to the skin, but it can damage the thin cuticle. Therefore, only rough skin on the fingers is processed with this tool, but the cuticle is not touched.

Rough tissue appears around the nail plate after classic trimmed manicure. First, treating one finger with a special nail file will take up to 5 minutes. If you regularly take care of your hands, then you will spend much less time on this procedure.

Important: Do not forget to clean the file after use with a brush.

A liquid for European manicure, such as a remover, must be included in a European manicure set. Many ladies do not use it, fearing the ingredients.

Important: The remover contains fruit acids, which help soften and quickly remove the cuticle. If you do not use this remover, then the technology of European manicure will be disrupted. You will have to use regular wire cutters to trim the thin skin.

Step-by-step instruction

The technique for performing an unedged manicure is very simple. You will need a minimum set of tools and special cosmetics to do a manicure at home:

  • nail file;
  • nail scissors;
  • scissors or rounded scissors;
  • nail file or buff for polishing;
  • nourishing oil and cuticle remover (oil, gel, cream);
  • hand cream.

After studying the instructions on how to do an unedged manicure at home, you can easily do it yourself. The video at the end of the article will help you visually consolidate your knowledge.

Step 1. Preparatory phase

So, an unedged manicure begins step by step with the stage at which you have to clean your nails and steam the skin of your hands. Use nail polish remover to remove the old coating. Nails must be perfectly clean.

If you want to try an unedged wet manicure, we will give you one piece of advice. You can replace lotions and oils at home with lemon juice. Acidic water softens the cuticle very well. If your choice is a hot bath, then instead of special cosmetics, try olive oil.

Have you decided to give yourself a dry, unedged manicure? Skip this point and watch an interesting video lesson. The video clearly demonstrates the technique of performing a manicure without preliminary steaming.

Step 2. Length and shape of nails

For substantial trimming of nails, use nail scissors. Using a file, give the free edge the desired shape. To prevent your nails from peeling, follow three rules.

  1. File the ends only in one direction that is convenient for you.
  2. During the procedure, nails must be dry. Therefore, if you decide to use a wet or hot type of manicure, adjust the shape of the free edge in advance or thoroughly dry the nail plate after the bath.
  3. How to properly file nails? Hold the file perpendicular to the free edge, i.e. at an angle of 90°, as in the photo.

Step 3. Working with the cuticle

In a European manicure, to soften the cuticle, you can use cosmetics that contain lactic and fruit acids:

  • vitamin cream;
  • gel (oil) to soften or remove cuticles.

Apply the product to the skin around, but without getting on the nail itself, and leave for 1-3 minutes. The holding time should be adjusted depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

Next, using an orange stick or a metal spatula (if the skin is rough), you can push the cuticle to the base of the nail plate or clean it off, as shown in the photo. The second option will be possible only if you have very thin skin, or you do a European unedged manicure 5-7 times in a row. The side rollers are cleaned in the same way.

Step 4. Moisturize and nourish

An important point is to moisturize the skin around the nail plate. Cosmetic oil is applied to the cuticle and side ridges. The product not only soothes irritated areas, but also has an antibacterial effect. Don't forget about the skin of your hands, which also needs your care. Apply moisturizer and treat yourself to a relaxing massage.

Step 5. Final touch

Finally, you can polish your nails with a special nail file or buff. This will give them a healthy shine, as in the photo.

If desired, apply a base or decorative coat after degreasing your nails with nail polish remover.

Now you know how to do a European manicure. To consolidate the knowledge gained, we invite you to watch the video. After all, it is better to see once than to read 100 times. Elena will tell you in detail how to do a wet unedged manicure at home. The technique is extremely simple; you will not have any difficulties in giving your nails the perfect appearance.

European manicure: step-by-step technology

A European manicure begins with hand disinfection and site preparation. The step-by-step execution technology consists of the following stages:

1. Remove old varnish using acetone-free liquid

2. Using a laser file, give the nail plate the correct shape

3. Apply a thin layer of remover to the cuticle. Tissue breakdown occurs

4. Place your hands in a bowl of warm water

5. Remove the skin using a wooden stick. Make movements from the center to the edges

Important: At this stage, do not apply force so as not to damage the dense tissue of the nail.

6. Remove the substance with a cotton pad soaked in water

7. Treat the skin and cuticles with oil to nourish

8. Treat the nail plate with polisher

9. Apply a nail mixture based on special hardeners. It will help restore fragile nail tissues

10. Now design as you like

By using this type of manicure, the polish will last longer, and your hands will be beautiful and attractive.

European manicure at home

Any woman wants to make her hands look spectacular on her own, because there is no need to make an appointment with a specialist and then rush to the procedure. European manicure at home can be done during the day or in the evening, when you have a free minute.

Important: Prepare a separate table for this procedure so that you can sit comfortably. Lay out all the tools and supplies, turn on some light music and start leaving.

You can get together with your girlfriends and have pleasant conversations about life. This will help you take your mind off daily problems. Such relaxation, enjoying a pleasant atmosphere and a manicure session will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Photos before and after the procedure

The effect after the first European manicure procedure may not always be impressive, since for very neglected nails you will have to spend at least 3 sessions to achieve an ideal appearance. This type of manicure is also suitable for men. The result of such a procedure is easy to notice by comparing photos before and after its implementation.

European hardware manicure

European and hardware hand care are two different types. Often ladies come to the master to get a manicure, like European women.

But their hands are very neglected, then the specialist suggests saving some stages of the technology of one and applying certain stages of another type of care. This cannot be avoided when a woman has imperfections on her nails: fine ribbing is visible, the nail is peeling and covered with micro damage.

Important: Contact a specialist who can easily use a manicure device. After all, if you mishandle the attachments, you can damage the nail plate.

Use a technical device if you need to perform additional procedures: correct the shape or level the surface. To correct other imperfections, use a modern European manicure - safe for the skin and nails.


Olga, 45 years old. Ekaterinburg During my life I have tried a lot of different manicures. My blood vessels are located very close to the skin, so every trip to the specialist ended in wounds and unpleasant painful sensations. In one of the programs I learned that such wounds can also cause infection. For some time I tried to do everything at home on my own, because I am confident in my tools. But very quickly the appearance of my nails deteriorated. A friend advised me to go for a dry manicure. I was in a negative mood. But I went. For about 40 minutes the girl-master worked magic on my hands, and I did not take my eyes off her work, expecting cuts and blood. But they were not there. I left the master with beautiful hands without a single cut. Since then, only dry manicure. It became a pleasant discovery for me and I’m not ready to exchange it back for a trim manicure yet.

European combined manicure

  • This type of manicure care is also called mixed. It will be offered to a woman if it is impossible to do only a European manicure and she needs to remove some defect with the help of nippers. Thin and dry skin is not cut, and burrs will have to be removed using a metal tool
  • This combination can be made using the “wet” or “dry” method. At the end of the mixed manicure, nail design is performed. European combined manicure is an individual approach and maximum efficiency

European unedged manicure

Like any process, this type of care has its pros and cons. In our country, a European unedged manicure can completely replace classic care. In Europe, women use only this type of safe procedure to treat the nail plate and skin of the fingers. All the ladies who constantly use it to care for their hands note the following advantages:

  • bloodless processing technique eliminates the possibility of fungal infection
  • gentle effect on the skin - painless process and absence of cuts and other injuries
  • owners with delicate skin can independently perform such care every three days
  • If you carry out untrimmed procedures, the growth of the cuticle slows down, so your nails will remain well-groomed and beautiful for a long time

Disadvantages of European manicure:

  • the first effect will appear after the first session, and the result can be consolidated only after several procedures
  • Ladies with delicate skin may experience a burning sensation after treating the cuticle with a special product

Important: If irritation appears on your fingers after this procedure, then you should postpone using this type of care for a while. You will have to make hand baths and lubricate the skin with a soothing cream. After some time, you can resume the procedure.

  • This manicure option is not suitable for ladies with extended nails

Pros and cons of European manicure

As we have already said, this manicure is the safest. By doing a European manicure, you will never get a terrible disease, and also protect your skin from cracks. This manicure technique takes little time and is perfect for women with small children. Unedged manicure is quite economical, because the set includes only the most inexpensive items. Thanks to French manicure, you will no longer have to experience discomfort after unsuccessfully trimming the skin.

European manicure is not suitable for women and men with thick cuticles . More precisely, it is still possible to switch to it, but it requires a lot of time and effort. Moreover, unedged manicure requires more care.

Whatever type of manicure you choose, remember that nails should always be well-groomed, because hands are the calling card of every woman. They are the ones who attract the attention of others and can become a powerful argument and a fundamental factor that will form the first impression of you.

European manicure and pedicure

  • It is important for every woman to keep her hands youthful, because they show age. Many people argue that it is difficult to determine age from the hands of European women, since they know how to take care of themselves. It is high-quality European manicure and pedicure that allows a lady not to have complexes and not be embarrassed about her appearance
  • Many girls deny themselves the pleasure of going to the salon and getting their hands in order because of the trimming process in manicure. After all, you can become infected with something if the master performs trimming procedures with the same tools on all clients. Nowadays, every lady can safely visit a beauty salon, get a European manicure and enjoy her attractiveness and beauty.

Contraindications and side effects

Correctly performing a dry European manicure is not as easy as it seems, especially if it is a hardware one. As a rule, the majority of clients, out of habit, choose an edger, and many craftsmen simply do not have enough hands to do such work.

A master without experience or the necessary skills can cause serious harm to his client. When polishing the nail or pushing back the cuticle, you can seriously damage the nail plate, even leaving large grooves on it. In addition, if the master is incompetent, the procedure can be quite painful, especially when using a device for hardware dry manicure. A person may feel unpleasant vibrations and a strong burning sensation.

An important feature of dry manicure is that it does not leave the cleanliness that a classic edged manicure can provide. Steaming the skin makes it possible to completely remove the entire cuticle; it is almost impossible to do this with an orange stick.

Dry manicure is not recommended if your nails are neglected; to get them in order you need to steam your hands and cut off dead skin.

In order for an unedged manicure to be of high quality and not cause harm, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a specialist and not skimp on it.

European cut manicure

  • As mentioned above, there is a European edged manicure. In other words, it is called combined or mixed. This type of care is used when it is necessary to get rid of hangnails. They are cut using wire cutters. At other stages, cutting metal tools are not used
  • To keep your manicure fresh for a long time, you should take care of your hands more carefully, using baths, hand masks and creams. These products will help get rid of hangnails, which means your manicure will be fresh and beautiful for a long time.

Tools and materials

Not a single hand care procedure is complete without the use of auxiliary products. European manicure is no exception. It is noteworthy that to perform it you need a minimum of tools. More attention is paid here to the use of high-quality cosmetics.

Here's what you'll need:

  • a product that softens the cuticle;
  • pusher (it can be replaced with a wooden stick);
  • nailfile;
  • buff for polishing;
  • nutritious cream;
  • oil.

If there are burrs, you will have to use tweezers to remove them.

It’s also worth saying a few words about the choice of files. Since European manicure is performed on natural nails, do not choose a tool that is too hard. A universal choice can be a saw-bar, with edges of different abrasiveness. However, such a tool is not convenient for everyone.

Pumice for European manicure

  • Pumice is a natural material. Such porous volcanic glass is formed after the release of gases during the solidification of lava (acidic and medium)
  • Pumice is great for European manicure, because the main feature of such care is the use of natural materials
  • Manicure with pumice can be used by women who are allergic to chemicals.

Important: Pumice stone should be in the bathroom of every woman who wants to fight age-related external changes and roughening of the skin of the hands or feet. Manicure with this material is distinguished by its delicacy and naturalness.

Hot European manicure

  • Hot manicure is an elite manicure that combines increased efficiency and benefits for tissues
  • When using this type of care, the skin of your hands and nails will be transformed beyond recognition
  • Unique water procedures with medicinal oil and cream help solve the problem of restoring the epidermis after damaging external influences
  • A hot European manicure is an excellent hydration and intensive restoration. The concentration of beneficial microelements increases under the influence of high temperature
  • This type of care is used by beauties to restore the nail plate after the nail extension procedure. Ideal for dry epidermis. Can be used if there are skin imperfections - cracks, microtraumas and other damage to the epidermis

European manicure – gel polish

Just recently, women visited beauty salons weekly to get their hands in order. On your own, without certain skills, it was difficult to do the necessary hygiene procedures or draw a design on your nails.

Currently, European manicure is becoming increasingly popular, and gel polish allows every beauty to get a salon manicure at home.

Important: Before applying shellac to your nails after a European manicure, treat the nail plate with a base coat. You need to apply a top coat to colored gel polish - this is important.

After applying all the coatings, you can dry your nails in a UV lamp. A home manicure, just like in a salon, should be done once every two weeks.

Important: Do not forget to degrease it with special means before applying coatings to your nails.

How to remove gel polish correctly

Gel polish is a very durable material, which is not so easy to remove. It is possible to perform the procedure at home. This will require time, a certain tool and a special composition for removing gel polish from nails.

For use at home, people most often buy inexpensive gel polish remover from the Severina brand. There are two types on sale: “Severina Professional” liquid for more expensive gel polishes, which are easily removed from nails, and “Super-effective gel”, which dissolves almost any gel polish (even from an inexpensive price category). For professional use it is better to use more expensive products. Also, almost any brand that produces gel polishes in the line has its own recommended compositions for removing coatings.


  • First, cut off the finish layer (top) with a rough file;

  • Next, take cotton pads, soak them in gel polish remover, place each pad on the nail and tightly wrap each finger with foil.

The exposure time for each product is different, as a rule, it is 20-30 minutes.

  • After the product has taken effect, remove the foil and carefully clean off the gel polish with an orange stick. If there are small irregularities left, you can clean them up using a buff.

Men's European manicure

  • A modern man is attracted not only by his intelligence and charm, but also by his spectacular appearance. Nowadays, men take care of themselves and get their nails done.
  • Men's European manicure is very popular among the stronger sex. They like safe, untrimmed hand care.
  • Many young people refuse to polish the nail plate and cover it with a colorless varnish. This is wrong, because with a glossy shine, nails look well-groomed and healthy

European manicure photo

At first, after switching from a classic manicure to a European one, there will be unusual sensations - burning and discomfort.

After a few sessions, the skin will get used to it, and such care will be a joy. Numerous photos will help you see what your hands look like after a European manicure.

European manicure: tips and reviews

Easy, pleasant, a real helper for a woman - all this is said in reviews about European manicure. The advice of many ladies suggests that all girls should switch to such an unedged manicure, because it is safe care.

Many women regret that they did not switch to the European manicure technique earlier. After all, constant injury to the cuticle and its cutting does not add health to the nails and skin of the hands. Only careful treatment will help make the nail plate and skin healthy and beautiful.

If you are still in doubt about whether to give up classic care or not, do just one session of a European manicure and all doubts will immediately disappear. Feel the pleasant sensations and appreciate the excellent guaranteed results!

How to switch to an unedged manicure

Those who love the “easy” way are probably interested in the question of how to switch to an unedged manicure, and also how much time, nerves and effort this will require on their part or on the part of the master. In fact, this time period is purely individual. For some girls, the cuticle naturally grows quite slowly and they will see an obvious positive result after the second procedure. Some are much less fortunate. Those with epidermis in the active phase of renewal need to prepare themselves for the result, but only after 5-7 skincare rituals in the European style.

In addition, ProstoNail experts recommend that if you decide to switch to an unedged manicure, start preparing your hand skin and cuticles in advance, regularly lubricating it with essences, emulsions and nourishing, dense creams with a high glycerin content. It is this component that holds water molecules inside the cells and prevents moisture from evaporating, keeping the skin presentable. Also be prepared for the fact that during the “transition” period you will somehow have to use tools, as well as your manicure set, in order to remove hangnails or dry skin.

How to do an unedged manicure at home (step by step)

Surely you are already intrigued and eager to learn how to do an unedged manicure so that your nails and cuticles will thank you afterwards. We won’t torment and torment you, but will immediately reveal all the cards in step-by-step instructions that you must read and follow:

  • first determine the desired length and remove any excess using a medium-hard nail file. Avoid using scissors; they say that cutting the length with scissors afterward provokes delamination of the natural nail plates, so replace them with files;
  • Now it’s time for the second, but no less important step - shaping the nail plates. Regardless of what shape it is - almond-shaped, oval or square, your movements with the file should be clear and coordinated, in one direction - from the periphery to the center of the nail;
  • Now put your hands in a bath of warm water, where you can add a pinch of mineralized sea salt, a couple of drops of iodine or lemon juice, a little essential oil or natural extract from medicinal plants. This will not just steam the skin, but will also saturate it with important components that are directly involved in internal metabolic processes;
  • after the bath, wet your hands with a paper or cotton towel and apply a special remover to the cuticle, leaving it for 5-8 minutes;
  • Use a cotton pad to remove any remaining remover from the skin and take an orange stick. Using a stick, gently push the remaining cuticle towards the root of the nail. Of course, at first, especially when switching from a classic manicure to an unedged manicure, you will need tweezers or scissors with which you can remove the remnants of the cuticle. However, over time this will no longer be necessary;
  • Now you can apply a nourishing oil that slows down growth to the treated area of ​​the nail bed;
  • If you plan to continue the manicure process and cover your nails with colored varnish, then do not forget to remove excess oil, degrease the nail plates and continue to act according to the standard, familiar scheme, enjoying the perfect result of the manipulations performed.

Now you know how to do an unedged manicure with a minimum of time and effort, and our detailed photos will only strengthen your confidence that even a beginner can easily carry out this process.

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